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Everything posted by Illtempered

  1. I'm working on fine-tuning a bumper-jumper XML for controllers and wondered if there's any reason I should include hold-to-scan. With the limited number of buttons, is there any reason I shouldn't just map scan-toggle?
  2. I'm getting repeatable and predictable crashes using the airstrike mod on katanas, and with CET I'm getting hard crashes that require a reboot if I use the boundary teleport disable feature, which is a shame because that was my favorite part of CET. Has anybody found any solutions to these issues?
  3. I've finally got all my essentials updated. I hope this next patch doesn't completely bork them again. I won't update until I know for sure.
  4. I knew I shouldn't, because I had a flawless install of heavily-modded NV with a save I don't want to lose. But I did it anyway, thinking I could manage it. I never did make it to Portland, so I finally surrendered and tried to uninstall it. But it's a massive mod. Now I'm crashing going in and out of interiors, stuttering(I'm guessing due to one of the required NVSE plugins I installed with it), and during load screens, there's a large red block, like missing textures, where the roulette animation used to be. I'm not as worried about that one as the crashes. I guess my question is, does anybody else have experience uninstalling Frontier, and have you faced the same issues?
  5. I have this mod that lets you use the toilet and shower/bath to clean yourself, but I can't for the life of me find out which one it is. It's not working properly and I never get clean. So I can't turn it off. Does anybody remember the name of it? Here's my load-order
  6. I used to have this cool little tavern mod that I can't remember the name of. It was a tavern by Vivec, and had some very nice ambience. I've tried googling and searching Nexus for all the different tavern mods, to no avail. Thanks
  7. These are in fact probably THE hardest mods to make. At least to make well. There might be some janky follow script that somebody could slap on, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  8. Thank you! That was driving me nuts. I guess it was my mistake in assuming an "acoustic" setting wouldn't affect visuals.
  9. So I'm creating this house mod and for a while it seemed that storm and rain effects could be heard but wouldn't actually make it rain inside my house. I like the effect of being able to hear rain and storms but obviously would rather it not rain in the interior cell. Would somebody be so kind as to tell me exactly which setting determines this?
  10. I'm loving this spot so far. Almost every night there's action all around the building and we sit on top while smoking and drinking and shooting off fireworks. There's a constant BOS patrol with PA right out my front door 24/7. I don't know if that's vanilla or from a mod but I've never noticed them here before. Strong is close too and often get's involved in the fight. The next day we go down and scavenge for more materials because there are weapons lying around everywhere. I'm about to release it as a mod with a blank slate so people can decorate it as they wish. I can't wait to see what some people do with it.
  11. Hmm it seems they didn't make one for the non-settlement version of the workshop workbenches. It probably means the ranged is maxed because in-game it is big. That's ok though because I wanted it that way. I'm not getting any noticeable performance drop yet.
  12. Thank you for the feedback. Yes I wondered about the cell-reset bug and am doing some extensive testing now with a huge mod list to see if I can get it to happen. Most of the heavy building will be in the interior cell however. The only thing I'm touching in the exterior cells is removing some of the junk that can't be scrapped. I don't use scrap everything. I plan to release it first as a completely blank slate with no furniture but here are some pics after I used OCD and HomeMaker to do some decorating. Can't forget Place Anywhere either. These mods have finally made building in Fallout 4 fun. It's been fully navmeshed and fleshed out so there are no seams. I'm picky about my world-building. Notice the sunlight effect through the windows in the first shot. I haven't seen(or noticed) that yet in an interior cell or house mod before. I found a way to show sunlight but block it where it shouldn't go through walls. I wanted to have some see-through windows with a LOD of the downtown and all that, but it just became too complicated and I couldn't figure that interior LOD s*** out so I went with the next best thing which is sunlight through the windows that moves with the day. It's a pretty cool effect. You can sit in a chair and watch it for 24 hours as you wait to really see it happening. Oh! I almost forgot to mention it also has a working elevator you can see in the third shot. Thank you RedRocketTV for the tutorial! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_00_10_59.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_00_09_54.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_03_39_40.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_03_40_05.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_03_35_10.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v468/Illtempered/enb2017_10_16_00_09_36.png
  13. Well I wouldn't consider myself an expert but I've played 3, NV, and 4 extensively over the years so if you don't get any offers from experts I'd be glad to help as much as I can. I do love lore and always follow it closely in games I'm playing. I always wondered why there was never as much discussion on Fallout lore as there was on the Elder Scrolls lore. The people in the TES lore forums are absolute lore freaks so I certainly wouldn't consider myself an expert there even though I've played the games and studied the lore for twenty years or more.
  14. I've always wanted to make my own penthouse mod in the building across from Trinity Plaza, on the same block as Back Alley Bowling. I finally got around to doing so and started by placing a non-settlement workbench in the ground-level parking garage of that block. It seems to work very nicely because I have a good area to build and can even build on the roof of the building. I wasn't sure the workbench area would be tall enough to do that. I plan to release this as a blank-canvas house mod after I finish the interior of the penthouse so people can use OCD and Homemaker to decorate it as they choose. I want to be able to see the boundary but even when I show markers I'm not seeing it. Does anybody have any insight into this matter? I also wondered if anybody foresaw any issues with putting a workshop workbench there. Thank you for reading and any input is welcome.
  15. Are you sure the save file isn't 60mb? That sounds a lot closer. I'm level 85 and my save file is 22,000 kb or 22 mb, and has been hovering close to there for quite some time now with very stable game-play. 60 gigs just sounds way over the top. If it really is that big my guess is you have some serious save bloat. Just my 2 cents.
  16. So I did the quest with the USS Constitution and it took off and now rests in it's new home. I loved that as a player home but came back one time, to my horror, to find the nasty cell-reset bug. This meant that the old top of the building that was demolished by the Constitution was back, covering the lovely deck of my home. I tried using the "disable" command to remove the pieces, but that doesn't always work in Fallout 4 because many of the world objects are clumped together into one reference. Long story short I went in and carefully deleted each piece of building that wasn't supposed to be there after the Constitution rests. Now all is well and I can stand on the deck and admire the city again. I cleaned the esp with TesEdit as well. I don't know how common this bug is so I came here to ask if there would be any need for me to upload this fix. Thanks!
  17. I used the showlooksmenu command on my companion Cait early on to change her hair and everything has been fine. However I used the same command to try and clean up the face of one of my settlers, you know just to get some of the dirt off. When I came back later she had become a ghoul.
  18. I'm still having this same problem, even after upgrading with an entirely new rig. It's most certainly not a hardware problem for me. I have also tried the memory patch fix and everything else suggested. It doesn't apply to any specific textures or cells, and doesn't seem to be reproducible. It happens with random textures, sometimes on power armor, sometimes on walls, sometimes on the load screen models. The only fix I've found is to leave the game and restart, but at least that seems to fix the problem every time at least temporarily. FIXED I fixed this by increasing my memory setting in the enblocal.ini to 4096. I thought I had changed that memory setting with my new rig but apparently I hadn't.
  19. I had a feeling it would be that way. I was hoping I would get to go in and recon the park a little first, and ease into it. I always like to explore first, fight later, when I'm prepared. But of course, they literally railroad you into "The Gauntlet". I knew right then I'd be in for some lame maze with booby traps and OP turrets everywhere. So I went back and got Cait. We suited up in our best PA and went back and slaughtered them all. I couldn't get half way through Gage's stupid speech about why I should want to be a raider before I had to shoot his ass. Luckily we had the highground at the Fizztop so it wasn't too much trouble killing all of the other raiders that charged our position. They must have been really loyal to Gage to sacrifice themselves that way. And thus, I started the quest Open Season without meaning to. Now that I've populated the park a little, and installed Nuka World Glory to clean it up, I love the place. Without mods, I wouldn't have stuck around more than an hour or so there. All that raider trash just looked ridiculous and I wasn't too interested in attacking my own settlements.
  20. For anybody still having problems with Ed-E not fighting, check this link http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/959557-fallout-new-vegas/57669553 I solved it by adding ammo to his inventory with the additem command. I don't know if manually adding the energy ammo works, but give it a shot. When I added the ammo, it didn't show up in his inventory, but his carry-weight went up and he started shooting things again.
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