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Everything posted by EdwardWinterRP

  1. "ANSWER ME!" Edward said, slamming a fist to Dirmire's jaw.
  2. "I'm talking to you Dirmire." Edward said looking at him. "You want to die? I can arrange that."
  3. Yuuuuuh. 500 posts for me! ^^
    1. Ithildin


      Congratulations! :D *admires shiny new title*
    2. EdwardWinterRP


      My lovely title. ^^
  4. Edward appeared in the room next to Dirmire. "You thought you were going to die." He laughed. "You were wrong."
  5. Edward looked Dirmire in the eye. "Your loss." He said, lifting his foot. Dirmire fell down into the chasm, and once the chasm closed all Dirmire could see was darkness. A bright light then flashed infront of him which made him notice that he was trapped in a room. With no way out.
  6. Edward came up out of the ground at Dirmire's position. He quickly slammed his foot onto Dirmire's fingers. "One move and I let you fall."
  7. Edward stood there infront of them. "Well, I hope you all make the right decision. I'm off!" He said, slowly turning to a shadow and then. He sunk into the ground.
  8. Edward stood there infront of them. "Well, I hope you all make the right decision. I'm off!" He said, slowly turning to a shadow and then. He sunk into the ground.
  9. "Aardorn? He is in the fire. Waiting for all of you to follow him." He then uttered a few words to himself and the ground behind them collapsed, making Dirmire hang on for dear life. "Aardorn or Dirmire." He said, smirking.
  10. He walked, and appeared infront of Aardorn. "Hello Aardorn.. having a good day?" He smirked. Quickly, Edward disappeared. He then re-appeared back in the camp. Infront of the group. "Alright everyone?" He said, smiling.
  11. Edward laughed at the crater he left in the ground. "Perfect." He muttered, walking back through the flames towards the camp. A grim smile was on his face, a sign of destruction and power.
  12. OOC- By the group running, I meant them running around the camp frantically. Edward felt the arrow penetrate his side. Slowly, he fell. Down toward the flames below. Quickly a flash of light appeared in his place and an eruption of the ground came from that area. He pulled out the arrow from his side. "Thanks Aardorn. Once again, we're enemies." He said, to himself.
  13. Edward looked to all of the group running, he laughed. He quickly thrust his arm towards the camp and a bombardment of boulders flew down from the sky. OOC- Imagination for the win. ;]
  14. Edward then slowly started running, quickly turning to a sprint. He saw a fallen tree, he swung his foot upwards, kicking off of it. Easily seen from above the forest he swung his arm up in a victory motion. A pillar of the ground rose up and at the top he stood, watching the camp and fire.
  15. Edward was walking. He didn't care about the flames around him. He didn't care what people said. He didn't care about anything at this moment in time.
  16. The whole forest was now on fire. The camps borders were alight, trapping everyone in. The forest was burning. And Edward was in the middle of it.
  17. Edward would walk through a forest clearing. "I'm tired of all of this!" He lashed out his fists at a tree, setting it alight. He carried on walking, the forest slowly catching alight.
  18. Edward walked, knocking Selene and Nawen out of his path. He walked out of the camp. Clenching his fist, he talked. "I'm sorting this out." OOC- This song suits the scene. :} http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=YsW7j-ISB5w
  19. Edward walked towards Dirmire, as he was standing up because of Nawen. Edward went straight through him, well. In Dirmire's eyes he did. A sharp pain struck Dirmire, knocking him back down to the ground. Forcing him unconscious. Edward carried on walking, a wide, grim smile on his face.
  20. Edward spun, kicking his foot into Dirmire's neck. Edward grinned, "I knew it Dirmire. A grown man who can't defend himself." Edward kicked him further into the wet dirt. "How sad." He then turned to Selene. "Why?" He said, the grim smile still on his face. "Dirmire, is a grown man. He needs to face his fears."
  21. Edward slowly sunk into the floor. All Dirmire could feel was pain. He could hear Edward but his eyes and his mind felt like an Illusion. Everything around him melted away, he could only see darkness. "Hehe, Illusion. Another great skill to master." Said Edward, this seemed demonic to Dirmire.
  22. Edward stood infront of him, blocking the path. He created a ball of frost in his palm and sent it into Dirmire's knees. Freezing him on the spot. "Pure magic, anyone would understand." He looked Dirmire in the eye and the sharp pain in his mind returned. The pain was enough to knock a grown man to the ground screaming, unfortunately for Dirmire he was stuck on the spot.
  23. Edward left the tent. Pushing everyone out of his way. He reached Dirmire and pushed him down. "Hey, Dirmire why you so down?!" He said, kicking Dirmire's side. "Dirmire, defend yourself! Go on. Hit me!" Edward said, still kicking Dirmire into the ground.
  24. Edward got from the table and stood, putting his clothes on. "You're right." He laughed. "Enough of our madness." He turned. "And Selene, I'll tell you about the fire later."
  25. "Where? Where would I find a partner? It won't happen."
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