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Everything posted by Xtyfe00

  1. So, can we finally have a new NMM version without virtual filesystems? I don't need that headache.
  2. I must protest this new addition. The lack of profiling was what made NMM better than Mod Organizer. Skyrim and many other games were not designed for how profiling works and in the end it's more work than it's worth. If this is now being forced on us than NMM is dead to me. I strongly recommend reversing course on this or at least retain the old functionality.
  3. Taking a step back from all this shitstorm, it seems you missing your vacation was the most damaging thing to come of this so far. But I am glad you took a stand for the greater good.
  4. In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909, #24566934, #24567024, #24567079, #24567154, #24567239, #24567264, #24567269, #24567344, #24567354, #24567469, #24567539, #24567564, #24567664, #24568174, #24568504, #24568524, #24569644, #24570059, #24570684, #24570944, #24571509, #24571604, #24572384, #24582389, #24582414, #24582584, #24582599, #24582694, #24582734, #24582839, #24582924, #24582949, #24583354, #24583399, #24583779, #24583954, #24616474 are all replies on the same post. Well done Brumbek, you should be the example for all to follow during this time. You have my respect for this.
  5. In response to post #24562404. #24562524, #24562599, #24562684, #24562874, #24563024, #24563444, #24563909, #24564214, #24564324 are all replies on the same post. Much respect, any modder who says no to this has earned it.
  6. These things happen. I'm a long time user of nexus and have never seen it this unstable before, and while I'm annoyed that I can't use the service I appreciate that you have taken the time to share whats been happening. I know many in your position wouldn't do that. To all the ungrateful children demanding the service resume again. Think to yourselves what it would mean if nexus was not around anymore? We can go back to swapping files on BBS if you REALLY want to :)
  7. This dress was made by Krista. I don't know the xactly name, but you can find it in the "Anvil Mystery House" mod. Just g**gl* it and you will find it. If you wanna view the dress in NifSkope or you wanna extract it - it's inside the "Krista - winter" folder (0201.nif). PS. there also exists an .esp which was translated into English. ;) Have fun. Alba and Tobjoern :) Thanks, I found it :D
  8. I'm looking for the clothing in this pic http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/4431-5-1298907576.jpg Anyone know the name of it or where I can find it? thanks in advance
  9. I originally posted this on the beth forums but I have not had much luck, hope I can find some help here. Heyas I'm creating a mod that makes the Kvatch soldiers essential and after the quest they move down to the camp and guard it with sleep and eat schedules. Most of it is working but some of it is not, I was hoping someone could debug this for me and see whats up. Specifically Jesan Rilian and Merandil are not using their new AI packs I gave them. Also, the Imperial Soldiers that come to help, I made them go out the main gate of Kvatch and they are supposed to get disable at that point but they wont disable at all. Here is the file if someone wishes to take a shot at it.
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