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About robertoskyrim

  1. My game is one of the first versions, no steam, just a serial required.
  2. I did it, but it says only "subscribed"... My game ie external to steam.
  3. Hello to all. Some mods are found only on steam workshop, how can i download from there??? Thanks
  4. Hi, i have sent a message to support about new features ideas, more than a month ago but no answer...... please check it :)
  5. Someone of you is able to create a mod that give collision to grass so when the character walks on grass, this will move? Or maybe a fake way to do this... see this (just to understand what i mean, not about the technique): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ideII5c8o Something similar has been made for morrowind, look at this: In skyrim, grass animation depends on some wind settings, right? I don't know if the grass animation is a fixed animation and the wind manage the speed/direction of that animation.
  6. Mmmm i speak to fast... It seems that movement animations are not tracked. Do you know a way to do it?
  7. Hi to all, i am creating a first person mod but before of it i need to create a papyrus debug tool that shows what animation is called when the player is moving. I mean, i click W on keyboard, the player start move forward and on screen (or in a log file) appears "animation MT_walkforward" is called on pressing W I am a very beginner to papyrus, how can i do it? Thanks...
  8. Hi, yesterday i tried JoP in a fresh install, for a few hours. I think that one of the things that you should keep from the vanilla 1st person is the arms rotation with the camera. Actually, with JoP if you look down the ground, your arms with weapon are not lowered but if you attack, the attack "damage" is done to the cursor position. This is very strange and annoying, for my personal taste. Maybe it should be good to rotate the arms. What do you think? Great job, anyway.
  9. Ok i started to learn how to edit animations, i am following this tutorial: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15238 I have converted animation hkx files to kf files. I have found that base walk animation is mt_walkforward.hkx Run animation is mt_runforward.hkx In game, i found that when you run the camera is bobbing vertically, after some analysis i found that the bobbing effect is from mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx Also the walk animation has mt_walkforwardcamerabob.hkx but no bob here... so i renamed mt_runforwardcamerabob.hkx to mt_walkforwardcamerabob.hkx and placed in the right place in data/meshes/actors/character/_1stperson. Now the walk has the bobbing animation!!! But.... it is too fast.... because it is made for run :) Now, i don't know how to edit mt_walkforwardcamerabob.hkx because when i try to open the mt_walkforwardcamerabob.kf version in 3ds max it give me the error "improper format". I can open every animations without problem but not that file... :( Are you a modder? Do you have skype? Maybe can you help me with some hints?
  10. Thank you for the answer :) Personally, i don't like the idea for "The Joy of Perspective". Yes, is a good mod but is is not what i mean. My idea is just about editing the camera during the movement, no need to see the body. Just a little bit oscillation needed to simulate "real" walk or idle head movement.
  11. Where can i find some first person animations tutorial? I would like to modify the camera node in walk animation. I would like to give it a little oscillation.
  12. Well, my idea is about create immersive first person. I mean, a little oscillation when you walk or run. When you stop, a little (very noticiable) oscillation that starts after 1 seconds (See this video about Outlast, so you can understand what i mean: http://youtu.be/wk7I2A6wYCE?t=4m37s.)
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