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Everything posted by monsto

  1. Nevermind that the keyboard/mouse controls are absolute crap, my workaround was to hotplug in a controller when I wanted to use the settlement editor. KB/M for normal game, gamepad for settlements. I've done this many times over the past ~40 hours of gameplay. At any point in the game, I plug in the controller and just used it without any problem. But tonight, all of a sudden, the gp stopped working. Win 8.1 dings on plugin, but the game ignores it completely. I've used the Fallout4 config tool which went off without a hitch... it basically is just an interface to edit the config files. These have been my troubleshooting steps I exited/restarted the gameI used a different controllerI verified that settings > gameplay > controller = ON.Windows sees it fine as the device panel sees and reads it's controls.I used the config tool to disable > save > enable the gamepad which also had no effect.I removed the config files and let the game rebuild themc:/user/monsto/documents/my games/Fallout4Prefs.ini c:/user/monsto/documents/my games/Fallout4.ini g:/program files/valve/steam/steamapps/common/fallout 4/Fallout4.inimade sure the config files are not read-only.I'm re-installing the game from scratch as I type this. moved all the configs out of the way and checked the registry for "Fallout4", "FO4" and "Beth" (zero results in all) Without being able to use the gamepad for the settlement editor, the game is unplayable. The key config that I've used for every other game i've played over the last 23 years (since doom, but excepting where it was broken in skyrim as well.) is completely broken and unusable in the editor. The only movement key that works is S-strafe left because E, D, F are forced to something else by the game, overwriting my custom keys instead of honoring them. So I plug in a controller . . . except now the game doesn't see the controller. Any t-shoot thoughts? Is there yet a keymapping-fix mod? Suggestion: allow custom keymaps to change the occurrence of a key thruout the entire game. This business of only accepting the change sometimes is, at best, annoying. Even the keymap that the game forces on me changes thruout different sections of the game, which is 100% immersion-breaking as I have to STOP to think about and remember what key does what. If keymapping worked as expected, as is consistent in peer games, then I wouldn't be having a controller problem. I would never have used it.
  2. screeen gallery: http://imgur.com/a/is2sj QUESTION 1: What's the cause of this and how to fix it? HDR is on in the launcher, but I don't trust it because resolution changes have to be made in the ini. QUESTION 2: How do I manually set HDR in the INI?
  3. I'm trying a bunch of different s#*! with a playerhome I'm working on. At this point, it's just an esp. But certain things in CK have either no or broken undo, like anything to do with terrain. So I'm thinking that using git, via sourcetree and bitbucket (links for the uninitiated), would let me deal with changes without f*#@ing up the things I've already finished. Anyone tried this? (PS: If other modders of simple addons are interested, (git isn't great with binaries so using it on bsa's would be near useless other than backup) I'd be happy to answer questions. git, sourcetree and bitbucket are pretty well documented on the web.)
  4. There's ZERO on creationkit.com. It's one thing to hear form someone "do this and this" it's yet another thing to see documentation and understand it for myself.
  5. If you know what it is, a friend of mine has 1 invite left. It will expire in about 6 hours. First requester gets it. If you don't know what it is, google it. If you want the invitation, PM me your email and I'll get it sent out to you. I will monitor this thread and change the subj when it's gone.
  6. Just wanted to tell you . . . your post for posterity worked (got here from google)
  7. I'm making some overlays for Racemenu, so most of the texture is alpha=100% (transparent). even tho there may only be about 5% usage of the surface, I know that the entire texture will be computed for all passes. So the question is this: Since so much of the txtr is unused, will there be a performance difference between a 4k texture with 100% usage (like a bodymesh skin) and a 4k texture with 5% usage? In other words, will all those unused pixels be somehow optimized before being passed on to the renderer? Or is the entire 4k texture being displayed as is without any kind of optimization or management? If it were a txtr with 100% coverage, a 2k txtr would perform better than 4k. But if there's any kind of optimization, a 4k txtr would look better and may still perform well. (prob even better than a 2k txtr with 100% usage)
  8. Portable OnDemand Disposable Unlimited Mannequins SPODUM It's a mannequin mod (abandoned) with animations and some other stuff. I wanted to change the "person" that is the mannequin. I figured it'd be pretty cool to use say gagged Ulfric or Adrianne Avenicci as mannequins. I've dug around in the source in the CK and in the files with TES5Edit and keep finding references to files I can't read . . . they appear to be binary/compiled? That is fine, really, because I know that if I can figure out the right names for those persona, I can overwrite them with another mod at load time. The question is what the names are. any thoughts? can the files be 'decompiled'? is there a text gem buried in there somewhere? Maybe some console magic can reveal the name?
  9. Hey look, I found this. Hope it helps http://www.digitaltutors.com/forum/showthread.php?27383-May-2011-Bikini-Bottom
  10. Something that was already deleted heh "These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along."
  11. I reported it, but just thought I'd point this out. Looks like an ip block is in someones future. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29436 Just sayin.
  12. Are there plans or thoughts otherwise?
  13. Tried to put a video from dailymotion on the videos tab on skyrimnexus. the form accepts both the link and the embed code in the url field, but then doesn't show. Is there a fix or recommendation?
  14. My face is trash-can grey in game. . . AGAIN. everytime i do a fresh install of skyrim i have this problem and it seems to take longer and longer each time to find the fix. so how do i fix this?
  15. ah yeah it was zoom level . . . it must have been only like 95% or something cuz it looked normal. ctrl-0 did the trick. good call. thanks. [edit] holy s*** . . . now everything seems so huge.
  16. about a week ago the site started doing this in chrome: http://i.imgur.com/pzxgJ.png?1 if you look at the top, the button graphics are offset. same thing with the tabs above the description area. it's only in chrome BUT . . . ffox hangs during loading of the page. IE complains about script errors, but eventually loads. thoughts?
  17. looks like somehow the board mangled the links. . . fixed.
  18. fog is real high . . . either fog or contrast. that's supposed to be a solid black background in the 2nd pic. so i can't seem to find the setting to change it. i've changed all the fog entries to giant numbers (50+) just to see what happened and it didn't change anything. So where would i change that? http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/1136289618143068026/C3775041EA8E980FEAB47AB89BBBE5D35997141A/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/1136289618143192459/0644CA4246B295A5CDEAC31CD74F211DBE933068/ and then here's the title screen with better contrast, just to show the softness of the black. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/1136289618143280442/8EF7BC613E8A128EDE552F0055C1943830DC87FA/ (looked like the board mangled my links. . . fixed)
  19. back to this again . . . how do i get nifskope to show the msn in context on a model. it doesn't do it for any model, retail or otherwise.
  20. i'm working on clothing that will have a strap with buckle circling a leg. I wanted the strap to appear to compress the flesh, so there's an indentation... you know, like it's a little too tight. I thought the best way to do this would be to create 2 new rows of vertices at the point on the leg that i wanted. then those poly's between the verts would be the strap. couple questions: 1) it's a bad idea to edit the base bodymesh at the sublevel, so i figure if i clone the leg and get the orig leg out of the way, i can do what i want with the clone. how would i go about 'removing' the original leg? 2) if i edit the vertices in the leg, won't that wreck the texture map? is there a way to do this so that i can use the default base body texture on a replacement leg?
  21. jeez . . . i never replied to this. here's the video i made using the above technique: No Nudity, but probably NSFW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1XC7ItEWzs
  22. I have a jacked up setting and i can't find it, but it's easy to describe: the ceiling fog/smoke in dragonsreach. it's super white and super thick and i can't find the setting to bring it down. It's neither fog nor fire nor bloom. I seem to remember something about sky?
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