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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Vortex itself can be installed anywhere you like - it's unwise to change it from the default unless you 100% know what you're doing. The mod staging folder for the game that is important. (Settings -> Mods -> Mod Staging Folder) For most games this must be on the same HDD as the game and that hard drive has to be using an NTFS file system.
  2. This is intentional, posting an email address is most often used for two reasons: A user accidentally exposing their Personal Information. A spam post Any post that contains an email address has to be manually vetted. It's a little annoying, but it does block the cases mentioned above.
  3. Please email [email protected] from the email used for you account. You should send any proof of purchase you have available so we can investigate. Note: Due to the holiday period, our response time may be slower than usual.
  4. You have to be more specific about crashing. What's it doing? What are you doing when it happens? Are there any error messages?
  5. Thanks for the report, we'll get this sorted.
  6. This is unrelated to the OP. Although may look similar. Go to extensions and click show bundled. Then verify the extension for collections is enabled. If it's not, I don't know how you disabled it without realising but that's what needs to be enabled. Failing that the specific error would be useful. Please include a screenshot.
  7. This will be your browser addons or settings. Or you're clicking the Vortex button without Vortex installed.
  8. There isn't a specific place. It's not really popular enough to have it's own place. You can post in the general forums or the Skyrim game section.
  9. This thread is fairly old now. It's generally better to start a new one for a new issue. Make sure you haven't included any emoji characters as these cause the form to fail.
  10. I can confirm the ability to lock comments will also be removed. It was an oversight and got missed from the original ticket. There are so many features and options on mod pages sometimes they just get forgotten.
  11. According to the logs, you opted out of the DP system entirely 2024-11-24 18:47:09 (GMT) which opted out all of your mods. This can only be done by you or someone with access to your account from this page https://next.nexusmods.com/settings/donations Unfortunately as the mods were opted out when the report was generated there's not anything we can do. In regards to your username I will fix that up for you if I remember, but I can only do it from our office and I won't be back there until after Christmas now.
  12. Your mod must be opted in on the last day of the month to qualify. All downloads from that month will be counted. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/112-donation-points-faq#How-are-the-Donation-Points-Reports-generated-NreUl It looks like you changed your username and it hasn't updated here yet so I can't find your site profile. If all your mods opted out, that usually means you opted out of the DP system entirely in your settings.
  13. Those mods are either not downloaded by the account you're logged in as, were downloaded by more than 30,000 files ago (so don't appear in the history anymore) or there was a blip in recording downloads when you pulled them. It's hard to say, I will pass this thread to our dev team but the capacity to look into this kind of thing is quite low over the holidays.
  14. I hadn't even heard of Parallaxgen before today - I've not played Skyrim in a while! I will try and read up on exactly how it all works but @JustThatKing (who is on annual leave) has kindly given me a little more context on this issue. If this is the case you'd need permission from the original creators of the assets to distribute this content, as is the standard for any modification to mod content created by other users. The onus would be on the mod list curator to obtain that permission. Alternatively, they can provide instructions for the user to run the required tool at the end of the process to generate the required files themselves. It doesn't look like it does something so fundamental the game would be broken without it. As far as sharing it if you do have the required permission. Collections have always allowed you to ship "Bundled mods" with them and this is a perfect use case for using that. Similarly, we allow binary patches to be shipped which may be a way to include the tweaks to the models without distributing the entire file. It also prevents the spam of mod pages that contain content which is entirely non-functional without a specific mod list installed. If you're not using Collections or need to use a mod page for some reason, there should only really be a single mod page per mod list and it contains all the supplementary files - unless there's a compelling reason to split it up. Happy to discuss further, but I'm going to be AFK for the holidays shortly so I don't currently have the time to dive into the nitty gritty myself.
  15. If it doesn't work with a VPN (assuming Vortex's traffic is being routed through the VPN) then that would imply it's something on the PC specifically causing it.
  16. Hmm ok, that is the normal way to do it. Usually, it doesn't cause any problems. Perhaps it was just a blip that it couldn't scan it then.
  17. They could, yes. But they have to waste their time sticking around to keep on top of the comments section to do so. Most of these posts are a "drop and run" so they don't even look at the page once it's published.
  18. I've cleared the file for you. To avoid this in future, please make sure you're using something like Windows to create the ZIP file. Some tools make them in weird ways which get them blocked.
  19. I can see 7,000+ entries in your download history: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=download+history Please ensure you're using the link above. If you're using a game-specific link it's filtered by that game e.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/myaccount?tab=download+history
  20. It sounds like you simply haven't enabled the plugins. Try installing a main menu replacer to verify that it's working as intended. If this isn't working then it's possible your mods aren't being deployed. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19746
  21. I can't recall off-hand but I don't think the order of the DLCs actually matters. The game will always load them in the correct order regardless of what the load order says.
  22. No, they go in the same folder in Vortex so they will appear for both games. You can go into the downloads tab after the file is downloaded, double click it and change the games it applies to in the side panel. I can't recall if this can be done in batches though
  23. This isn't likely to be Vortex (especially if it's closed!). You might want to look at your plugins.txt file as apps that edit it often wrote a comment at the top of the file to say they were the last to edit it. The only thing that doesn't do this is the game itself.
  24. Skyrim SE and VR use the same section of the website and always have, so the downloads appear for both games.
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