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Everything posted by Saberfan83

  1. I really hope you get around to finishing this. Loved the Fallout 3 and New Vegas versions of this so I'm very excited about this. Busy downloading at the moment and then I am gonna test it out.
  2. I had the same problem as OP, but my 1.4 patch won't install.
  3. I downloaded Arissa The Wandering Rogue a while ago. I actually enjoyed her. She comments whenever you enter a town or dungeon, has her own personal quest (though it's not too convoluted or difficult to complete) and doesn't look too out of place among the other NPCs. As far as I can remember she isn't all that main quest aware. Here is the link: http://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53754
  4. Have been reading Steven Erikson and Ian C Esselmont's Malazan novels, in recommended reading order. Currently busy with Esselmont's Orb, scepter, throne and loving it. Also, for those who love the Warhammer 40k novels (and judging by this forum there are quite a few), give the Ciaphas Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell a try. Quite funny for Warhammer novels as it follows the various misadventures of a cowardly Imperial Commissar.
  5. Recently saw Gods Of Egypt. Great effects and some of the dialogue was pretty funny, but otherwise a whole lot of 'meh'.
  6. Recently got my hands on the complete series of Justified. Haven't finished it, but so far it is really entertaining, Timothy Olyphant is brilliant in the lead role.
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