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About Mycenia

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  1. I actually do as chucksteel mentions and convert almost all esls to esp. Then I flag them as esl in xedit, so they are still loaded in esl space, but can be moved around. For most, that's a waste of time, but it's an OCD thing for me. I'll absolutely fixate on them for being in the "wrong" place.
  2. I've been making a Goodneighbor mashup as a personal mode to better learn the CK (ie: newb) and have some NPCs behaving badly. They may load with the wrong clothing, or significantly out of position. Usually, a disable/enable or, in the case of the molerat and ghoul from Better Goodneighbor, recycleactor sets them right. Two of my own NPCs did it the first time and haven't since, two others are consistently off. These are all aesthetic NPCs with no real purpose beyond making certain areas lived in. Is there something I'm missing when setting them up? As I'm the only one dealing with it, it isn't the end of the world, but if I can learn how to do it better, I'd like to.
  3. I was hoping for a bit of clarification on something. Do all texture mods that have material swaps that touch precombined objects, such as Langley's bricks or Illuminated Billboards, break them? I was something I was completely unaware of until I stumbled on a post earlier today. Most of the information I can find on it is focused more on mod authors and generating precombines with custom materials than a definitive answer from a user pov. Or I just missed it. I have the flu, my brain is just plain stupid right now.
  4. Thank you! The issue with this mod is that all but 4 of those cells are widely spread apart, so they end up covering a huge chunk of the commonwealth when you're generating a 3x3 for each of them. I will do as you say with the 4 that are adjacent though and just pick one and let it handle them, that will cut down on some of the potential conflicts. The rest I'll patch with the larger mods and CR in xedit with the little stuff. This is mostly just for me and wanting to learn in general. Good stuff to know if I ever do decided to make something worth releasing in the future.
  5. I want to patch some mods in my rather overburdened mod list, so to familiarize myself with the process, I used Minuteman Watchtowers as a starting point. It edits 14 cells (all spread out, save 4 that are adjacent). I did Precombine Geometry for Current Cell for each and then Generate Visibility for All Loaded Cells for each. Ran fine. Everything looks good. Except that a mod that originally touched 14 cells now touches close to 40 and instead of conflicting with a handful of mods, it makes xedit look like my 20-something self's bank statements. Should I do something less extensive or is this par for the course and simply a matter load order?
  6. Late, but, I believe that is tied the bHasBreather=True setting in BioGame under Helmet Appearances.
  7. That was exactly what I needed, thank you! I thought I'd pointed to that model already, but I was obviously mistaken. I appreciate the help. :)
  8. So, I've managed to use sirsagrell's Skyhold outfit replacer tutorial to edit my look (while using Sera's Breeches) with almost complete sucess, sans one issue. One I'm net even sure can be rectified? In the first, we have everything I've replaced. Top, arms, and most of the legs. All except those damn pants. I've been trying to get the laced leather pants from the second picture. I thought they would be attached to one of the 3 parts, but if they are, I haven't found it. I hadn't touched ModMaker or a hex editor prior to last night, so I lack any intimacy with the file structure to know where else to look. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd appreciate them.
  9. I haven't used it (maybe I will this run), but I think what you are looking for is Honed Metal.
  10. If you are using all the effects on all NPCs, it can be quite the script load. I've always used the mod, but I remove the more script heavy effects from NPCs (soggy feet, drips, ect). You'll still get the Go Home features and weather appropriate behaviors. I tend to go bare bones at first and then add effects one at a time until I find my game's limit.
  11. A lot of assumptions being made here, so I'll add my own. This looks like in-house DLC that will come from on staff devs and independent contractors who come to them with a proposal. Bethesda buys the concept, pays them to create it, and they go on their merry way. No asset retention and no (or situational) commission. The independent developers have the power to turn down unreasonable offers or poor compensation and, for those looking, it's a great way to beef a resume with official content from a major game house. Will it turn out like that? Who knows. But it may not be all doom and gloom.
  12. Only people missing the point here are the ones complaining. Those that do not have it deal with the normal version, or move to the next point, where Gambit clearly states he's not going to keep it hidden indefinitely. It was back up and going before you managed to say it wouldn't be hidden indefinitely. The entire "incident" was rectified in the time it took me to make dinner and clear out Corvega for the billionth time... and people have completely demolished their games over it. Ain't life grand? :smile:
  13. After a bit of a break, I'm jumping back into the fray post CK. Having spent the better part of 2 days tweaking a mod set-up and customizing textures, I've restarted the game about a dozen times. Mr. Able and Mr. Smith(?) seem to have gotten tired of the redundancy, and decided to surprise me with a post-cryodisaster visit. They were running around while I was waiting for the pod to open and then settled in front of their respective pods once I was free. I can try to talk to them, but they don't respond. Anyone else encountered this? The running animations were a bit sketchy, but I think that was overload from having an ENB active, other than that everything was running smoothly. I'm not sure if it is mod related (I haven't added any since my last few starts) or just a bug, but it was quite the surprise and more than a little unsettling at first blush.
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