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  1. Walking toward the camera requires an animation mod like 360 Walk and Run Plus. It's separate from camera mods.
  2. Wet & Cold sorta does that, but I think it only covers hoods and cloaks.
  3. Does it crash after about 15 minutes? If so, try 15 minute crash fix for Windows 10.
  4. Try the CBBE, CBBE Bodies, or Unassigned options. Some conversions don't create their own group list and will use one of those.
  5. There are a few mods that add a family for the Dragonborn already. I don't know about care packages or letters or such, though. It's a good idea. Growing up in Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56916/ Grandfather's Farm (I'm not sure if the grandfather is actually in it or if it's just the farm): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47152/? There are other mods that add backstories as well, but I'm not sure of any that actually add a family.
  6. What is the full file name? If it is hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml, just put the file in Data/SKSE/Plugins/ to install it. If the filename is something else, it may need to go elsewhere.
  7. Yeah, you'll need to do that. ^ The most recent version of xEdit removed the "apply filter for cleaning" stuff entirely, I believe. Any guide that discusses that is now considered outdated. QuickAutoClean is the way to go now.
  8. No, that's a very bad idea. Expect it to break a lot of stuff. Potentially, yes. One thing I tend to do is merge mods that are only esps or where I don't want to copy assets (like say the extra esps in Weapons and Armor Remade), then include that merged file in a larger merge that includes asset copying. One problem with scripts is that some scripts will use the functions GetFormFromFile() or GetModByName(). These allow a script to look for the existence of certain esp files and possibly pull information from those files by looking up the form id in the esp. As far as I know, Merge Plugins can't or doesn't handle changing those scripts - especially if they're in mods you aren't merging. For example, I know from past checks that some mods reference Falskaar.esm and notice board.esp like this. If you use those mods and include those two files in merges, then those mods looking for those files will be broken in some way. Unfortunately I don't know of any reference that lists mods that shouldn't be merged due to this, other than the Dictionary in Merge Plugins.
  9. Yep, you want Fires Hurt: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28202
  10. Did you have any Gildergreen tree mods installed? It looks like you're missing the mesh for the tree and the textures for the benches, so try reinstalling any mods that affected that specific area.
  11. It's the same problem and solution, you're probably using a CBBE texture. Get a UNP texture instead.
  12. Sorry, I got my mods mixed up last time. While the one I mentioned might work for it, what I was really thinking of was Hearthfire multiple adoptions. It has a "Bless Home" spell that works as I described; it registers a house as owned by you so that the spouse and children can move in. The downside is it requires a new game, so you can't use it on an existing playthrough.
  13. The first top five results in Google lead me to Tytanis: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1601 No idea where the holy dust is, but maybe finding that much will help you figure it out.
  14. If no one can provide a fix or workaround and all you're using the bashed patch for is combining leveled lists, you could try using Mator Smash instead. It does similar things in that area.
  15. The order of the effects is irrelevant to making potions. It only comes into play when consuming the ingredient directly. There's a perk in the Alchemy skill tree that reveals an extra effect when an ingredient is eaten. That perk uses the order to relate an effect to each rank in the perk.
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