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Everything posted by Eneishi

  1. Becareful because thats a sign you're vid card is about to burn out, i've had it happen while modding Mount & Blade with hi res textures. All the CTD's latey remind me of Daggerfall if anyone remembers when that game came out it used to corrupt you're hard drive, seems like bethesda had to carry on the tradtion with Skyrim. lmao.. CTD again? Not a CTD thread! :D
  2. I still think someone should file a class action law suit.
  3. I say start a class action law suit if the game is really messing your systems up.
  4. That's funny, because I do that exact same thing! I say that if people are having to replace hardware because of he game, a class action law suit might make them work a little faster.
  5. Well, you still have to use Steam, even IF you bought it from the store. It says it's a non steam game.
  6. For what? Buying my copy from the store? Instead of on steam? Good luck.
  7. Steam patches the game for you. I didn't buy the game through steam........
  8. Have you not read anything? There are announcements from them directly about the pc issues.
  9. Sorry M8, hopefully this will work for someone else. To clarify, scrolling around on the map caused the crashes, afer a bit. Sounds like a corrupted file to me, mate.
  10. ROFL, wut? I seriously doubt this. But you are right, Esburn. I do think my problem had a lot to do with overheating. I got a cooling mat and turned my fans up, and it works just fine now.
  11. So, the new release date got pushed back to Wednesday then?
  12. Have you not read anything on this thread? Even this page!!!
  13. When is the patch supposed to come out?
  14. Doesn't work for me. *censored* of a game still crashes one day till the patch so f*** it. So I was playing Gothic 4, and all of a sudden it does the EXACT same thing.... coincidence or hardware issue? You decide.
  15. So does playing in windowed mode not work for anyone else?
  16. Unless I just randomly got lucky by putting the settings right on my CCC, it has nothing to do with the video card. At least the Radeon 5870.
  17. Lmao. This was actually mentioned. Didn't work.
  18. Any ideas where to get the old school Thief?
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