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Everything posted by Allephus

  1. I'm still really trying hard to figure out why, since Archer Type is mentioned, Eagle Eye wouldn't suffice. I suppose since it doesn't consume stamina. But you can play smart in many ways. By level 40, I had every word of Unrelenting Force...since most keeps (for example) have at least one raised part of terrain around the outer walls, I could just perch myself on one, use the shout, knock some guy off the ledge, use Aura Whisper, cast invisibility, since I had the two perks in the Eagle Eye tree, I could quickly run to the entrance of the keep and one shot every person that walked out. With spell casters, it was even easier...if I really wanted to know what I was up against I'd just fire an iron arrow at somebody on the balcony and see what they're called... I like the idea, I really do. I probably wouldn't use it, but it's cool. I can see it in Skyrim, just as well. It just doesn't seem like it would really turn the tides of a battle, for me at least. :psyduck:
  2. Read the title. More like.... the hell are you requesting? lol
  3. Even Nocturnal's armor could be equipped through console! I tried for a long while to see if there was anyway to equip the Dragon Priest armor but to no avail.
  4. While, I don't play Khajiits, Nighteye is pretty useful, now that I have it from Midas Spells. At least I like it.
  5. Dragon Priest Robes I think those robes look awesome. I'd love to be able to wear them. Please, if anyone finds the time, I'd really like to wear them. Not as a retexture, but as an entirely new armor. If it's not too much to ask. Maybe make two version(?): One that retains the "flowy" cloth, and one that doesn't for a slightly more revealing armor. I'd really really appreciate it.
  6. I saw somewhere that somebody had the bright idea of map notes. I thought it'd be neat to be able to place multi-colored map markers, right click on them, and put a note there which would display when you hovered your cursor over it.
  7. It'd be interesting to tie this feature into something like...a Resurrection Spell at Master Level Restoration. Maybe even a feature, such as: sanctification during the burial. And then you could return at a later time and raise them, provided...say....that you have a filled Grand Soul Gem. If possible, and further, if a modder took this up and would want to go through the extra would, it'd be kinda cool to be able to carry a sort of...."burial kit" that allows you to craft a Sarcophagus for placing the body in, and when you raise whoever is in it, it pops open with the same animation as the Dragon Priests, or Draugr. The resurrection spell would suffice for me, since I find it pretty lame sometimes that I need to go talk to some dude only to discover that my dragon fight in the middle of town had left several semi-important npcs dead.
  8. The way it is now, I can pretty much continue improving my...say....Daedric One Handed Sword to the maximum amount of damage it will deal at base level...which I don't know off hand, but I think it's like....96 or something. The perks will increase it to well beyond that. With the appropriate gear equipped, you can deal up to 500 damage with a single handed weapon, and a little more than 1000 with a two-handed weapon. But I don't think I quite understand why that would effect the slot that they go to. An appearance mod would be great to have. The Malos weapons would look pretty cool strapped to the back. So would the Third Era weapons. But I don't see why that should effect the nature of the weapon.
  9. Arch-Mage Perks. As cool as it was to become the Arch-Mage, I noticed not a lot of people seemed to care. I was especially ticked off at the Jarl of Winterhold when he continued to talk about the College as though I wasn't the current proprietor of its entirety. Simply put, while I can do without people saying different stuff in acknowledgement of my success, I'd really like it if I were able to promote people within the college. I really didn't want Tolfdir, as cool as he is, to be the Master Wizard. I'd much rather have been able to promote my own people. Enthir is probably the most likeable, in my opinion. I probably would have gone with him as the Master. It'd also be kinda cool to manipulate the hierarchical structure such that the college can be led by another Arch-Mage, and that's who I'd choose Tolfdir to be. While this might be a big of work, I think it'd be pretty neat to have a little more power within the various agencies all-together. But really, by power, I mean options.
  10. Awesome. I'm anticipating the outcome of this. :thumbsup:
  11. Yeah, Oblivion had a great lockpicking system. I'd like to see it in Skyrim.
  12. Regardless of whether or not it's already been posted, it's great that it's been mentioned again because this is a great idea.
  13. I'd really like somebody to add an Active Effect for the Bard's College in Solitude. Bardic Knowledge seems appropriate. With it, all skills are learned 5% quicker. Or, perhaps it could be similar to the Nightingale "perks". Bardic Appraisal: Prices are 25% better. Bardic Knowledge: All skills are learned 10% quicker. Bardic Lore: Gain 50% more experience from Skill Books. Or something to the extent of. When the CK is released, I'd also really like somebody to add playable instruments. This would allow you to collect a small amounts of gold as NPCs would walk up and toss coins at your feet for each song you play. You could do it anywhere. A bar, in the city streets. On the road. For a later time: Add the feature of putting a band together and have some kind of feature (such as the one in Lord of the Rings: Online) that allows you to put your own music in the game and play it as it would sound with the instrument that you're playing it with in the game. Would any of this be possible? Wanted?
  14. I thought there was already a mod like this. I know I saw a dog to chicken mod, which seemed to show it staying. Maybe not.
  15. I don't know if this would really be a mod...rather than a gamestate....just something that would actually "mitigate" my "personality" within the game I guess. I've always been kinda disappointed at the fact that going to jail/paying a crime fine is what determines your standing with people (in large part), especially after I just killed the guys wife...let alone the Emperor. Karma was a semi-flawed system in Fallout 3...and the whole "good and evil" choice system is still rather limited. I'm more or less describing an open-ended instance....like in Baldur's Gate....but really all of D&D. Something similar to that of an alignment, but all-together, a reputation system. Idk...maybe I'm cruisin' for a bruisin'.
  16. That'd be awesome. SOMETHING that would be intimidating, since evidently Daedric Armor, Dragonplate Armor, Nightingale Armor, and all of the other menacing/semi-menacing looking armors don't seem to phase anybody in the slightest. It'd be great to actually be able to intimidate a guard right out of taking me to jail. :biggrin:
  17. It's hard when there are more ideas than modders hahaha X-D
  18. There's also a few bugs that I've been waiting to get fixed.
  19. I think a trophy system would be great! Maybe even a belt that allows you to equip the heads for aesthetic purposes.
  20. I mean, no, but you can tell someone/something is there. Then you can sneak up and check it out. If you're not that great at sneaking, there are always potions of invisibility or the spell. I like the idea of a spyglass of some sort, but I don't see the necessity. That's all I was saying.
  21. Simply: A difficulty setting harder than Master. I'd like it to set your health at 25 and everything else has 50, save for dragons which remain the same or even harder. The amount of damage dealt would have to be changed for everything as well, I suppose. Or just multiply the damage received 10 fold. That could work as well. I was just thinking of that one Goldeneye difficulty setting that made getting hurt extremely detrimental. Makes it feel more realistic and the challenge is really fun.
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