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Everything posted by mgbeach

  1. at the bottom left of the second image above you can see the Preview window. You can bring it up by going to View...Preview Window. If your selection in the Object Window has a model, it will automatically appear in the Preview Window. I will usually uncheck Ground Plane as it just gets in the way if you are looking at one model after another trying to decide on the right one. Some show up above, some below, etc. Its just more trouble than it's worth. A difference from the Render Window is that the left mouse button sill rotate the Preview object along all three axe, while the mouse wheel zooms. Now, on an item like this beartrap with animation you can preview each part of the animation independently by clicking on Open or Close right there below the model. At the top left of the Preview window is a button that will just run the Havok sim for the Preview window. Always better to do that than turn on Havok for the whole cell and potentially have stuff flying all over the place. http://i.imgur.com/Ml7gs.jpg
  2. There actually already are Warehouse cells that you absolutely should use to keep from muddying up your plugin file. In the second image you can see a pretty-much ready-to-rock word wall from the WarehousePrefabs interior cell. There are traps, cases, shelves, etc all ready to go. Many of them have leveled placeholders so you can put them right into your dungeon or whatever without having to worry about loot and whatnot. http://i.imgur.com/tmi9Rl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1gGoul.jpg It has been mentioned a couple of times in this thread to copy and paste from other cells. That can be a dangerous habit to get into. Here's a hypothetical. For instance, say you wanted to copy the front door from Breezehome and put it on your epic corndog wagon. You right click on the door, click copy and yada yada yada. But unbeknownst to you, when you right clicked on it, the door snapped a quarter of a degree to the grid. Now imagine another mod author had finally completed the finest work of his life... his magnum opus...a ...facelift for Breezehome. His reputation as a maverick is proven by the daring choice to relocate the entrance from the front wall to the side wall. Aaannnd, this is where load orders rise up and bite random people in the ass. If EpicCorndog.esp loads after Breezapalooza.esp ... well, everything will probably be right in the world. If it's the other way around, all of the carefully laid plans come to fruition and Breezehome is a heavenly wonderland... except for the front door, which is right there where it always was (only now it's off by a quarter of a degree). The game engine doesn't know or care about common sense.. all it knows is that it's going down its list of instructions that tell it how to modify the vanilla game world. When it gets to that little blip of a line in EpicCorndog.esp that says "rotate a quarter of a degree" it doesn't read that as "a quarter of a degree from its current location. It figures out where a quarter of a degree from the vanilla position would put it and it puts it there. Then it's on to the next instruction. If you HAVE to copy and paste from another potentially in-use cell, never put the mouse cursor inside the render window. Find the object you want in the Cell View and do your pointing, clicking, and whatnots there.
  3. I was watching a few youtube tutorial videos earlier and I think this guy's videos might help. If I was following things correctly, it seemed he basically scaled his new weapon blade close to the size of an existing one and then just copied the blood decals: Sorry I can't be of more assistance.. hope that helps!
  4. Here's a little tip. Go into free camera mode (console tfc) and then wait. It passes almost instantly edit: never have tried it with such long timeframes but I am pretty sure it will work for you
  5. I've created mods solo and with collaborators and the latter is infinitely more fulfilling. You might want to consider soliciting the community's involvement in actually creating some of these variant models and textures. Maybe make the blender files available and see what people out there come up with. You could then set a deadline for submissions and present the quality entries as a poll. Particularly with very ambitious and desirable mods, I think the dev team approach prevents burn out and generates a better final product. My 2 cents, your mileage may vary, etc. :P No matter what, I'll be eagerly keeping an eye on this!
  6. No reason not to have all three. It would make a quest line or dungeon more interesting to fight things with different types of powers and slightly different appearances.
  7. If cgcookie got you to this point with modeling, then I'm going to check it out. Just downloaded Blender. thanks for the tip. I third the no eyed worshipers idea! Very cool stuff. As for the lip sync, I think it would be fine to have them communicate telepathically. Have a booming, resonant, disembodied voice like the way some things already communicate in the game would make them even more intimidating and unearthly.
  8. I really is looking awesome. Fingers crossed that down the road you add their mindflayer overlords!
  9. hi there, you might also try looking under the cell list and finding a house that is already made. Then you can right click on it, and select Duplicate. Then you can delete most of the stuff from the interior that you don't need (leaving the walls, floors, doors, ceiling, navmesh, etc) It might help you to see how things go together, what the pieces are called ,etc. The wiki for the creation kit isn't great, but the basic sections can be helpful if you haven't done anything like this before: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Layout_Part_1 Hope that helps and if you need anything else let me know!
  10. This is going to be killer! My other hobby besides computer gaming is D&D, so really excited to see this come to fruition. And as has been mentioned, you're in the clear as long as you don't call it a beholder. Watching this thread with eager anticipation!
  11. I've been following this all the way from the start, and you really have made an amazing piece of work here. I think being so special it needs some kind of glow, or maybe make the polished edge of the blade more reflective. Awesome stuff!
  12. Well, I changed them in the BSShaderTextureSet node. Is there another place that needs to be changed? Thanks
  13. Thanks for the response. I went that route and thought it would work out great, but now when I open the game and go to the forge I can see the heroic armor and weapons in addition to the regular ones. They have the correct modified stats, and I can upgrade them at the bench or grindstone. so that's all good. But the strange thing is that the correct texture shows up for the armor in my inventory and the crafting menus, but when those items are equipped it's the original vanilla texture. I don't know where to go from here. Thanks again for your help, and any more ideas would really be awesome
  14. Hey all. Prior to the Creation Kit coming out I made a simple texture replacer for the dwarven armor (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=4818). Now I'm trying to make the Heroic Dwarven Armor a standalone set, keeping the vanilla textures for the regular dwarven armor and using my created textures for the Heroic Dwarven. I've figured out how to make the recipes work and make the new armor upgradeable at the bench. I just can't figure out what folder structure to use in order to have my textures show up for the new Heroic items while leaving the vanilla items untouched. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  15. Really is looking great. I think the runes could stand to be quite a bit larger, running the length of the blade
  16. murloc, you do realize that no one owes you anything right? This guy is working on something that a lot of people are finding very cool. No one is making you use it when it's done. How about your put your energy into making something yourself instead of whining?
  17. Ended up using the portholes off the Katariah ship; it's the first part of a planned tower residence called Drakespire. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9053 It includes a portal in the Archmage's quarters and a corresponding one in the new Drakespire office. And, you even get a pet raven! http://i.imgur.com/ruzO2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3UnRj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4qXo8.jpg
  18. I got my Archmage's office completed. It's the first part of a planned tower residence called Drakespire. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9053 It includes a portal in the Archmage's quarters and a corresponding one in the new Drakespire office. And, you even get a pet raven! http://i.imgur.com/ruzO2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3UnRj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4qXo8.jpg
  19. ACtually I've found a workaround. Basically just scaled doors down and hid them just inside of my portal objects. Would definitely like to hear more details on any better way to do it, though. Thanks!
  20. Forgive my ignorance, but how do I go about making it an activator? And thanks for your help!
  21. Hi everyone, I've created a private archmage office and my plan was to have a glowing portal on the wall in the Archmage's quarters and a matching one in my new cell. I am at an impass trying to have the portals act as load doors. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  22. Say you want to put an item on a table. When you drag it into the render window, make sure your arrow is on the table when you release the mouse button. This will align the object with the tabletop. Same thing for a rug and a floor ,etc
  23. Hey all, just wanted to hopefully save other people the trouble I've been through adding certain things like mannequins, map markers, etc. I didn't realize that there are cells included specifically to copy and paste things from. They all start with Warehouse in the cell list.
  24. I just realized that there are cells included that start with "Warehouse" that are meant to copy and paste from. Make sure you are copying all the elements.. xmarkers included. Check out this page http://www.creationkit.com/Additional_Prefabs
  25. That sounds cool. Let me know if you need a hand with texturing.
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