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Posts posted by Riffzor

  1. When I joined the Imperial Legion and got my Imperial Shield I was rather dissapointed. Not only with that it screamed 'retexture me, I look awful!', but I was hoping that with the Roman look being returned (Morrowind) to the Imperial Legion, the shields would be made to fit. Apparently Bethseda found it more important that the Imperial insignia would be spammed all over than that the soldiers would be given proper shields.


    So, what I'd like is for someone to make a proper Scutum (The large, rectangular shields used by the Roman Legion), preferably a red one with iron borders and the Imperial insignia at the buckle.


    ... And I don't usualy bribe people, but if you make a good work, I'll give you a virtual hug. *noddle*

  2. There's a whole heap of request threads for improvements to the marriage situation, I'm unsure about wether there are any proper mods up yet though, but I doubt there'll be any extensive enough to make having a spouse really beneficial before the Construction Set is released unless there's any modder that feel like breaking their necks in the effort of making one.


    You are the Dragonborn, but why not give your spouse some space to shine in? Politically, economically, the stuff you're too busy chasing dragons to worry about.


    I'd like to see like, a weekly quest from a list of random ones, like for example; 'I'd like to expand my business, would you convince <insert random trader in another city> to establish trade relations with our store?' (trader asks for a simple favor, like killing blackmailing bandits or retrieving some stolen goods, increases your spouse's trade funds),


    'The Jarl of <insert random town here> has been looking for an old relic, I overheard some mercenaries the other day speaking of <insert random location>, could you find time in your travels to get it? It could improve our standing with the Court.' (Go grab the item from bandits/Draugr/necromancers/vampires/trolls/you-know-the-deal, give it to your spouse, she'll present it and the two of you will share the reward),


    'Dear, I'm in need of some Iron/Hides/random mineral/frost salts (okay, perhaps not frost salts... Hate frost salts... But you get the idea), would you please retrieve them for me? (Get -full- price reward for bringing x of y to your spouse).


    And like the thieves' guild's progress of establishing contacts and fences in cities, your relationship would progress, and the final reward would be - A cow on your porch! ... Or a child, perhaps, if that's more preferable. *shrug*


    My point with the -weekly- quest being, it shouldn't be something you can power-game through and be done with and then have nothing more to do. Say you'll need to do 5 quests before you're asked if you want to have babies, then having to continue with another 3 or so before a baby arrives - now here's another detail though, it shouldn't just make a kiddy spring up out of the ground that'll want to play tag with you the first thing it does, I'd say another 3-5 weeks the baby will just be a little face peeking out of a heap of cloth in a cot placed in your home. Then it'll be a child, then... You've got someone to play tag with, and someone to protect your house whilst you're running around with the houscarl. (Well, something like that.)


    I'm not sure how much mods likes playing together with eachother, and as I'm not a modder myself I'm not going to take it on me to figure out how to do it and then make an ultimate spouse mod with all other requests for spouses (Giving them new clothes, making them sleep every once in a while, that sort of stuff), this is merely a list of ideas which I hope someone will get a bit of inspiration from. If I were to try do this myself we wouldn't have it until TES: VI is released, and by then Bethseda will probably have made another heap of faults and errors for that game which'll require the attention of the modders.


    To me it'd feel pretty dull if spouses were automatically given the option to get pregnant the minute you've told them to come live with you, and I've found the Thieves' Guild quests to be fun to do every once in a while, but tidius to power-game through until you've got all your fences.


    Anyway, hope you like it.

  3. Considering the butt is what one does see when running around naked, more work on the area would indeed improve the... Well, I'm not sure. I don't tend to run around without armour/clothes anyhow, but detail is always prefered for the occasions of the unexpected.
  4. Topics can be slippery, and it appears you lot aren't wearing boots with proper studs.


    But on a side-note, it doesn't take a master mind to figure out that a hollywood movie based on a comic loosely based on mythology is going to be pretty darn incorrect. I'm an odenist, and I like science fiction and fantasy, I'm not offended by Marvel for making up their own story with traits of the norse religion within it, however silly it may turn out.


    Now let's discuss Dwarves, Skyrim, and how the two have nothing to do with one another. (You know which type of dwarves I refer to)

  5. I don't like the third point to be honest.


    Nor the 12th.


    Why? Well, 3; Vampires are fast, yes, but they generally wouldn't move as human beings. According to most myths about vampires, they shift their shape in one way or another (depending on the origin of the myth) - Sometimes into wolves or bats, sometimes they turn themselves to mist, sometimes they would eliminate their third dimension to slip through springs and under doors. Yet, you pick a 'superhero' move from a modernized version of the myths which turns them from being nightmarish monsters into something one would actually dream of becoming? It just doesn't fit, IMHO.


    12th; Again, there are tons of myths about vampires being able to climb vertical walls unhindered, turning into bats or just flying as they are, telepathy doesn't feel right, it's something I admit would be nice to see in Skyrim at all as a spell, but not a vampiric trait.


    And remember, becoming a vampire shouldn't just hand you every tool you'd need to rule the world, it's more fun if you'd actually have to do some work yourself and require some training in magic and/or stealth arts to prey on your victims.

  6. Well, as far as I've understood it, yes.


    You can swap models, meaning that the elven armor mesh and texture would replace the Daedric ones, but as all your game saves use the same game data you'd have to disable/remove the files if you'd want to use the Daedric skin.


    I'm not sure if the actual Daedra in game use the armor, I believe their armor is part of their character texture so they should remain unchanged. As for any other NPCs wearing Daedric - they'll wear elven with such a mod active.

  7. It's not quite that simple I'm afraid. If you're after world-changing, quest-adding features to prolong your game, you'd better wait for the CK to come out.
  8. What Terralventhe said, and as I mentioned earlier, there are Dwemer ghosts in Morrowind, and they look pretty much like a taller, crooked Bosmer with great curly beards.



  9. Killing a bandit, reward - a couple of gold coins, a lockpick or two, occasionally a ring or necklace.


    Beating the bandit up, tying his/her hands, taking anything valuable and dragging them to the Jarl and presenting them as a caught villian to be executed - all rewards mentioned above, a small fee from the jarl, and you get to see your prisoner's head roll.


    I like it.

  10. I'd rather be wearing pretty much any common clothing set rather than an exposing fur armor in that case.


    It'd be anoying to have to keep an extra set of clothes/armor with you at all times to change into whenever you're passing through some snow.


    And I'm not sure what sort of climate you live in, but walking around in a t-shirt when it's snowing works just fine for me, I agree the metal armor would get rather chilly but it's not like you haven't got anything beneath it.


    Besides, everything in an RPG doens't -have- to be controlled by game-mechanics. If you think your character would freeze to submision in the snow, just equip some fur armor? It's called roleplaying, although it's a ton more fun in MMOs.

  11. What's 'human mythos'? I'm not sure what myths there are of dwarves apart from the old norse version, which is the one used by almost all fantasy dwarves for inspiration - and they have -nothing- to do with elves.


    Translating 'elf' to swedish gives you the same word used for both the forest nymph-like creatures and the word used for little people, but that's -very- little people, leprechaun/hop-'o-my-thumb-sort of little people. Dwarves were basically the same as they are in fantasy fiction, shorter than humans, but broader and rougher, living under mountains where they mine and smith items at a godly quality. Then the things about having beards and drinking a lot just comes from that it's what most norse people did and was just asumed to be practiced by the dwarves as well.

  12. I'm a huge fan of Underworld despite the serious folklore-infidelity of the movies, partly because of the pretty gals but almost only because of Bill Nighy. But... Let's have a look at the game balance. At night, the vampires will be at the height of their power, they'll be pretty darn good at assassinating people - but there's the first problem, sneaking on a werewolf is like trying to sneak past a... Well, wolf with acute senses. First there's the sound of blades unsheathing, the clanking of armour, the crunching of snow and the snapping of twigs, then there's the foul odour of rotten corpses and halitosis, then there's the thing about - whilst sneaking - reaching up far enough to try and slit the throat of a werewolf, and try to muffle it to avoid any death rattle, whining or howling.. Or grunting or growling. So in short, sneaking up on a werewolf is about as good an idea as trying to shoot an airplane down with a shotgun.


    So we give up on sneaking, and instead try to charge in. I'll stop right there, and say, we give up on charging in on the werewolves.


    Good way to kill a werewolf? Well, the reason to most tales speaking of silver bullets is because you won't want to stand near the thing, ever. Silver arrows, then. Even if you'd shoot down half the werewolves there'd be watching a keep before the rest of them smash into your ranks, well... Now we're back at the attempt to fight werewolves with melee weapons, it's just not a good idea for anyone who isn't a person with such might and power that he/she can do that to a dragon - the Dragonborn. And even as a dragonslayer, I wouldn't want to fight a pack of werewolves, it's just not the same thing, it's not the same technique and skill, it's just really not a good idea.


    As much as I'd love a well-made Underworld game, I'd want it to be just that, a game where you have a G36 with enough silver bullets to take out a couple of werewolves, and where the balance lies within that the vampires are more like superheroes to even stand a chance against the werewolves.


    I see your idea and I'd love to see more vampires and werewolves, but not like that. Besides the Stormcloaks would just have to shoot a couple of burning arrows into the Imperial towns and villages at day and the vampires would be wiped out like flies in a termite mound.


    Something that could work though would be to make the Thalmor vampires. They've got the arrogance and self-loving that people generally believe to be traits of vampires, there's a lovely mod for black elven armor, and it would make sense that vampires counquered and enslaved the empire of men and forced them to keep order in their own ranks. Not that you get to do very much with the Thalmor though.


    But that's just my thoughts.

  13. ... Strange obsession? ... Since when is collecting stuff a strange obsession? ... Taking off the boots of everyone you kill is a strange obsession. Writing your autograph on every tree you pass on your journeys is a strange obsession. Washing your hands before eating is a strange obsession. If collecting books is a strange obsession, we wouldn't have any sane librarians in the world. Not that I'm sure about wether there are any or not, but there are a lot of things that would come to mind as being weird obsessions before collecting books.


    On the topic, though. I dissagree with the books weight. I'm not sure exactly what meassurements they are using, because it makes absolutely no sense anywhere, but a book weighing less than a slice of bread feels rather strange. And being able to carry 3000 books simultaniously is strange. 300 books is strange as well. To be honest I'd like to see the entire weight system changed to a sensible one.


    There's got to be about a hundred requests for infinate merchant funds on these forums by now, personally I don't want that mod in my game, but it would be nice seeing such a mod being made to satisfy those without a taste for realism in their RPGs. =P

  14. Yeah, I really feel like searching for the X button in the middle of combat to try and block an attack and lose my grip of the WASD in the process. It's not like the button has to resemble anything of what you do, you don't move your arms up in a bent position to form a W when you move forwards. I still suggest the button would be an easily accessed one, such as Q, but that anyone can change it to suit themselves. Personally I'd prefer one of my additional mouse buttons.
  15. Here's another thing where Bethseda has discarded spells from earlier games that were absolutely brilliant. In Morrowind there were spells that would make you levitate, allowing you to get off of high points unharmed, or getting up there. That, Mark and Recall should be in Skyrim.
  16. Not to be rude, but... Break down the words of 'Creation Kit' and it's kind of self-explanitory what it is. Besides, the game was just released, you've already covered every inch of Skyrim in every way possible, doing every quest in every possible way? And as mentioned, it would take months of work for a group of people to make a new 'country' to the game, and finding voice actors, writing quest-lines and lore, maintaining game-balance and coding everything to work properly.


    Bethseda has several (don't know how many, but a lot of) employees; programmers, game designers, graphic designers, authors, voice actors, and making Skyrim wasn't something they figured 'Hey, let's make a new game this weekend!', it's something that they worked on for quite some time, and you're asking for 'someone' at a forum for game fans to duplicate all that work, for free? I'm sorry, that's just... Not... Going to happen.


    On the bright side of things, however, when the Construction Kit comes, people will be making quests, dungeons, cities, castles and whatnots to meat out the game a bit, and with the rate of productivity even without the kit, I'd say you'll have your hands pretty full of stuff to do with more things coming at a daily basis for quite some time.

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