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Everything posted by silvergriffin1963

  1. I am not talking about any mods or houses that can be scrapped with the settlement build work station or houses without reference codes. I am talking about the houses with reference codes that can be disabled with the console only.
  2. This might be what you are looking for called beautiful sanctuary http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4968/? As for the ability to fix or replace the damaged houses, that is a common request and been told it probably won't be available til the new year when the program to properly mod comes out. Right now its pretty limited.
  3. I have not found a mod that allows you to scrap the unscrappable houses. there is a script mod that was taken down, it did exactly the same. open console type in disable click on object and press enter. I tried it but didn't seem to do anything that couldn't be done without it. if it didn't have a reference id it couldn't be scrapped with or without the mod. I can disable several of the buildings in sanctuary but am concerned about causing bugs in the game. I am assuming the ones without a reference id are that way to prevent bugs. what I want to know is it safe to remove the ones with references id's without causing bugs.
  4. seen some awesome tattoos so far but no piercings and would love a womans hairstyle to be longer than shoulder length. I am hoping when the modding tools come out we can see some mid back and hip length styles
  5. i was told to use disable in the console to remove bodies and other unwanted items that are unscrappable but how much can i use it before causing problems? I want to remove the partially intact houses and build new ones but will this cause bugs in the game such as will the settlers be able to use the new houses? I have tested it a bit and found there were still things I could not disable so I am hoping that if I am able to use it then the game doesnt require it.
  6. the only half wall in the game has an angled top. would love to see some half walls without angled tops, full walls with angled tops, walls 1 & 1/2- 2 times normal height with angled tops, half walls full glass, stone, brick and stucco full and half walls. more variety in doorframes maybe to match the walls already in the game and stone brick and stucco matching, stone or brick foundation, not floor part but the part you see from the outside.
  7. Actually the most intact wooden wall is nice to have but the paste together crappy walls with gaps would be good to retexture. And hopefully not stepping on toes but can I add stone or stucco walls. I wish I knew how to do this myself!!
  8. There is also disable and enable. Open console type in disable, click on object and hit enter. Be very careful as it can remove objects behind or around it. If that happens do not click on anything else type in enable and hit enter. Close console and object should come back. To be safe make a save you can go back to just in case. I have used this to remove houses, hedges and bodies that can't be removed in build mode or with the mod scrap scrap. I still don't know how the settlers will interact with houses or objects I put in the place of a house I removed so up to you how much you want to remove using this. There is a script mod I think called cleanable settlements that does this as well but doesn't seem to do anything different but might stop bugs happening with settler interaction. Not sure but maybe check it out.
  9. either way the wall and floors that are similar in the game are the ones i am talking about. the only ones where the wood lines up neatly and no gaps. the floor has both an upper and lower floor. I am hoping for something similar for the door frame with no gaps or patches of other materials.
  10. weird I have steam and F12 didnt do anything that I know of. I cant find any place it might have stored it either. I have tried both with the fn button and without. doesnt seem to do anything
  11. stupid question, how do i take a screeenshot? and where does it save? I have googled it and nothing i found worked
  12. title says it all..the planters are a start but would like some non food items that dont have to be in the ground. decorative pots and vases would be nice. thanks
  13. grass as a plantable flower or decrative item. stone and brick floors or rugs
  14. there is only one doorframe and it is very unpleasant. there is at least one decent wall and floor but doorframe doesnt match. would love to see a doorframe that matches the walls.
  15. there's one for nude armor http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/470/?
  16. there is one to teach the settlers to clean the settlements. haven't tried it yet http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3100/?
  17. ok thanks. was just checking to see if there was a way to do it now with or without mods. I will look forward to future mods.
  18. I figured but just wanted to request it just in case..possibly already one I just missed
  19. big fans of fantasy pics and would like to have replacer for pipboys,painting, billboards, magazines etc in the game. previous games has louis royo replacers. hopefully someone can get them for this game or if I can use the textures from the old game to replace them in this one I would love to know how to do it.
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