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About misanthropic79

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    gta 4

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  1. Here you go, only does Vanilla and DLC so far but it's a start... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13285/
  2. In response to post #39691045. #39692170, #39696940, #39697340, #39706155, #39709705, #39721135, #39721215, #39721375, #39721415, #39727750, #39730905, #39732585, #39732880, #39742935, #39743195, #39743250 are all replies on the same post. "As for that last line, "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it, keep it to yourselves", it might be welcome for you to know about 90% of the authors on here are now seriously considering that option. Just ask around. They've had enough of it." That would be a sad day indeed, my heart sank just reading it! Hopefully it doesn't come to that as most of us here at the Nexus are good citizens and it'd be a shame for the majority to be punished for the sins of a few. It's a knee jerk solution to a problem that happens far too often as it is. I totally understand their frustration but there's gotta be a more reasoned solution to this, surely?
  3. Well that explains it but why does this post read like an apology? Most of us are freeloaders (myself included) we're not owed anything, the people complaining would be the epitome of entitled first world babies and what kind of noob downloads multiple mods at once? That said, it's actually kinda cool to hear that Skyrim's got a crap load of new players, some of them will turn into new modders! Anyways, appreciate the update and thank-you all for your hard work to keep the Nexus almost trouble free and us all neck deep in mods.
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