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  1. Pickysaurus's post in Error 403. I cant to login. was marked as the answer   
    Please see this issue, 401 and 403 are very similar so it's almost certainly the same problem https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=127008210
  2. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Login Error was marked as the answer   
    There is a pinned thread with common solutions in it: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=127008210
    We're aware of this problem and it should be fixed in the next major release.
  3. Pickysaurus's post in Cannot download mods using vortex was marked as the answer   
    This is covered in the pinned thread. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=127008210
    I have hidden several needlessly rude/confrontational comments from this thread and locked it.
  4. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex not starting: extension failed to load was marked as the answer   
    Follow the instructions in the message or check the pinned solutions post.
  5. Pickysaurus's post in Am I doing collections wrong? Do I have to download each individual mod in a collection? was marked as the answer   
    This is answered in multiple other threads on this forum and our FAQs: https://modding.wiki/en/nexusmods/collections/FAQ#why-do-i-as-a-free-user-have-to-go-to-each-mod-page-individually
  6. Pickysaurus's post in cyclical rules was marked as the answer   
    Plugins and mods are different, you need to managing plugins under the "Plugins" tab using the "Manage Rules" and "Manage Groups" options on the toolbar.
  7. Pickysaurus's post in Baldur LSLib Problem was marked as the answer   
    Vortex might need an update to support the full release of BG3
  8. Pickysaurus's post in how do i fix this was marked as the answer   
    Edit the tools on your dashboard and either update or remove the xEdit one
  9. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex will not load was marked as the answer   
    Try renaming the %appdata%\Vortex folder to something else and see if it starts up. If it works, your Vortex state (the internal settings and database) was corrupted.
  10. Pickysaurus's post in Error *status 400* when downloading, not sure how to fix was marked as the answer   
    If you're using the beta of Vortex and it happens around every six hours this is a known issue and should be fixed before the beta goes to stable
  11. Pickysaurus's post in Technical support please was marked as the answer   
    You need to go to Settings -> Mods and moving the "Mod Staging Folder" to the same HDD as the game.
    Clicking "Suggest" next to this field will likely fix it.
  12. Pickysaurus's post in Nexus will not download mods to vortex was marked as the answer   
    Go to Settings -> Download in Vortex and toggle the option to handle links off and on
  13. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex will download mods but wont install was marked as the answer   
    Try this solution https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=124190193
    It sounds like your .NET install is broken.
  14. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Downloads folder Problem was marked as the answer   
    To completely start over you can delete the "Vortex" folder under "%Appdata%" from there you might want to use the "Suggest" options for both the downloads and staging folder locations.
  15. Pickysaurus's post in plugins not loading all Mods was marked as the answer   
    If the plugins don't show in the plugins tab of Vortex then either your mods haven't deployed (check the notifications) or the mods don't have plugins.
  16. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex Force Installing Unnecessary Extensions was marked as the answer   
    They're not unnecessary or they wouldn't download automatically. It's much like Windows Updates. Some of them fix features you'll never use but improve the overall stability and quality of the app.
  17. Pickysaurus's post in Automatically Download Collections was marked as the answer   
  18. Pickysaurus's post in Where did my plugins tab go? was marked as the answer   
    Please check the pins or search the forum before posting. It's answered in the pinned post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=124189977
  19. Pickysaurus's post in Game not found was marked as the answer   
    Read the prompts carefully. You're selecting the FOLDER not a file
  20. Pickysaurus's post in How to: Unstack different versions of a mod, or how to delete previous downloaded versions of an enabled mod in bulk was marked as the answer   
    Right-click -> Remove Related
    This option should allow you to select some/all previous versions to remove.
  21. Pickysaurus's post in Collection asking me to download premium, when I've already bought it. was marked as the answer   
    Update from bgman2001 on Discord
  22. Pickysaurus's post in Failed to purge was marked as the answer   
    You can ignore this, just having the game in "Managed" doesn't do anything on its own.
    You should manage the game and attempt solve whatever error comes up to unmanage it properly.
    Alternatively, you can go into "Extensions" and disable the extension for Factorio to hide it from Vortex all together.
  23. Pickysaurus's post in "Error: Failed to parse manifest: "Unexpected token [broken jank name]... is not valid JSON"" was marked as the answer   
    Try going into your data folder in Fallout 4 and delete the vortex_deployment.json file.
  24. Pickysaurus's post in Skyrim legacy of the dragonborn help was marked as the answer   
    You should either post on the mod page or in the Skyrim SE forums. This is unrelated to Vortex.
  25. Pickysaurus's post in Failed to set game mode (NieR: Automata) was marked as the answer   
    As the error says, the required folder is missing.
    For help with this game extension I recommend contacting the developer here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/568
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