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Everything posted by lazyskeever

  1. I am going to assume you are trying this on a female orc. Female orcs don't use the female-specific animation sets.
  2. I don't think you can do that in the CK. You'd have to edit the mesh itself. I'm not even sure if it's possible in Nifskope which is the go-to editor for doing stuff without having to convert the mesh between different formats. I once tried to edit the scale and offset of a helmet in Nifskope, but the ingame results didn't appear any different.
  3. You mean that glare is coming from the texture itself, and not any specular settings or anything on the model?
  4. Is the tes5edit cleaning all that's really needed? I think we really need some well documented PSA about this stuff for the Skyrim modding community. The instability caused by worldspace-altering mods has terrified me to the point where I simply refuse to install them.
  5. Installing worldspace mods which alter the vanilla navmeshes tend to make the game extremly unstable. That might explain the crashing problem anyway.
  6. Copy the diffuse image, then create a new layer in the channels tab in the normal map and paste it there. It will automatically be assigned as an alpha layer and be black and white. After that you can tweak the brightness and contrast depending on how reflective you want it to be. As you might guess, the brighter areas will be more reflective and the darker areas will be less reflective. Then save it as a .dds with alpha.
  7. Keep a lookout for SFO 2.0. It seems the tree length has been increased, and I would bet on the lods being affected as well.
  8. Try MSI Afterburner instead. It's free, easy to use and has great performance.
  9. Well in the screenshots it looks more like a mountain mesh to me with all the jagged edges and less like the more organic landscape shape... either way I don't have that much to go by here without looking at the files. How did you make your normal map? Does it have any alpha/specular layer in itself? It could be that it's just too noisy and the lack of an alpha layer makes it reflect everything at 100% strength.
  10. Are you putting them on the mountain meshes? They probably have very stretched out UV maps.
  11. I thought you meant more along the lines of a rebalance overhaul of the entire magic system... something that would make magic more uncommon, harder to use and in turn less inconsequential. I remember reading a preview for Dragon Age which hinted towards their magic being more like this. Of course it didn't really turn out that way in the finished product. You'd have to use physical solutions to augment your magic, such as oil for fire.
  12. You need to make sound descriptors for them. Sound files aren't just loaded directly in Skyrim, they first go through a Sound Descriptor which has settings like volume, frequency variance, category, loop settings and such.
  13. Well, no one can really tell you what you're supposed to think about this stuff. I found aMidianBorn's to be the best in terms of sticking to the original vanilla vision. But it all completely depends on what you're looking for. Personally I dislike the green tint on Skyrim's cave textures and prefer that they have a more color-neutral tone to them, so it's more up to the interior lighting itself to set the color and mood.
  14. I think being chased by something you can't kill (at least not in a normal way) is usually pretty good for suspense in games. Just don't get too liberal with the jump scares like Doom 3. And whatever you do, don't do it like There are some cool creepy mods for Doom that I've played which I think would serve as good inspiration for scary TES mods. One of them is .
  15. You have to keep in mind that it's not only the texture affecting this but also the specular and/or vertex lighting in the .nif 3D model.
  16. Isn't there a way to "flush" the cache or something using the console? Perhaps that could help. Though I don't know how effective that would be on a memory leak if it is one.
  17. Definitely agree about the normal map problem. Shoddy normals can really drag down the whole package no matter how high-res and pretty the diffuse is. And I find this to be about 10 times worse when it comes to Oblivion textures, so I just play using the vanilla ones instead. I think aMidianborn's environmental textures have made the best impression on me thus far. They sometimes deviate a bit but the general tone of the originals are always preserved.
  18. Just a heads up for those who missed it. Here is my latest sound overhaul module: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50109/ The first and IMO most important goal of the mod is to remove the constantly mismatched footstep sounds, where you'll occasionally hear the unarmored dirt footstep no matter which armor you wear or what terrain you're walking on, wether it be stone or wood or snow. There are already other mods out there for footsteps but I haven't seen anyone which actually addressed this issue which was my main pet peeve. Second feature is that each and every footstep set for light and heavy armor have been redesigned (and in some cases the unarmored ones) and more have been added where there were none before. You will now hear an extra layer of foley sounds from your armor in cases where you never did in vanilla, like running, walking and sneaking with heavy armor. And third I have added jumping+landing sounds for light and heavy armor, instead of all armor types sharing the same unarmored jumping sounds. I think this alone makes a large difference and lets you feel the weight of your character better. In addition I have also provided an alternate set of heavy armor sounds which removes the chainmail layer and accentuates the plate sounds. I anticipated that tastes would differ here and thought it would be a good idea to offer options for those who find the chainmail too distracting. I may also add an alternate set of light armor sounds for those who prefer more medium-type armors which fall within the light armor category.
  19. I have forced ambient occlusion on mine and I think it definitely becomes noticable in foggy distances, so it's certainly there like you say. In fact that's probably why I don't like the effect very much when it acts that way, since the occlusion doesn't seem to interact with the fog it makes things appear more visible than they really should... http://i.imgur.com/J1ZBXmL.jpg
  20. OCO should typically be very far down the load order, always ahead of any other character/cosmetic mods. And it should probably be after a Bashed Patch if you have one... just figured that out for my FCOM install after putting OCO in it. To get eye, hair mods and such to work with OCO, you need to create a compatibility patch yourself since I haven't seen any up for download yet. What you need is Wrye Bash, and in it you should right click on OCO and choose "esmify self" and then do the same on any cosmetic mods you want to work with OCO. Then get the Construction Set if you haven't downloaded it already, and load OCO along with all the other esmified cosmetic mods. In there you go to the Character menu, then open the Eyes and Hairs windows, and finally the Race window. In the Race window go to the body tag, and then it is simply a matter of clicking and dragging any mod-added hairs/eyes you have loaded into the Eye Colors and Hair Styles groups for each race you want affected by them. Once that is finished, you save this as a new mod which will act as your patch (since it has the comsetic mods and OCO in its master list). Close the Construction Set, go back to Wrye Bash, right click the esmified mods and choose "espify self" to turn them back to normal and then activate your newly created patch mod. Presto!
  21. Are you sure nothing from the Griffon set works? The wooden tower roofs are roughly in the same shape as the ones you got from Oblivion. They are merged with the base tower mesh but you can isolate it in Nifskope, then retexture the wooden roof into the material you want.
  22. Are there any texture mods out there that really put an effort into preserving the look and feel of the vanilla textures? For all their 512px blurriness, at least they had a very coherent style and vision to them which I like. I've tried Qarl's and AmpolX (did I get the name right?) but I just encounter way too many pet peeves I have with them. I also generally dislike the normal maps which have too much noise on them. I've half a mind to start creating my own texture pack for Oblivion. I don't consider myself an accomplished texture artist but I have the most rudimentary skills like creating seamless textures and doing some hand-editing to normals. I've already made a texture for mud+stones since when I used one of the landscape texture packs and ran to that mud patch near the tent outside Vilverin, I thought it looked way too out of place compared to the rest of the environment. I'm also gonna take a shot at imperial fort ruins. Especially the exteriors because I really like that faded beige look the originals have.
  23. There are 2 resources here that could possibly act as substitutes for the imported Oblivion meshes http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41036/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33948/? You could also retexture some of the Dawnguard castle assets.
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