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  1. Pickysaurus's post in Unable to download a particular mod. Vortex or Manual. Weaponsmith Extended for Fallout4. was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, it would seem your connection is the issue. If the download is corrupt at the end of the process it means there has been significant packet loss. 
  2. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex FOMOD logical changed after last update its causing crashes was marked as the answer   
    The FOMOD is invalid (as the error says). Here's a more in-depth explanation. https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/developer/mod-installer-repair
  3. Pickysaurus's post in Two annoying issues with using Vortex for Cyberpunk 2077 was marked as the answer   
    If you're clicking "Check for updates (Full)" that would be why it's so slow. This does manually check each page, the optimised version should be considerably faster and just as accurate. 
  4. Pickysaurus's post in Extensions was marked as the answer   
    Vortex downloads extensions it requires to function automatically. You should just leave them alone. 
  5. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex cannot install mods. was marked as the answer   
    This looks like a case of broken .NET 6 or C++ Redistributables - or just borked permissions on your install location for Vortex. Did you install Vortex to Program Files (as is recommended)? 
  6. Pickysaurus's post in Borderlands 2 not existing in the games manager was marked as the answer   
    Borderlands 2 is not supported by Vortex.
    You can see a list of supported games in the "Games" tab or by looking here: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/
  7. Pickysaurus's post in You have to be logged into nexus with same account was marked as the answer   
    Try logging out and back into Vortex. It looks like your session may be corrupted. 
  8. Pickysaurus's post in How to restore mod rules from a collection after user changed them (accidentally) was marked as the answer   
    Right-click on the collection in the Mods table. An option to do this has been added in one of the latest releases. 
  9. Pickysaurus's post in Unable to access profiles on Vortex was marked as the answer   
    Settings -> Interface -> Enable Profile Management
  10. Pickysaurus's post in "No compatible game being managed" was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure what users are doing to cause this. Make sure you have the latest version of Vortex. Every report I've seen so far was an outdated copy of Vortex and was fixed when they updated 
  11. Pickysaurus's post in Skyrim mods download for VR instead of SE. was marked as the answer   
    Skyrim SE and VR use the same section of the website and always have, so the downloads appear for both games. 
  12. Pickysaurus's post in Adding Dividers like in MO2 was marked as the answer   
    If you click the "Group" button on the category header you can achieve pretty much exactly what you're asking. 

    If you don't like the site-given category you can also create your own. 
  13. Pickysaurus's post in Invalid URL error when attempting to install collection was marked as the answer   
    This is a bug introduced by a website update this morning. We're fixing it now. Sorry about that! 
  14. Pickysaurus's post in Baldur's Gate 3 Extension Failed was marked as the answer   
    This issue was resolved years ago. If you are still seeing it update Vortex to the latest version and ensure that you uninstall any old BG3 support extensions from the extensions section. 1.5.3 is the latest version. 
  15. Pickysaurus's post in How do I make chrome manually download mods not Vortex? was marked as the answer   
    NMM hasn't been supported since 2016. If you need help with it you'll need to contact the current maintainers. 
    Vortex has an option in the downloads section of Settings to control if it handles downloads from the site or not. 
  16. Pickysaurus's post in Consistent problem downloading 1k+ mod collections was marked as the answer   
    After looking at the results of the test I did yesterday, we've decided the best course of action right now is to increase the daily API quota from 10,000 to 20,000. This should allow 2-3 large collections to be downloaded per day. 
    While it is still possible to hit the limit, it should be harder to do so. 
  17. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex can't find game...TCG Card Simulator was marked as the answer   
    This is a detection issue, it looks like your EXE file is different. 
    You can report it to the extension creator here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1058
  18. Pickysaurus's post in Fallout 4 Groups Changed in Vortex was marked as the answer   
    Please see this thread for info on this issue: 
  19. Pickysaurus's post in Vortex automation settings have no effect. was marked as the answer   
    The automation settings do not apply to collections, they never have. 
    Those errors are usually suppressed though, restarting the app might help. Some of them will show regardless though - the downloads not finalised ones are important so they appear when you download a corrupted file. 
  20. Pickysaurus's post in Cyberpunk is MISSING from Vortex was marked as the answer   
    You can install game extensions directly from their associated download page if your setup is so messed up you can't find it in the app. 

  21. Pickysaurus's post in Question about possible Vortex app feature was marked as the answer   
    We won't be building this into Vortex, but it may be possible to add it to our new app when that is fully developed. 
  22. Pickysaurus's post in need help. /AppData/Roaming/Vortex/skyrimse/mods/ and recovering from a massive cluster---- was marked as the answer   
    You should never remove these files manually, it should be done in the Vortex UI.
    If you want to do this in batch Ctrl + A, Ctrl + Click and Shift + Click all work in the mods table. 
  23. Pickysaurus's post in Nexus can't check for skyrim mods was marked as the answer   
    Please manually install the latest version of Vortex over your current install to fix this. 
    You have a super old version that cannot auto-update. 
  24. Pickysaurus's post in Issues after moving to new Drive was marked as the answer   
    You have a very, very old version of Vortex installed. Please update to the latest version and try again. 
  25. Pickysaurus's post in how do I change the game store where it launches the game from!? was marked as the answer   
    Go to the Games tab, find Subnautica, click the little menu on the card and select "Manually Set Location". Pick the folder for your Steam install and restart Vortex once it has been accepted. 

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