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Posts posted by ponyboy10

  1. The starter pack idea is actually pretty cool. You'll see some mods packs like this for some things, but it's still a big pain to hunt for different mods and install them all separately, especially when some go together or have special instructions, etc.


    This is probably a pipe dream at this point., but taking that a step further, it could even be a feature of a mod manager to list and organize available mods and let you install multiple ones together or have groups of suggested mods (rather than having lists all over the place of "getting started" mods). On top of that, it would be nice to get notifications when an updated version of mods are released. I think NMM is supposed to have some extra features, but from what I understand it's pretty buggy for Oblivion so I've stayed away from it.

  2. For other third-person camera options, search on http://www.tesnexus.com/ for "3rd person" or "gears of war" (there are a few options). For the most part though, these different 3rd person camera options take over the 1st person camera, leaving you with 2 of them and no 1st person. I think there are 3rd person crosshair mods as well. Personally, I use DarnUI (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763) which has an option to enable it. The only problem is that the way the camera is setup, the crosshair is always right on the back of your character's head, so it's hard to actually fight like that. I usually switch to 3rd person when traveling, and 1st when fighting (currently playing as an archer character).


    The "eye" icon will show up if you are sneaking. I think it fades when somebody spots you (or maybe it's the other way around). Usually when you're sneaking and you try to interact with someone, you will attempt to pickpocket them rather than talk or fight.


    FYI, I would also recommend checking out http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion, especially the Controls and First Time Player sections under gameplay: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion#Gameplay_Information


    There are several threads here and at http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=615 about how to make Oblivion prettier or run smoother. I will add to install the Unofficial Patch(es), then try out the game. If it runs very smoothly, max out the texture & draw distance settings in the ingame options menu. If it's still running smoothly, then go for the big graphics mods (Qarls texture pack, Better or open cities etc). If you experience performance issues, try Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR).


    Also, one mod I highly recommend is Companion Vilja (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977). She can add a lot to the normal, solitary gameplay.


    Good luck! Oblivion can sometimes take a little while to get into (I played Morrowind years ago and just didn't "get it" at first), but you'll likely get sucked in like everyone else here :)

  3. Have you installed anything else lately? Is it completely black, or just really really dark? It sounds like a lighting problem. You might want to try copying off your Oblivion.ini file and letting it get recreated just to make sure.


    I would be interested in hearing if you find a solution. It seems like my Oblivion install is darker in low-light areas than it used to be and I'm not sure why yet (probably some mod)

  4. I think if you're not having problems, don't touch it! I actually did just move my Steam install last night but I was also having some crashes (it was easy to do, fyi, and the mods transferred as well). I don't think being in Program Files was the cause, but it was worth a shot. If it ain't broke, don't fix it ;)
  5. Denock Arrow is a requirement IMHO. Press Z (or whatever key you choose) while stringing an arrow to denock, thereby not wasting an arrow. Seems to be overlooked until you play a marksman character.


    Likewise Archery Rebalance (I think that's it), which increases arrow speed and decreases arrow gravity, making archery more realistic and natural.

    Ooh, the denock one is good. I have Realistic Archery, i think. I have also been using some mods to keep things from getting annoying: Auto-level items...http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39635, Bag of Holding, and Ring of Infinite Arrows (*cough* only slightly cheating ;)). I always *hate* having to micromanage my inventory and search around for arrows. The auto-level items one is pretty new, but it works well and keeps you from having to worry about being the right level before doing a quest to get the "best" version of an item. I can't think of anything else right now.


    Edit : Another good one I just started using was Guard Overhaul (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5977).

  6. Check out this mod for the BBB on ragdolls: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40739


    I'm not sure why you are getting the stretch-to-infinity issue. That usually happens if you don't have a BBB skeleton installed. HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 by Several should include this though. It might help to try disabling the UV mod and skeleton patch. I've successfully had all of the other mods you listed installed (aside from the UV ones) and they all worked ok together.

  7. I don't have personal experience with Skyrim, but a lot of people have said that it's leveling/skills/etc and some character options are actually streamlined (some might say "dumbed down") compared Oblivion. You can also get a bunch of mods for Oblivion to make it look nearly as good if not better than Skyrim. You'll also find some of the newer mods are very Skyrim-influenced. You definitely have a lot of freedom in Oblivion, before even getting into mods. From what I understand, the basic gameplay is very similar as well. Oblivion also has a few mods to overhaul the combat system if you want a more action-oriented experience.
  8. I'm by no means and expert, but I have had some problems when using either too big of an upper or lower body setting, where basically the skin would show through the clothing/armor. Also, I have a few problems when using the vanilla skeleton model with other mods that were designed to be used with the corronera or later skeletons.


    If you have a lot of texture mods, it might also be helpful to try disabling them all then adding them one-by-one, in case something is getting overwritten. I'm still getting started, but it can be hard to tell which mods conflict sometimes.

  9. Hmm, I think you're really pushing that netbook, if the machine in your post is what you're using. You might want to check out Oldblivion (http://www.oldblivion.com/). It's meant to help Oblivion run on lower-spec PCs.


    You may also want to check out http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Technical_Support#Crashes. I don't think there should be a permissions issue since the Oblivion.ini is usually in your documents directory.


    ps. I would also recommend at least adding the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I'm not sure if it would fix this but it's supposed to fix a ton of other bugs in the game. You may also want to look at a few performance mods, like OSR.

  10. ChaseCameraMod might be something like what you're looking for. The description of the mod;


    Thanks. I've installed this but haven't tried it yet. Personally, I'm looking for a 3rd person camera that is more of an over-the-shoulder view (or maybe still centered but further overhead). Right now the player character's head is right in the middle of the screen so you can't see what you're interacting with, or aiming at.

  11. good list here. +1 on the step-by-step tip. it's easy to bork your oblivion by throwing mods together. I would recommend using BOSS to clean up load ordering (it's saved me several times). also, my favorite mod lately has been Vilja -- she can really add a lot to the game. I would also recommend doing the popular graphical mods to make the environment and cities better looking (you'll be looking at them most of the time).
  12. Strange -- I sometimes get a timeout or the mysterious white window when trying to download mods. Also, sometimes it asks me which location to download from and sometimes it chooses for me. Usually it will work if I just close the popup and try again. As others have said, try disabling any browser addons or such and retest.
  13. Let's say I have a clean installation of Oblivion, and have also installed OBMM. I would like to install the unofficial patch and Deadly Reflexes 6, but I don't quite understand all the dependencies. Could someone please lay it out for me in language that an outsider can understand? (I'm very computer savvy, just not familiar with this community) Also, could someone please explain to me why, whenever I click on "Download with Manager" I get a firefox error about not understanding the protocol (nxm)? Is there a firefox mod that I'm missing? Thanks in advance!

    The "Download with Manager" option is only for the new NMM application (Nexus Mod Manager -- the successor to OBMM). I wouldn't switch to that yet as the last time I looked it was buggy on Oblivion though. Just use the "download manually" option. For the other questions - I believe the unofficial patch was just as separate executable you run. I'm not sure about DR, but in general, always read through the mod description or its readmes for info on installation or conflicts with other mods. Also, once you start using more mods, I would really recommend BOSS http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516.

  14. Looking really good! I'll have to compare your mod list to mine to see if I'm missing anything :) That screenshot of Uriel Septim reminded me I want to try this mod the next time I start over...http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8210
  15. Lol, I use the armor to tell which horse is mine too :) That said... what's wrong with the armor? Sure, it's kind of pointless and you could probably do the same with mods....but my version of Oblivion came with it, so it would've been hard to avoid ;)
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