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Everything posted by TeamDragonpunk

  1. Ok, so you and @zingfharn are experiencing the same issue. Are you running the Unity Microsoft Visual Basic that came with Unity as well? Alex will have to check to see if that is the issue, but at a cursory glance, that seems to be the only difference in our environments. Trying to find if anyone with the Unity VS install is having issues as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/3y6v8x/visual_studio_autocomplete_not_working/
  2. Ok, it sounds like you're experiencing the same issue as Lucubration, so please help us fix this by providing information: 1. What OS? 2. What Primary Language for your system and ModBuddy? 3. What version of Microsoft Visual Studio? What year? 4. Are you using the new package released Saturday? 5. Did you review the steps in the Original Post (I just updated them). I'll definitely sponsor Alex until we get all the bug fixes worked out. It's the engineer in me, that I can't have my name associated with bad code lol.
  3. Syntax Highlighting, Error Underlining, Autocomplete works very well and lists the parameters which is HUGE. There is a dcent list of features that Firaxis simply has to enable in ModBuddy also: 1) Snippets2) Code Definition Window 3) Object Browser4) Class Outline (Document Outline) The intelliSense is limited, but will come with time, as it has to be custom. I'll keep sponsoring Alex for a few months, and then it will be up to the community and donations to keep development coming.
  4. Looks like it's working fine. Trying to complete the previous entry. Try removing everything to the right of the "dot" and see if it still gives you an error. Also, try to reproduce the error in an actual game file. Everything works fine for me. Until otherwise specified, it's confirmed working for Windows 8.
  5. Hmmm, can we get a pic of those two, because I'm not sure why you mean? Let's try to work through this step by step. Is anyone else having this issue?
  6. ALL: Ok, it just worked for me on Windows 7, 64 bit. I did have to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community. The good news is that it is free. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691978&clcid=0x409 Ideally, we'll get this to a state that we can ship without it, but one step at a time. I know Alex wanted to work on a Syntax Analyzer next, and we're all hoping for some more robust auto-complete and intelliSense functionality.
  7. Let me know if you manage to get autocomplete/intellisense working. that'd be nice. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. It does work, but it's not robust. All of that has to be custom written, and developers who can do that aren't cheap and we're lucky to have Alex at all. We take it for granted because Microsoft invests millions in their IDE, and free IDE like Eclipse have thousands of contributors. If we want this more robust, I suggest we all "buy Alex a cup of coffee" through his paypal donation button on the site. The good news however, is that there are a lot of other features that work for his extensions, that Firaxis simply has to enable in ModBuddy. 1) Snippets2) Code Definition Window 3) Object Browser4) Class Outline (Document Outline)
  8. "Win 7, 64 Bit. I have already installed Visual Studio via Unity, if that helps?" Ok, so the one thing that every working user has in common is that they have the Visual Studio 2012 or 2015 running. Ideally, you wouldn't need this as the correct DLLs would ship with ModBuddy. Until we figure out which DLL is right, we'll just have to ask users to download VS. I'm downloading VS 15 community right now to test.
  9. ALL: Based on Zingharn's reports, please try the new code (same url) for Windows 7. If it works for you, please let us know if you have the VS SDK 2015 installed or not. If it isn't working for you, please try adding the additional line (described in the original post), and please let us know if you are running Modbuddy in a language other than English (the only Windows 10 users experiencing issue were originally running in French and Spanish). -Dan
  10. Solariz, that's great to hear. It looks like it will always work for Windows 10 users with VS15 installed. We're trying to understand why VS15 makes the difference. This latest update on Saturday includes the additional DLL from VS15 (which is why it's so large), and we are hoping that will do the trick.
  11. Zingfharn, I want to verify that you get the brown and additional colors from the Syntax Highlighting. You're the first reported user with the extension working for Windows 7, so I just want to verify. If it does work for you, did you have the VS SDK already installed on your computer? It is currently still not working on my Windows 7 laptop, but that could be for various reasons. Also, it is showing up as an extension within ModBuddy when you click the button?
  12. Are you using Windows 10? What is your system specs? Alex just updated the file on Saturday to include additional DLL, so we're ready for another round of testing!
  13. I would also like to know about the !C... Have you asked @FxsRMcFall about this? I'm curious to know if they worked originally, or if they're deprecated now.
  14. I'll draft up something more comprehensive tonight, but basically "That’s the main point of an event bus, disassociation of the publisher & subscriber, where as the Observer (Listener) pattern ties them together. " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3987391/why-people-use-message-event-buses-in-their-code Also, this is a good read: http://blogs.mulesoft.com/dev/mule-dev/to-esb-or-not-to-esb/
  15. There are now 3 (or more) separate threads mentioning the issue of mod incompatibility and the problem of creating a "Highlander Mod". http://forums.nexusm...function-calls/ http://forums.nexusm...creenlisteners/ http://forums.nexusm...order-with-nmm/ X2EventListener currently works as a messaging service similar to an Enterprise Service Bus. Unreal 4 has iMessageBus, but I don't believe there exists something similiar in UE3. The solution may just be that we agree to a certain implementation (be it UIListeners, etc..), wait until Firaxis seeds the code with more hooks, or creates a proper API. What would it take to create a community ESB that extends X2EventManager however? Would it be logistically infeasible to report the need for an additional hook in a thread, and then maintain a single class override in an "ESB Mod" that everyone can call? I'll edit this first message into something more coherent as I explore this tonight. // This class provides a generic interface for registration for notification of game events // and hooks for receiving and dispatching those game events. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2016 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class X2EventManager extends Object native(Core) dependson(XComGameState); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event Listeners
  16. Is there a definitive thread for this now. I'm curious if it's worth my time to develop an "Enterprise Service Bus" to handle this, or if we're just all going to conform to a standard of UIListener and AmbientNarrativeCritiera Template extending. I need to check into this further to see if it works as an ESB: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/API/Runtime/Messaging/IMessageBus/index.html Of course that link is for Unreal Engine 4, will check for 3... Speaking with Firaxis right now, curious if I/we could extend the X2EventManager to act as an ESB... Will take a look tonight. For those who aren't familiar with an ESB, think of a UIListener that would broadcast the event to each mod listening, instead of placing individual hooks to call. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_service_bus
  17. Slightly off topic, can anyone really tell what X2AmbientNarrativeCriteria actually does? I just traced it through the code, and I'm still unsure.
  18. David, didn't realize you had updated that thread with all of this. Good to know. Last time I checked yours, there were six tutorials. Thanks for keeping it up to date.
  19. Wow, this definitely needs to be pinned. I apparently missed seeing this originally. Great work!
  20. I think we should pin this. Need to reference it and found it lurking on page 3...
  21. Lol, you can confirm that it is not working for you. So far, you're the only Windows 10 user that it's not working for. We'll have to continue testing to see if this is a unique edge case, or if there is an updated DLL that you and Windows 7 and 8 users don't have. As soon as we figure that out, we can't ship the DLL with the download.
  22. Dark, Yes, you'll see a parsing message in the progress bar... https://www.dropbox.com/s/er1808ad8ic1ywl/modbuddy_with_langservice.jpg?dl=0 and the syntax highlight will have multiple colors that the standard modBuddy won't have (like brown)... https://www.dropbox.com/s/057lujmps4jn4d5/modbuddy_with_langservice2.jpg?dl=0
  23. Dark did you make the change Superd suggested? That seems to be working for most Windows 10 users. Lol, there is never a foolproof way to do anything.. especially when testing Beta software.
  24. Dark, am I correct in understanding that you're system is running Spanish. I ask because the custom scripts may only be in English. I believe it should work with what Superd said, but if not, we'll check to see if it could be a localization issue.
  25. Dark, It should work for you, so give it a go. Thank you. We've only identified that one bug so far.
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