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Posts posted by SkiaMK

  1. I appreciate the suggestions @jjb54 but I use the built in keyboard (ASUS ROG G703GX Gaming Laptop), the laptop is only a month old, and I don't allow food or drink near it so I don't think it's likely to be a hardware issue. Given the behavior I'm thinking I accidentally screwed up a setting in either MO2 or Windows itself somehow; damned if I have any guess as to what setting that might be though.

  2. I'm buggered if I even really know what to call this issue, everything I have tried in Google has resulted in nothing but irrelevant results...


    Not sure exactly when but at some point in the last week or so Skyrim SE (launched using SKSE via MO2) stopped taking keyboard (or maybe it's screen) focus on launch... What I mean by that is my windows task bar comes up at some point during game launch with that pulsing glow windows gives newly opened items that you have not focused on yet. The game runs, my controller works, but my mouse and keyboard are focused on MO2 (well, Windows, it just happens that MO2 was the last active window)... Now, I can simply click the glowing notification or move the mouse to the monitor Skyrim in on and click anywhere to get Skyrim to take screen/mouse/keyboard priority and the windows task bar hides itself as it should but having to do that is annoying as hell if for no reason because it behaves like when you alt-tab; that is to say it takes the better part of 30 seconds to unfreeze the screen and allow play to resume.


    I would almost swear it was intermittent at first but now it's every time I launch the game... Anyone have any ideas? Could a mod somehow cause this (I don't see how say a texture mod could but I suppose one of the ones that adds a new DLL could).

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