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About Riffzor

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  1. Didn't Oblivion have that? In Skyrim, the best you can do is go to your inventory and press F on the items you want to favourite, and then quick-access the list of your favourite gear by pressing Q - but in Oblivion we had 1-8 as quick-favourite buttons, no?
  2. There are a few rapiers around on Nexus, but most feel like they're either too manga-fantasy inspired or have the common 'under steel smithing' curse, leaving them quite useless in the end-game or way too strong in the start. So what I'd like to see, is an all-around 'duelist' weapon mod, giving each 'type' a rapier and a main gauche (Iron, Steel, Elven, Glass, etc.), and to keep them balanced, leaving them with the same damage and weight as their respective swords. Here's a picture of a basic rapier: http://outbcoor.info/img.php?fl=p5o4l4g403v2p2r5m4a4a494q414k4s5h4j5n5i584e4p4k5q4v274v5e424o5t5i464i5l584t506k5z5r244f4e4c4l426e4e4f4r2g4s5a4l5d4w554m4q3w213m4k3v3q2q5h4m5 And here's a main gauche (trident dagger): http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkmvyC-_Vdcljx_pfWI9hpGjNS6u4ZwYrbdGUYY4hspQSIRMEvEVGj68mL Hilts are prefered, as well (for both, as I - and many others - use dual-sheath) Cheers. =)
  3. That would be awesome. What sort of stats are you giving the armour though?
  4. Ouch mate, that's a real shame. =s And yeah, I feel your pain too. Once spent 450 hours in GtkRadiant making a huge castle with village, then my hard drive died and the entire project went down the well. Glad you're not giving up though, really looking forward to raiding Edoras!
  5. This has been suggested atleast once already, and I still think it'd be a good idea. Besides it saves you 1000g for buying that spare horse... =3
  6. How fun isn't it that I thought about just this earlier this morning whilst trying to figure out how far a total-realism mod should go? Well, I suppose it would be... Interesting? But as with all the immersion mods, it could cause some trouble when fast-travelling - unless it'll be made to automatically stop up and empty the bladder on the way. Then again, I'm not sure wether I'd use it or not, I guess it'd be sort of amusing in some way the first few times, but watching your character pee (especially when like me, playing an Orc) several times a day may get a bit too... Much.
  7. I see. Well, as long as the door isn't just standing in the middle of nowhere or pops into a shack which houses half of Middle-Earth it should be fine. I think a sort of Stargate-like portal inside a cave or dungeon would be cool.
  8. It would require quite some extensive designing on both the meshes and animations of the Chaos demons, especially the greater ones. Would be cool though.
  9. You've got this one, that looks sort of egyptian. Witch Armour by Neo.
  10. So, basically, I'd like a proper end-boss for a dungeon project I'm working on, and what I'd like to have is a dragon. Although considering the limited space and relatively low cieling, it won't have any space to fly in, and fluff-wise it's supposed to be a captive dragon which had its wings clipped to make sure it would forever be kept in check by the captors. Is there a function in the CK ready for a non-flying dragon encounter, or would it require scripting? And if so, how do I do that? Thanks.
  11. Thing with the Army of Rohan though, is that it's summoned from all of Rohan, not just Edoras. Edoras in the capital and AFAIK the largest city, but as explained in the movies, detatchments for all regions are mustered before they ride for Pelenor, getting a few hundred to some thousand riders from several different places. Rohan is, after all, a very large place.
  12. It's looking really nice, and I'm keeping my eyes on this topic. I've got two questions though; will all the houses be given interriors and be fully 'usable' (NPC homes with respawning loot and whatnots), and how do you intend to connect it to the Skyrim world? Keep up the good work. =)
  13. Looks nice, would be a valid option for my Thalmor spellsword.
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