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Everything posted by Nutulator

  1. Nora? Nora! Haha!! Nora. Nora?!?! Very interesting idea. But like others have said there might not be enough wiggle room in regards to dialogue. The Gary idea can always work :laugh: If anything it'll give the mod a nice twist.
  2. I can help with a couple of these problems... Seems like the cloth weights and cloth physics weren't properly copied. Be sure the reference is overlapping the objects when you're copying to them and be sure you're copying from the original coat object. If I recall correctly that coat has cloth physics and more bones weights than other clothes. Copying from a default CBBE body isn't going to do it. You're going to have to bring in that mesh, I believe that's FUnderArmor from RaiderHeavy, make that the reference and then copy. It'll also ask you which cloth data you want to add/link when you export since it detected it from another file, check the coat. I don't think that's the option for transparency--check Alpha Test under the General tab and change Alpha Test Reference to 127. This is caused by bone weights. If you want the pouch to stay rigid and not move when the character is in motion, select the main bone the objects lay on and paint heavier weights on them. If the pouch stretches in game it's because other weights are effecting it, erase these. If you can attach a picture I'll be able to tell better from that. Weights are hard to get under control, one way to better understand them is to set a reference body beside your objects and see how they all lay out. As you scroll over the weights on the objects you're working on the weights on the reference will be scrolled through as well. You can see what goes where. You can use the Zap Slider SootDirt mentioned. When I have to do something like this I go into Blender and delete everything I don't need. Hope it helps and let us know if you have questions.
  3. Just a day or two ago I thought how FO3 would look if it was remade with the updated graphics and engine of FO4. It's always interesting to think how a game would play and look if it was remade.
  4. *Best compression format for DDS files? It's been a long day... Hey guys, I have a problem and I was hoping you could help me. The file size of a mod of mine is too big; many of the file sizes in the mod are reasonable but two texture DDS files are each 16MB. Both of these textures have been erased a lot for transparency. I'm using the DDS plugin for Gimp and there are 10 export compression formats--which one should I use? Which one would provide the best size without sacrificing quality? Thanks! Edit: Both textures are diffuse.
  5. Okay awesome. I'll definitely take a look at that link, ZardozIX. Thanks for the replies guys.
  6. But somehow you've lost the ability to use search functions or a search engine like Google- where your question would be answered ALREADY a thousand times over. But why make the effort? I did go to Google but it was full of s*** stains like you. I thought I would get a better answer in the forums, I guess I was wrong.
  7. Hey guys, a quick question, are mods now working with FO4? Last time I played FO4 was around a month ago and that time, during the survival beta, all mods were disabled. So I'm wondering if they're working, now that it's out of beta. Thanks.
  8. Interesting, will look into that. It would be great, the only problem is that it's not going to be very easy to do. We don't even have an MCM to work with at the moment (I am hoping that something similar might be created, but it's early days yet). Setting up the .swf files for the UI is hard enough to just change to make it one specific way. Making it dynamically switchable is going to be a real challenge. Not saying it's impossible, far from it, just something that we might have to wait a while before we get a mod like this. I've even thought about trying this myself, but it's far too big a project for me to tackle right now. Ah. I guess it might get easier when the GECK is released.
  9. Hey guys, I had an idea for a mod and I thought I'd share. It would be pretty cool to have a mod in which you were able to turn off UI/HUD elements which you don't want. I was doing some roaming around in the game and I decided to turn the whole UI off to see how it would look, what then happened was complete immersion. True Storms was producing some heavy rain and fog at the same time and it was amazing, everything flowed really well. Though, there were a few things which didn't work well, if you wanted to loot containers you had to go to that transfer page to see what you were getting, aiming in 3rd person view was impossible because of no reticle, NPC names didn't come up, etc. I was thinking about a mod which let you decide what you wanted on or off. There would be a list of all the UI elements and you would just tick them to leave them on or untick to turn them off. What do you think guys?
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