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Everything posted by Allephus

  1. Well, I would like a unique Auron trench and sword, maybe even some different eyes that would allow for a variety of mixing and matching to get your appearance of choice, or to look like a character you like.
  2. I mean, I would want my Steward.....who I'd probably make Ohdaving :tongue:....to take care of all the stuff anyway. I'd just be the guy that returned to him to check the status quo for whatever quests, or recurring events I have to take part in. I'd probably make Lydia my General, and it'd be pretty bad ass to have a Hall of Thanes with my Housecarl as its proprietor. I also like the idea of adding sort of a "Kingmaker" type feel to the game. It'd be great if this were a quest after Liberation/Reuniting Skyrim that allowed you to eventually gain the favor of all the Jarls and become High King...at which point I'd have Ulfric beheaded since...while he's not the most racist guy, he's still an ass... I can think of a lot of things Jarlhood would encompass, but would probably be too much work to do.
  3. It think it is random. The animations appear to only happen when you or the enemy can deal more damage than you have HP. At least, that was my observation.
  4. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/517379-weapons-of-thuum/page__p__4219639__fromsearch__1#entry4219639 I posted something similar here. Embellished a bit to give an idea of what I was talking about.
  5. Wish somebody would take this up. :thumbsup:
  6. I've been the Jarl ever since I took that arrow in the knee. :confused: :thumbsup: I'll take a #1 with a side of conquest against the Thalmor and some of those little Tyrant packages I do so love. :devil:
  7. While, in their defense, they probably thought people would want to enjoy the scenery without annoying icons or words displayed, it'd be nice to have the option to toggle whether they display or not.
  8. So, how about we just a buff potion with that effect? :thumbsup: Call it...Chuck Norris Chin. Or...
  9. You are an idiot for not listening to your own closing statement through the rest of your, dare I say argument.. nah your rant. This is about visual censorship. In the GREAT, AWESOME, U.S. OF A. adults are brainwashed by authorities and the media to believe false controversy. This is quite apparent if you ever talk to a audience member of Fox News. Where I am going with this is that, these adults are essentially idiots in their own right. Now idiots tend to judge books by their cover, it is just one of those things we all know from experience. Plus, refer to the false controversy statement above and google jack thompson. As a side note, once something labeled as controversy reaches the air and convinces people to join the, often, wrong side there is no easy way back; refer to global warming for proof of this. My theory is that people like to watch the news and keep their eye open for these things in the hopes they can bring it up and seem intelligent to their likewise friends. (edit in italics) How does that apply to this game? The types of parents who would be appeased by this mod are generally not the kind to actually play the game themselves so they don't know about non visual content usually. They mainly don't like to see obviously grotesque imagery in front of their children's eyes regardless of context and the potentially positive learning experience it may or may not be providing said child. In essence if you take away dismemberment and blood, and disfigured corpses, what you are left with is a high fantasy game with highly unbelievable looking fighting. I don't mean to say that the animations are bad, I mean that they animations have no visual effect.. other than perhaps the enemy being jolted back a bit. So why does any of this even matter.. as you finally pointed out in your last statement.. this is about the kid.. who has to deal with said idiots on a regular basis. He has no control over their thoughts or behaviours, unless he is an exceptionally intelligent kid and can use a well made argument to convince his parents of his bullet proof morality. Most people would be lucky to be able to do so by the time they enter post secondary. So in other words your entire argument is moot since your argument is surely to never be seen by any of these idiot parents in america. Just thought I would chime in my two cents with how pointless it is to argue the legitimacy of the mod. edit: Oh and mxan.. there are actually studies in which the results clearly prove that violent video games have no ill effects on people who aren't already predisposed to violence. I will see if I can find it.. probably won't be able to though since I am not a scientist and don't know how to search for things like that.. but news article which referenced the study was published in 2010 if I recall. It's pretty funny how people post stuff like this on forums like they have something to say/prove; throwing "idiot" about as if they've got the coffee mug reading, "I'm the only one who REALLY knows what's going on." Especially when they try to bring politics into it. :laugh: I voted no for a simple reason: It's fine the way it is. It only becomes AO when you mod it to such a degree. It's great that the players have the freedom to do so, but there again comes in the choice factor. Where as Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas was borderline to begin with. Xernorva's statement was pretty valid. Much less a rant than what said in reply, and something I happen to agree with...well...then again I don't have a kid and don't intend to but that's beside the point. Besides, as harsh as parents can be sometimes, I've always known them to be pretty understanding as long as they know what the hell is going on. Unless you have a permanent bruise from all their Bible thumping, I doubt it'd be much of an issue. That's just me though. And that'd also be my answer to the question, "Why would somebody vote no?!"
  10. That would be great. It'd also be nice to see the favorites implemented for visuals, unless...that's what you're talking about. Either way, a good way to work with it would be to display the most powerful bow within your favorites. (Although I've only ever put one bow in my favorites since I generally never rely on the enchantment of a bow unless I put the Paralyze enchantment on it.) Quivers would work as the one that you currently have equipped only. The easiest way around this would just be....not to create an instance for bows and only consider martial melee weapons as appropriate to display. In any case, swords, daggers, two-handers, hammers, maces, staffs, could all be display on your body. It'd look even cooler if there were some kind of item vest/backpack gear you could strap over your armor/arms/legs/boots (and whenever you have that item equipped over your armor, it'd display various "favorited" items.
  11. Dude...it's like tumors for legs..... they practically sing: Imma tumor Imma tumor Imma tumor Imma tumor Imma tumor Imma tumor O o o Imma tumor
  12. I've thought about having this tie into the treasury at Markarth as well. Since it's like a big friggin' bank, why not have it act like one? Perhaps some kind of market system, such as an Auction house. I mean...it'd be kinda cool (in the assumption that a mod will be developed allowing you to become Emperor or something) to manipulate the market to your own advantage to fund say...a crusade against the Thalmor? :whistling:
  13. Eeek! Wrong forum! My bad. :wallbash: Could an admin please move this? I must have clicked the wrong forum.
  14. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh53/Allephus/TESV2012-01-0619-39-07-66.png Something little and probably pretty simple. I downloaded the Paladin mod which adds some Paladin weapons and a shield. The scabbard for the long sword is white with a gold tip. In this screen, the scabbard has a blue glow appearance due to the lighting within the mage college. I'm just politely requesting that the sword be retextured to have a bluish glow to the sword, and the scabbard. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  15. Yeah but MY near death means: I press the "i" button as the bandit chief is swinging his hammer at my face and drink Potion of Ultimate Healing and close out. :laugh: Or in the split second before the dragon breath hits me (that is...my apparently super under powered new character) and my eminent demise, I stealth and roll just in time. And since I no longer wear armor in dungeon crawling on my first character, I pretty much die instantly from traps. :turned: A lot funner though.
  16. Yeah, there was a tentacle rape mod for oblivion. ....WTF Japan. Seriously? :laugh:
  17. Yeah, but the with one detail missing, at least for me, I'd feel like it's incomplete. It's like...in the game Gothic, where you come across a bandit group with several named bandits in a camp that is pretty well guarded, and sits in a gorge that has a bunch of raptors ("snappers") walking around the base of this encampment. Sure they're THERE. And sure there would probably be a group of invalids and/or exiled prisoners within a prison colony that large, but why name them in the first place if they don't serve a purpose? Which...they didn't. You had to mod the game to give them one hahaha. So what I'm saying is, if you're gonna have the mod being one way, why not just go the extra little bit to have it be the other? Though, I guess you might not feel something is missing. I, on the other hand, LOVE nudist colonies since that's what Whiterun becomes whenever I get the Perfect Touch perk. X-D
  18. Agreed. Taunting would also be nice. The weapon tap on the shield that bandits do is kinda funny. Would be interesting to hear guards or other enemies say, "Why,,,you!"
  19. Wow. o.o She really hates'em. :laugh:
  20. But how could you tell, if their name was Bandit and you came across another Bandit? lol Just assume that's him, or would he say, "Oh no. Not again! Run!" and take off again?
  21. I think headshots are already there. I was just fighting an insanely hard dragon...which I had to pull out all the stops just to beat....man am I loving Deadly Dragons. They're still a pain even on my original character. I mean....I can still pretty much 10 shot them with my arrow if I use my super Fortify Archery potions but...WOW I still don't want to be hit by them hahaha. Anyway, a dragon attacked Riverwood, so I had to hide in the forge to dodge its frost breath and pull out my Infernal Blast spell on its ass. Finally he was too weak to fly and landed across the river next...to the wood...cutters....place....hmph, wouldn't'a thunk it...Well suffice to say, he was looking pretty pathetic sitting their groveling over how weak he was against fire and so I started pelting him with arrows. Thank the f*** Christ I had a butt load of Ebony ones, otherwise it would have taken forever...which...it still kinda did. But he was looking directly at me and I was completely visible, while in the sneak stance. He was even breathing frost at me which couldn't really reach me all the way. With my eagle eye, I started to shoot him in the face....well every time I shot him in the face, it said "Sneak attack x3.0". But everywhere else I hit him, it took normal damage...which didn't really show. If by balancing, you mean, giving bows some extra oomph with there sneak attack, I agree, since it makes more since that a sneak attack from a bow would mean you had time to carefully pick the spot that you're shooting and hit the vital area while they're unaware. I'm kind of turned off, every time I shoot an arrow at the guy, silently roll back into position, shoot the guy again, rinse repeat. Otherwise, I think it's fine since it CAN get pretty gross if you make it.
  22. That's why Google is there. :-P
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