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Everything posted by keastkannegaard

  1. Hope they dont go the "socket" way. Really hope we can customise our weapons. Having like 3 different hilts, 3 different blades, and so on would be awesome. Dont have to be a lot, but just having the possibility will be awesome. Pretty sure the modders will provide in with more variety.
  2. We had sabre-toothed cats in Europe? And only 1000 years ago?
  3. Have you ever seen a barbarian do magic? Dont you think that if he could do magic he would have made his hammer return to his hand? :P
  4. Fatal, you really dont know anything about martial art, especially european arts like boxing, wrestling, pankration (greek), glima (scandinavian), systema (russian) and other styles i cant remember from the top of my head. Apart from pankration, that was outlawed by the pope, but "survived" by being the foundation of Chinese martial art, all of those arts have survived to this day in some form. Pankration, boxing and wrestling can be dated back to before 600 BC. Glima goes back to when the Scandinavians found Vinland (Newfoundland today) around year 1000. So no unarmed fighting arnt something the asians invented. It fits perfectly into a Scandinavian setting as Skyrim. Would be awesome if they had a minigame/arena for Glima fights. Would fit Skyrim. Really think you should look into European fighting styles, as they are just as lethal as the asian styles, but without all the "chi magic" stuff.
  5. The most used "moves" used in fighting, arena or in street fights are punch to the head, kick to the groin and low kick. those 3 "moves" will win you 99% of all fights. Thats 3 animations. Kick to the groin wont work if the person got heavy plate armor on, but a kick to the knee joint will make him lose balance, just like it will if you kick a person unarmored. If you do it right, he wont be able to move as his knee will be destroyed. That leaves two attacks for us to use, punch in the face and low kick. Shouldn't be that hard to make animations for or implement into the game. Disarming a person could be a combo of block and moving into the person. Or just make it chance based like in Oblivion. But non of those attacks are flashy kung fu techniques, chi base or in any other way "fantasy". Its very simple moves that can be done by almost everyone, and works on almost everyone.
  6. Do like that every time people arnt agreeing with you you seem to try make look like fools. Awesome way to argue. Most ppl here just wants unarmed to be useful for a change. No one here are saying they want unarmed to more powerful than a blade. At best it should be equal to be armed, but less can do. If you take Oblivion, they had 4 "perks", 25, 50, 75, 100. At 25, novice, your were just a brawler, getting the basic of unarmed fighting. 50, journeyman, you starting to understand unarmed combat, and would most likely be able to beat most ppl unarmed or untrained ppl that just picked up a sword. At 75 you should be one of the best unarmed ppl still living. Beating up bandits or lightly trained soldiers without getting hurt should be possible. Then we got the 100, master rank. This is Bruce Lee, Fedor, Arrachion level. Like 5 ppl in the entire realm might be just as good as you in fighting skills. You should be able to wrestle with bears and kill bulls with your bare hands without getting serious injured. In Oblivion if you was running around unarmed, even at master level, a mudcrap would have a chance to kill you... Thats how awesome unarmed was...
  7. So Glima, viking martial art from iceland, Greek/roman wrestling and Pankration, old greek unarmed martial art used in the arena, are not relevant? Many of those do have similarities with the asian martial arts, Pankration even said to have layed the foundation for many of the asian martial arts. But i do agree that having a weapon is an advantage, otherwise there would be no point in weapons and it should remain that way. Actually think its "easyer" to survive an armed group, melee weapons that is, today, than it would be at that time. Also most of the unarmed "techniques" was disarming techniques, as it was an advantage to have a weapon, and if you dont have a weapon you have to take your enemy's weapon. Pankration, tho i dont know much about that style, should have been an arena fighting style, only using the human body. Almost all other systems are weapon systems with unarmed techniques to learn basic of how to use the weapon. Again i think they should "remake" unarmed. Make more about disarming, give it a small, but notable, bonus to your weapon skills and make some unarmed arenas, no magic, no armor, just you, your fist and the opponent. Maybe make some quests involving unarmed. 2 of those 4 should be fairly easy to make.
  8. Yeah and i like Bruce Lee movies. That doesnt change that you can get out on top even if you get attacked by a group that have melee weapons. You most likely wont yes, but some individual with the right training do have a fair chance. When you hit skill lvl 100 you should be one of those individuals. Another thing. Most unarmed systems was based on a weaponsystem. Karate have Tonfa, Bo, Sai and a Oar. Jujutsu have Katana, Bo, Naginata, Kanabo and all of the other Japanese. weapons. Would be nice that as you trained your unarmed skills you would get a small boost to your weapon skills.
  9. Actually the concept of Ki and Chi are exactly the same, just have different names in different languages. I've been invloved with a Martial Artist, for 7 years now. The concept of Ki isn't really some mystical energy. It's body mechanics and doing all movements from your core. You don't bunch or throw from with your fist, you punch and throw with your hip. Then how do you explain every time they yell "NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU" they battle power raise in Dragonball Z? :P And yeah Chi/Qi/Ki is basicly the same. It is used a bit different in different cultures, China using it a lot in medicine and health, you will hear a lot of hard and soft chi/qi, while in Japan it seems to be more restricted to martial art and Harrah(not sure how this is spelled)/stomach. They also use it to kill small birds and ring bells with kiais. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIXZ4e8x9V0
  10. Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor? But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting. That is exactly what I am saying. I don't care if Bruce Lee punched me in the face, the 12g steel of my helmet will break their hand. Tin can? Have you ever felt 12 g steel? You don't know much about metallurgy do you... Chi? Wtf is this dragon ball z now? I hope to god the devs leave the silly anime stuff out of the games and leave those for modders to screw with. Realism aside, if someone could shoot fire from their hand it will burn you. If someone can make lighting hi you, you will get electrocuted... But no where within the realm of plausibly believable fiction can a fist made of flesh and bone punch through 12 guage hardened steel. Dragonball Z got nothing to do with Chi. That Ki the Japanese. version :P They shout loud to make bells ring with Ki. Why do you think they yell so much in Japanese. martial arts? :P Still Chi is somewhat real. Most are done as circus tricks, but that doesnt mean its not real. Chi is just "energy" that, with training can be projected to different body parts, not really into Chi so cant tell you much about it, but look up Tai Chi and Chi Gong if you want to learn more about it. Also if you ever been wearing a plat armor you will know there is openings in the joins where you technical could get hit, and its heavy so a well timed kick would be able to bring you out of balance. Atleast thats the case the times i was fighting in Japanese. armor. Also it restraints your body movement.
  11. Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor? But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting.
  12. Unarmed is a skill i always loved to hate. Always been horrible, and really no use in the game :( Would be awesome if they actually made it atleast decent this time and added some use for it like some underground boxing fights and bar brawls. Games like Jade Empire and Batman: Arhkam Asylum had some interesting combat systems, that i think worked well even for PC, and would like to see something like that in Skyrim. Really douth we will see that in Skyrim tho, but less can do. Being able to sneak up on a person and kill him would be nice, but properly make sneak a bit overpowered, with the use of chameleon. And would be awesome if they actually put Unarmed into use this time. The Imperial Legion, or someone else, having some trouble with some underground boxing fights and want you to infiltrate them. Bar brawls would also be nice to see, and make taverns more "fun" to visit. A starter quest where you have to go out kill a bear without armor and weapons, to test if your are worthy of learning from the Greybeards, or what ever they are called, would be awesome as well. Lot of quests that can make use of Unarmed if they want to. Also would love to see Unarmed be renamed to Glima :P But beating up a dragon with your bare hands... You are not Chuck Norris!
  13. The only thing that makes Morrowind shine above Oblivion are all the quests, guilds, and all the other stuff you could do in the game. It seemed like they reduced the overall game by removing a lot of the guilds and factions in the game. Where you had 3 major factions, the house, think 9 minor factions, the guilds and temples, and 3 vampire factions, in Morrowind each with atleast 12 quests. In Oblivion you had 4 guilds. This could have worked if they actually had invested more time on the 4 guilds, to expand the guilds to be more than just the minor factions they were in Morrowind, but actually major players in the imperial society, trying to get more influence. They didn't sadly and this is properly the biggest disappointment i had in Oblivion. If it was because they hoped the modders would expand the guilds i dont know, but really felt the game was over after 40 hours. I had saved the world, become head of the 4 different guilds... what to do next? Go on Nexus hoping that someone had "expanded" the game? It just felt unfinished compared to Morrowind. All that with fast travel being bad, less skills, no death pen. for being evil and so on. It never really effected my game. The only game design that really effected me was that horrible interface and level scaling :S And the horrible stealth...
  14. What is it you actually are discussing? How "historical correct" the nords are to the norse? Or who can fill a page with most words?:S
  15. Cant see how mods can be bad :S its just added contest. Yes there is nude mods. Yes they are fun for like 10 min and then you move on. But what about mods like Tamriel Rebuild, Rise of Telvanni, Mothership Zeta Crew and all the other quest mods that expand the game? Are those also bad? Those are imo a MUST when playing. Cant see why Skyrim wont be able to profit from mods like that? That some like they barbie doll to look a specific way, well let them. I dont care. No one forces me to dl mods i dont want or dont like, just like no one forces me to play games i dont find funny. But i do see a problem with the bodyreplacers. The game was rate think 12+ when it came out. A bit drugs and a few foul words nothing really bad. 2 weeks later they had to change it to 16+ because you could now dl nude mods. Ofc this hit the company. Cant remember the case completely but think that was the headlines back then. But it doesnt seem to have an effect in fallout 3/NV, so its properly not that big a prob. If anything this should be about why modders dont get together and make more quests and guild expansions, instead mostly use time on armor and weapons. But also know it takes a lot of time to make stuff like that and hope they make it easyer for the modders to make that quest mods.
  16. Loved Morrowind weapon system. A long sword and short sword arnt used the same way. would be great if that came back. Maybe have a standard sword fighting style til you reached a sudden level, lets just say 50 in sword, and to raise the sword level more you had to seek a teacher that would teach you a fighting style, if you pick another you would have to start over with the training, focusing on a special type of swords. Could be short swords, would be even faster, long swords doing more dmg, or 2 handed would stun your target, depending on the fighting style. Same could be done to magic, so you dont end up with this master of all trades, but had to specialise a bit. And now we are with equipment, it would be nice to see different styles of equipment, based on the blacksmith, maybe even have a small symbol on lets say the sword showing it was made by this weaponsmith. The different factions would have they mark on they equipment. Also make armour matter. If im running around in a plate mail, there is no chance in hell i can swing a sword as fast as in cloth or leather armour. No armour = you die very fast, but you can move faster, heavy armour you dont die fast but you move slower. Really missed how you could train up your skills at a skill trainer, instead of casting a lowleveld spell 1 million to level up. I always end up "cheating" in oblivion and making it a lot faster to level up skills. Another thing i loved in Morrowind was all the factions. The Thief/Fighter guild storyline was imo brilliant, the quests could have been better, but think thats was more because of the limits to stealth aspect of the game. The Thief guild in Oblivion was also great, especially the late quests was good, but again the stealth wasnt that amazing. Improving the stealth aspect of the game, think the old Thief games, and the thief guild questline would be amazing. Another faction i loved very much from Morrowind, was Telvanni. Not much killing, but a lot quests that made you get stuff, like "to be a real telvanni mage you need x spell! go get them!" or "i want a skirt!!! get me a skirt!!! now give it to my slavepet!!". it was funny quests and gave the telvanni faction personality. Also the "cure the queen from blights" was good. Didnt find Morag Tong's questling funny in Morrowind. Really really boring, go kill x and here is a paper you show the guards so you dont have to fight them. The Dark Brotherhood questline was defently more fun. But still missed those "make it look like an accident" option. as far as i remember there was only one quest. The storyline was okay tho. And really liked how you joined DB, and would love to see that used on other factions aswell, like you been doing some small quests, and the fighter guild gives you and offer you can cant refuse. Also expand the questlines to not just stop when you reach "master of the faction", but have an option to influence the world after that. Could be investing some money into equipment, or just a blacksmith, so the faction would be better equipped. Or being master of the fighter guild you could take over part of the protection of a city or the roads and that way expand your influence. But would love to see, The Imperial Legion, The Fighter Guild, The Mage Guild, The Thief Guild and The Dark Brotherhood as factions you could join. More factions would ofc also be welcome, like a trade faction. Basic needs like food water and sleep, could be added, but should be able to turn them off. Personally i find them annoying. Also, i want a castle this time. not those boring houses they call homes... I want a real castle, where i can hire the fighter guild to stand guard, a mage to reseach magic and having a temple for the imperial cult, Ebonheart style. Make it that you should buy some land at first and build a small house on it, you then slowly could upgrade it to a castle, if you could find the right builder, maybe even have different builders, to build different styles of castles, based on the race of the builder, and got enough money. This would make a decent questline. Different body types. Soldiers should be muscular while the innkeeper having a beerbelly. Old women should have sacky breasts, and young ones firm. Stuff like that. Modders will defently make more bodytypes later on, if it just an option. Damn this became a bit longer than i expected.
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