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  1. Hrm that's strange. There should be no difference between changing the setting in CET or in the config file.
  2. Jackie and Dex are still waiting in The Afterlife for me. I only told Dex I'd take the job to get access to the club. Johnny and his relic can rot in Cyberhell.
  3. Full Damnatio Memoriae - Delete him from history, as if he never even existed.
  4. Well I use all of those and that's the only thing that ever causes crashes for me.
  5. Are you using the "disable boundary teleport" feature in CET? That causes hard-crashes(have to restart PC) in my game. At least when I'm near the teleport wall.
  6. What sucks is even if you manage to ram through the checkpoint, there's an insta-death wall on the other side. Why would they waste dev time creating such stupid features? What is it hurting for somebody to travel back and explore outside the walls!!??
  7. Agreed. There's a reason real navigators lock their map to North, and their wives insist on changing it to rotating =p
  8. There's a thread that details how to edit/unpack an archive file https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10928323-how-to-edit-any-archive-mod-with-wolvenkit/
  9. There were mods for the Legacy version that did this. Let me see if I can find the one I'm thinking of. Edit: Here it is, though I haven't tested it and don't know if it works with the latest version of the game. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4039
  10. I know CET has the option, but it causes my game to hard-crash(requires PC restart) in the post 2.0 versions. For some ungodly reason they opted to make the teleport feature even more aggressive anyway, so even if you use CET's option, it keeps trying to teleport you back every second or two. Old versions didn't do that, and it was fun to drive around in the Badlands, unimpeded. I would love a mod that completely disables the feature in all instances.
  11. It just won't work, and even if it did, it would put too much power into too few hands. If they went AWOL, or decided to go pay-to-play, we'd have no recourse. This slow, painstaking method, is the only way lol... Of course developers could always at least try to make it easier for modders. But they can't be bothered with, what to them, are trivial things, but to us, essential pieces of the game. Like the bugfixes that they seem to bee too incompetent or apathetic to fix.
  12. No but that sounds like a "tier" issue. Have you tried using crafting to upgrade it?
  13. This is the only way to be sure. It's slow, but it works. Slowly, manually, add each mod, one at a time. Make sure it works and you understand it's features. Move on to the next one... And that's after getting a stable stock build. Just delete EVERYTHING except saves and reinstall. The games not a large file relatively speaking.
  14. You could check the logs and see which mods are conflicting. That can usually give you some clues as to what's causing crashes. If you're not installing things manually, that's the first thing I'd do.
  15. Yes I'd really love a mod that removes the insta-kill zones and teleport boundaries. I know you can disable the teleport boundary in CET, but the game crashes with that feature on, and it aggressively keeps trying to teleport you back, even with that setting checked. In the legacy version you could travel far outside the boundaries without issues.
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