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About Honkstar82

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  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the update, Dark0ne. I've been a long-time lurker on this site, and the Nexus has always been a great place to find cool mods. Also, this bit: "The finger pointing has begun. Pointing the finger at Valve, at Bethesda, at modders, at the Nexus, at YouTubers. Have you really not seen this coming, at all? Evolve launching with $100 worth of day zero DLC? Buying games knowing the developers have said they won't release SDK's any more because it's "too hard"? Paying money to beta test games in Early Access? Pre-ordering games based on hype despite the developers and publishers enacting review embargoes? Users spending $220 million plus on mods already for TF2, CSGO and DotA 2? Of course this was coming. Anyone who's done any of these things has been complicit in getting us to this stage! I'll put my hand up and admit I bought DayZ stand-alone. I'm sorry, alright, I didn't realise they were going to be this bad and take this long!" You've got it by the hilt, sir. This has been a long time coming, and the signs have been clear. I don't want to see all mods for any game "DRM-locked" to a service like Steam. The whole point of mods is that they're community efforts, independent of the developers' imprimatur. Rewarding mod authors is well and good, but why should a company like Bethesda take a fat cut when they're not putting in any additional effort and leaving the mod maker on the hook for all support? That sounds a lot like the no-effort and day-one DLCs that are pushed out more and more these days. Another company trying to make fat stacks of money without doing any actual work, instead of producing a quality product and offering it on the open market. Just wanted to say thanks. I've enjoyed the use of your Nexus for many years. You ain't a "poster-child", but you are trenched deep into solid facts and speakin' sense. Here's hoping that modding as a hobby continues for a good, long time. Also, get a nap when you can!
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