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Everything posted by Noolah

  1. Is it using the same cloudy effect you get from Berry Mentats? If so, this might do what you want https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1911
  2. I'm having pretty much the same issue from the UK. Normally I'm getting around 100MB/s, so pretty much as fast as my 900Mbps connection will go. However for the past few weeks I've been capped at about 5MB/s, or less than a twentieth of my potential speed. I've spent most of the day trying to download ~20GB of Fallout 76 mod. It's currently stuck at ~5MB/s irrespective of which server I select. Although I starts off in the 60MB/s region but that quickly drops, that's when it's not failing to download all together. This is what I get speed test wise, with the Nexus D/L still running: https://www.speedtest.net/result/14598575967 This is the current download speed of the mod: https://imgur.com/a/Th5HLm8 Not that it helps, but you're not alone. It's probably time I cancel my premium membership as I certainly ain't getting "uncapped" speeds.
  3. Sounds like the same problem that had taken out the VoIP service to a few of the offices I look after.
  4. I've been getting file does not exist errors in NMM when clicking download with manager. I switched the server location setting back to default from Europe and unchecked the only premium servers option. This seems to have made it more reliable although it still craps out occasionally.
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