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About titanbass1

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  1. You know, if you combine the chest piece (no pauldrons) and gloves from DX crimson blood and the leggings from DX merta assassin, you get something pretty close (in the meantime). Not the same, but I figured I'd chime in.
  2. Hey everyone. I loved playing on Oldrim when I saw that some members were making HDT hair. I was in love with all the physics mods, and when I started to mod SSE, I realized that the only modded hair using HDT was a) just for females b) were only adding HDT hairs, not changing existing ones and c) were not being used by npcs. I loved Kai's HDT vanilla hair because it could give physics hair to all characters and was compatible with any texture for hair. I would love to see someone change the HDT meshes to SMP in that mod or at least a new one that does the same thing. I just have never messed with actually adding physics before. Anyone else interested in this type of mod being made? I would really love to see it happen.
  3. Forgive me for jumping in late, but I'm not the best at modding, so I like Wyre bash for it's ability to find mods to merge for me; however, I know I can merge armor/weapon mods via zEdit. That being said, would it be best for to only tick "Merge Patches" for Wyre Bash and then do a Smashed Patch for every mod afterwards? And then when would you merge plugins?
  4. Hello. I've been using Rudy's ENB for this game. While I love the detail it shows, I wanted to make the light sources (lanterns, fires) have a little more orange glow to them. Does anyone know what parameters I need to change in the .ini files? Thanks.
  5. Yea I did see this mod, only I was hoping to be able to train my own army, meaning I don't ask random NPCs in the world. I'm looking for an army of, say for example, Whiterun Guards, only I have a different name and I can customize what weapons they use and armor they wear. I may have to keep this mod in mind though. Thanks!
  6. I have found a lot of Knight armors on Nexus for Templar or medieval knights, but I would love to have a mod that lets to train knights or recruit knights/mercs in a barracks and then equip them with armor of your choice, kinda making your own faction with their own isignia. They can then defend a place of your choosing or follow you to take down some forts or enemies. Does anyone know of a mod that does these things? I know there are mods that let you recruit any NPC, but I was thinking more like NPCs that just have generic names like "Guard" or "Knight" that can be mass produced and follow you around. They don't have to be too tough. Thanks
  7. So I have been seeing a lot of mods that add HDT to their armor. The problem is that many of my favorite mods have pieces of armor that look like that they could use HDT to make them have some neat physics. I am not talking about having female body parts move, which is the majority of what I see for HDT modding tutorials. What I am referring to is having a plume flow in the wind or maybe having the bottom section of the fur chestpiece from vanilla game move around your thighs while you walk. A great example of what I am referring to is what youtuber er hong has done with some of his Dark Souls and Zerofrost conversions: My question is how does one try to do what er hong has done by taking existing segments of armor meshes and adding physics extensions? I tried following the advice from HDT official Google Code archive, but I'm not using a female body like CBBE or UNP, which uses an xml file. I am only using Windsong Character Creation Overhaul, which do not contain xml files. Er hong is using male characters too, which isn't a CBBE or UNP body, so if he followed the guide, I don't know what he chose for the 6th step, which requires you to put a string value to your xml file. Here is the link to the adding HDT guide: https://code.google.com/archive/p/hdt-pe/wikis/AttachToExisting.wiki If anyone has an answer or a tutorial of how to accomplish this, I would be most appreciative of your help. I know from looking at the comment section of er hong's vidoes that many people either a) want him to release his conversions or b) want to know how he did it so they too can make HDT conversions of their favorite armor sets. Again, I'm looking for a way to add physics to make armor move, not the female's body move. Thanks for reading! titanbass1
  8. Wow I never saw this reply come in. Sorry for this late reply. Which mod are you referring to? I don't see options for the mods listed for a no_lvl_list.esp.
  9. Following basic install instructions for all the games tools definitely helps. Steam should be installed OUTSIDE of your program files folder. MO should be installed directly to the games folder for which you intend to use it. In this case skyrim. Theres a TON of information out there now on modding skyrim. it amazes me how many people dont bother researching things to do things the right way. I did follow those instructions by the way, in terms of putting it in skyrim and having skyrim installed outside program files. I must have missed admin or something.
  10. I got it to work by running the game (SKSE) or mod organizer as admin. Thanks for the advice!
  11. In my Skyrim game, I used to install three weapon mods (Immersive Weapons, Heavy Armory, and Throwing Weapons Redux) to my game and they all run fine. The only issue was that any time I fought an Bandit or Imperial especially, you would have thought I fought a boss for the amount of weapons and treasure they gave with having a weapon from each mod on them. They also would normally be dual wielding EVERY TIME (if only using one handed weapons) which kinda makes the fighting not exciting and new. So my question is that is there a way to install multiple weapon mods that add these weapons while including vanilla to NPCS and enemies that don't result in a giant influx of loot and constant dual wielding? Thanks! By the way, at the time I was using NMM to install mods. Now I use Mod Organizer if that yields any possible solutions.
  12. So I have in the past with Nexus Mod Manager been able to install Skyui safely with SKSE and run the game smoothly. However, when I switched to mod organizer, I found immense difficulty installing it. To clarify, installation was easy, whether manually, a direct NMM install to MO, or a file selection that MO will unpack, but Skyui refuses to load in game. I have verified that SKSE has loaded correctly as it displays the current version in the pause menu and I always load SKSE from MO. I'm very perplexed as to why it cannot load: I get no error messages (such as the popular NET framework error) and no file corruptions in the Skyui BSA file. If anyone has any idea, please let me know. Thanks!
  13. I'm wondering if others are experiencing this, but I have adds that pop up that not only play sounds, but also drag me away from the screen I am looking at. It isn't a popup, but really a drag down to the bottom of the page to view the add.
  14. Emphasis on the "Please respect that" part. I guess, but I was unsure since when downloading each file it gave a different description. I did see that in complete honesty, but was a little confused since the fist one was hidden, which I thought made sense since he updated the file. When the second one said forbidden, I was perplexed. I understand "Please respect that" and sorry if I sound disrespectful, but in complete honesty I was just unsure since both files gave a different description when downloaded.
  15. Ha ha, very funny. Gotta finish Bloodborne first. But in all seriousness, does anyone have this mod available?
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