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Posts posted by ponyboy10

  1. Thanks dudes. After struggling for half an hour with wire bash, finally got it do the work. I have to say this is the lamest apps I have ever seen in my entire life! To do something equally lame I would need to ingest two tons of cocaine and code with my feet.

    Lol. That's a colorful way to put it. Unfortunately, the UI of a lot of mod tools isn't the greatest, but this is most people's hobby. Glad you got it to work.

  2. I was thinking about inking up my character with some tattoos, but was only able to find "tribal" tattoo packs. No offense to anyone, but they're not necessarily the style I was hoping for. Are there any mods that offer more variety? I'm thinking something along the lines of like Celtic or more earthy/flourishy styles, maybe something along the lines of the details of the Dryad race mod even (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/40867-4-1320137887.jpg).
  3. There are a lot of suggested mods threads you might want to look through here, and the sticky thread on the steam forum: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=615


    I would recommend possibly just the Unofficial patch to start, and just play for a while. I personally did all the graphical mods from that steam thread before i even played once. That's a fine approach, but it does lessen the effect a little and makes it harder to know when/if something isn't right. I wouldn't do any gameplay or leveling mods right off the bat. You might see a lot of complaints about Oblivion's default leveling system, but you won't experience the big downsides to it until you're much further along anyway.


    The best advice I've seen is to just play for a while, and if there's anything you feel could use improvement, or is otherwise annoying, search for a mod for it (it will likely exist).

  4. I stopped using fast travel a long time ago, in part because of crashes, and in part because of having my most recently ridden horse show up (I find having a horse, which bandits prefer to attack over the player, is an extra complication when traveling ... ride along, spot a bandit, turn around and ride a safe distance away and dismount, go and kill the bandit, return to find out where the horse has wandered off to). Granted, on my old guy's saves I travel with a horse, but that's because Vilja loves her horse Bruse, and worries that she doesn't spend enough time with him. While she gets her beauty sleep each night my guy 'plows the way' towards the next day's destination. I can cover twice the ground on foot because I don't have to continually go back and get the horse.


    My new guy travels on foot because I want to train up athletics and acrobatics. If you travel by horse you don't get the training ... I'm not sure whether or not you do if you fast travel (but not on horseback).

    Lol. I'm starting to do this too. I was so excited when I got my first horse, a Armored Old Nag. She took many an arrow for me. However, she drowned herself while trying to follow me while swimming around the IC waters. 'Twas a sad day indeed. Now, I randomly grab horses to ride around on, but they always saunter away and make things clunky anyway. Not to mention having to dismount every time I need to put an arrow in a bandit.

  5. Maybe I missed something, but did you actually disable the autosaving feature too? Or did you just stop playing from them? I just started using Streamline too, and there's an option in there to clear the cell buffers before saving, which in theory, should help keep saves cleaner. I'm not really sure about the Vilvern issue specifically..
  6. As a follow-up, I can appreciate your frustration with poorly made, documented, or abandoned mods. I know I've had my share of time wasted on stuff that just won't work or non-"standard" (in as much as there is a standard) installation methods. Like I said, a mod manager that streamlined it all and could detect incompatibility would be helpful, as well as a creation kit that could [magically] do some of the validation, etc, but that's probably just a pipe-dream at this point considering again that everything here is free and it's a relatively old game already. Maybe for TES VI or VIII ;)
  7. I think a mod manager and/or creation kit with more features could help a lot, but really it comes down to the fact that this is peoples' hobby, and as far as I know, nobody's getting paid here. Also, every modder has to start somewhere. If only A+ mods got published or listed, then the barrier to entry would be too high to bother for a lot of people. It's not all that well-structured, but this is kind of how community-based development goes. Sure, some easy-to-follow guidelines on how to make mods would help, but I'm sure there are lots of tutorials out there already too. At the end of the day, this is still just a game, and these are all just fan-made unofficial modifications.
  8. I never even pick my locks in Oblivion properly, I autopick them. Skyrim don't have that.

    I used to do that until I burned through a ton of lockpicks on a quest and keep having to buy some from Vilja (haven't gotten around to getting lockpicks through other means yet). I had to look up the trick to lockpicking on youtube, but now I can usually get into any difficulty lock within a few tries.

  9. Sounds like there may be an issue with the esp file if it isn't working for you. I cannot recall seeing other mods that replaces combat idles for the player only but I'll keep an eye out for them. Most modders probably stopped after they made sure the men weren't doing a feminine walk. Seeing imperial guard walking like they were sexy strippers made me do a double take after a particularly confused attempt at manual installation.


    Lol, yeah, that's what made me give up on it last time. Plus, every old hag I met was standing around looking like a lady of the night.... I tried both an omod and a manual install but they seemed to affect all characters. It seemed like a common problem in the mod thread after some update, so I was curious if there was a working way to do it. The idle is a lot more noticeable now that I have a better 3rd person camera working.

  10. That's a long list. Mine is mostly filled with posing, clothing and armor mods.


    Out of curiousity, do you know of a mod that changes *only* the player's pose/idle stance? Specifically for bows?

    I've tried this: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=27344, and maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it seemed to still change every NPC's idle too. It's not a big deal, but the default stance for bows makes your archer character always looked hunched over, and w/o a weapon equipped you're hunched over with your fists up.

  11. I can't personally compare Oblivion to Skyrim (haven't played), but if you liked it, you should feel at home in Oblivion as well. The default graphics won't be as good, and you will find things that aren't as "smooth" as Skyrim, but there are also a lot more options/variety/freedom as well. One thing that Oblivion does have over Skyrim still is the vast amount and variety of mods. I'd say go for it if you're interested, but really only if you can take another Bethesda, open-world time-consuming game. FYI, Steam has been putting Oblivion on discount somewhat often lately, usually for $5 for the regular GOTY and $6.24 for the Deluxe (hard to beat the price for the content).
  12. This guy's video series is basically what convinced me to get Oblivion: http://www.youtube.com/user/culveyhouse#p/c/10/3aRGxfOB8MA


    This is another set of several videos that nicely shows a bunch of mods with their name, etc:


    You should be able to find a lot on Youtube by searching for "Oblivion mod" or "Oblivion graphics", etc.


    edit: whoa, that video just embedded itself!

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