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I noticed that many peoples use the word "Immersion" and make it sound like its the one thing that defines a good rpg. That being said, I do not see how having or not having "numbers" influences the immersion. If the world is interesting, if the story makes you want to know more... thats good enough for me. An RPG should include things like stat-menus, inventories, Quest-Logs, Maps and whatever else is nowadays standard. If you remove all these things, you get a simple Adventure Game. :P
I was more thinking along the lines of "I'm going to remove the blister from my arm. Unfortunately, I might have to remove my arm to do that." And I dont want them to add stuff that doesnt fit or is not intreesting or good. The removal of numbers for stats might or might not be a good thing. Depends on your personal opinion. I might even get used to it (grudgingly). But not only did they remove the stats, they also reduced the amount of possible equipments, the amount of equipment-slots on our hero, the old possibilities on enchanting and the means of creating our own magic spells. Instead we get things like dual-wielding, armor-crafting, riding horses and other stuff. "Less choices and more eyecandy..." as one of my friends said it. These are the things I'm missing in Skyrim, and what I mean when I say "they reduced the numbers". They made a hole in the world and tried to fill it with new stuff, when they could just keep it all and still have a great game. Some people become confused when there are too many options for them to choose from. But at the end of the game (or just before) I like to stop, turn back and see what my character has done, what he experienced and how he choose to act. If I have dozens of way to reach the point I am currently standing at, it feels more like "my" adventure. Reducing depth does not make a game more immersive in my opinion. And I dont remember many Unique Quests... I can change the way I kill my enemies, but other then that? An RPG is "Quality over Quantity", but if they start to reduce Quantity without raising Quality I feel a bit cheated. @shiftyoliver: Dont know if DA play in the same League. Dragon Age 1+2 (and Mass Effect) are story driven RPGs. Elder Scrolls game are about you and your hero. Because Shepard, the Warden and Hawke could never just turn around, leave everything and do something else just because they can or want to.
Everyone seems to have a problem with the Legions ban of Talos worship... but did they have another choice? The Legion (and the Empire) is between "a hard place and a rock" as the saying goes. Accepting the treaty means they have to denounce the founder of their empire and unrest all over the remaining provinces. NOT accepting the treaty means continuing to fight against overwhelming odds until one side is destroyed. And then the Thalmor will still hunt down Talos worshipper. The empire is supposed to protect its citizens, but how is a weakened overstretched Legion supposed to do that? As long as there is an Empire, Talos worship will never really die. That being said, I support the Legion. Under the rule of the empire, everyone will be treated more or less the same, since your race is not as important as the amount of Septims you own. Under Ulfrics rule, the Nords are the only ones who count. If he rules Skyrim, do you think he would move if the Thalmor crush the Empire? If Tamriels history follows the usual life cycle of Empires, the choices are either Empire, Thalmor or a "new" empire. Considering that the Thalmer believe themselves to be superior to everyon else, I will throw in my lot with the empire, or its spiritual sucessor. PS: Besides, I wouldnt be surprised if one of the DLCs tells us that the Thalmor sent agents into Skyrim to start Ulfrics Rebellion! If you think about it: the Nords where one of the reasons the Empire survived, so an intelligent General would try to cause a rift between Skyrim and Cyrodil. And with the current Civil war over there, the reappearance of the dragons and the Ban of Talos Worship I would say they almost reached their target.
I have many troubles during my Brawls. Mainly because my opponents are 3x as agile as my character, even if they wear steal plate armors: they run in circles arround me throwing out left-right-left combos while i can throw out maybe 1 punch per second. Which they have almost no problems to evade since they can circle faster around me (all the while showering me in attacks) then I can aim my fists at them. Now I avoid brawls as much as I can (Bribe and pickpocket instead) and when that's not possible I try to run up to them, throw out a fast (weak) punch and back away when they start their counterattack. Thats time consuming on the one hand, and on the other: this is supposed to be a BRAWL! I want go in and see the thoughest person still standing at the end! Not the one who manouvers around a lot. Other then that, I also encounter those Uber mages: just as tough as a horde of Draugr Scourges with summons, and still able to shock-freeze-burn my character with gatling spells for 5 minutes. I really tried to survive until one of those mages runs out of mana, but they seem to have an unlitited supply of Manapotions hidden in their cloaks. I even crafted an "Anti-Mage"-Armor with Reduction on Elements and magic in general. After what felt like an eternity (around 5-10 min in Realtime) I went in and just bashed them over the head. Because if they manage to bombard me with spells this whole time without pausing even ONCE, then they will never run out of mana.
I guess everyone has his/her own opinions about what an RPG "is". For me, it's the story, the world itself and how my hero can act in relation to it. Which means a good story is important, I dont want to force myself to play the game and the more options I have to choose from the better. Some might think its great that the removed the "numbers". As far as I am concerned, it just means they simplyfied everything and reduced the options I have. I feel "boxed in" in a game whose greatest feature is the "immersion" provided by its "sand-box" scenario: An Elder Scrolls game is a world where I can go where I want, do what I want, when I want and nobody is able to tell me "no" or "do it this way" (exception: Flying Dragons, Inaccessible areas, Bosses that are too strong to defeat, scripted Events/Quests etc...). Skyrim might have an open world but compared to the past, my options became more or less inconsequental. "Removing the numbers" means that "something" HAS to be lost. Maybe numbers really are crutches. Maybe they help me comparing my alter ego to other characters. Maybe I like getting a statistical proof that I managed to improve my hero or do something. Maybe I just play the game because I want to see the graphics. Or the stories behind the graphics. Everyone has their own favorite way of playing an RPG. I just think its sad when an open world RPG like the "Elder Scrolls" starts to remove things because they're deemed unnecessary. If I delete part of a world, all that remains is a hole whose presence might or might not be noticed.
Cookie for the laugh it gave me... but I use the shouts mainly in battles, so the whole things would be simply bothersome to the max. Still nice idea. Did you try the same thing with "I got the Power!"? :D
LE More depth behind the Imperial legion
Namorax replied to ninga_express's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Legionaires shouldnt/cant be treated like companions... if their commander has Smithing Level 100, he can easily replace their Legion-Issued armor with ebony/daedric ones. Other then that: Stratomunchkin already said everything in his post above. -
Or we hope that Bethesda will reintroduce the old Magic-/Enchantment-Makers in the next DLC? ;) Alternatively I would try something along the lines of "If Player has Destruction >50 THEN remove Spell [Flames] and add Spell [Flames Level 3]" or something. Could be triggered when Player learns a spell (Game check if Destruction is high enough for next Level) or when Destruction is increased by +1.
I have no idea what the Creation Kit will be like, but I guess it will be somewhat similar to the previous Incarnations (MW, Oblivion, Fallout3/NV). I've only modded for my personal use (and shared with a few friends), but the basics for dungeon keepers should be like this: 1)Decide what kind of Dungeon you want to make (Ruin, Cave, Fort, abandoned Fort, Underground Hideout, etc...) 2)What kind of enemies will the player encounter? (Animals, demons, bandits, cultists, forsworn etc...) 3)How big is your dungeon supposed to be? (1 Ruin area, or first through ruins to reach the cave down below?) 4)What else will the player encounter in your dungeon? (Will there be traps? Secret doors? Hidden ways? Ambushes?) 4)Is there another way out, so the player does NOT have to walk back through the whole, already cleared dungeon in order to get back to the surface? Create the basic layout. This could be a maze, a series of rooms connected by a single corridor or eveyrthing inbetween, Then you start filling it with whatever you want. Thats the way I do my dungeons. It also doesnt hurt to keep in mind that the player has ~150 other dungeons to explore, so why should he/she bother exploring your dungeon? If you have problems doing something specific, you can always ask for help/tutorials here in the forum. PS: Creating simple "Fight your way to the final chest with the Uber-Secret-God-Item"-Dungeons always fail. It helps if you design your dungeon with a small quest in mind. if you can tell an interesting story with a few notes scattered in your dungeon, you're halfway on the road to creating an interesting Dungeon! Hope this helps...
What exactly is this? A list for people you can ask if you have a specific question in a specific area? Or is this the recruiting thread for another Skyrim Project?
The best thing mentioned in this thread! :D (Apparently I'm the only one who cared about the diversity of the loot, hehe...) But from what I've read, doesnt it appear that most here would buy/play Morrowind again if the engine was upgraded to Skyrims Level?
At the moment I enjoy Skyrim, but its mainly because of the world itself, not the gameplay. It feels awesome to climb a mountain during a snowstorm find an old watchtower and have a view down to the valley. NO other game in the Elder Scrolls series has this "Wow"-Moment. But once I've seen enough that often enought the gameplay becomes more important. And in that aspect the whole series took a turn for the worse: They really did introduce lots of cool and very useful new features, but they also scrapped lots of great things. Whereas I had to decide which House of Morrowind I want to join (if I want to at all), Skyrim is just "Run through the superbly rendered world, explore dungeons and do a few Quests that have no real consequences". I miss that my decisions had consequences. They could range from "NPCs attacking me on sight" to "NPC likes me 100%". I also loved the equipments and the magic-/Enchantment system. It allowed you to totally customise your outfit/weapons by selecting which parts to wear and how you want to enchant them. Creating your own spells was also a lot of fun since you could always tailor your spells to your own needs and abilities. And the UI was one of the best I've seen for an RPG, even today I found nothing better: Pressing a Hotkey opens whatever you want in a window, you were allowed to drag them where you want them to be, you could even change their size! I admit, there were some flaws in it (I remember the list for magic spells being very crowded), but why the **** did they trash all that?! Because it was not "console friendly"? I dont doubt there will be an Elder Scrolls VI, and I really hope they stop for a moment, turn back and take everything that was great in the past games of the series to make the next one (Meaning they should reintroduce the Enchantment- and Spell-Makers of the past AND an UI that doesnt feel like it was primarily designed for consoles and the PC Players be damned to Oblivion). Back then not everything was better: Skyrim and Oblivion introduced lots of stuff I never want to miss in future RPGs. But not for the price of throwing out other good features. The idea is to keep the good parts and throw out or improve the bad ones... For anyone interested here's a quick comparison: I've read that Bethesda had their reasons to minimize everything, it was something along the lines of "A set of armor is easier to render if the armor has fewer parts, this allows us to render more NPCs at once[...]". Really? They can render a world like Skyrim but are unable to keep all the equipment of the past games? They are 'forced' to reduce our Equipment slots and available items/spells/enchantments because of performance reasons? Normally I have no reason to not believe them, but since the whole game has the feel of "We develop it for PC, but we are not allowed to add/change things that ruins the game for consoles" i'm very sceptic. Whats the next step of this evolution? Elder scrolls with RL-Graphics but only 3 predetermined Characters (Customize the face, no changing of armor/weapons/magic)?
[Geck] Refuses to save Script
Namorax replied to Namorax's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I tried the shortcut, and it still didnt work... Is it supposed to show the same Loading Image then the vanilla Geck? EDIT: Nevermind, I finally found the reason: I used the wrong version of Geck-PU. Other then that using Geck-PU will really solve the problem. Thanks + Kudos -
Hi, my problem is that Geck refuses to save/compile one of my Scripts: I can press whatever button I want, Geck does not leave the Script Window until I tell it to not safe the Script. Which probably means theres an Compile-Error somewhere... So I went and looked for a solution: But Geck PowerUp is not giving me an error message when it refuses to compile this Script and Cipscis "Script Validator" is not showing me any errors with the Script itself. Even after using Google and other sites I've found no solution for my problem... (Yes, I am using Win7 and I tried running everything in Admin-Mode) And now I'm here making a post... First a short explanation of the script itself and what it is supposed to do: -I extracted the Healing Arch from Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta and placed it in an empty cell (An activator is using the Model) -I dropped a Cubic Activator on the HealingArch so the player has to stand inside the Arch to activate the Script -After Entering the Arch, Poisons and Addictions are removed from the player immediately (Arch's Animation gets changed) -Every second the Player stands inside the Arch, Radiation and Injuries will be healed little by little and a Timer counts how long the player stands inside the arch -After the Player leaves the Arch, it powers down and does not trigger the script until the Timer reaches 0 again. I also checked that the Required ID of Message and Activator have the correct spelling. I have absolutely no idea why Geck refuses to save the Script. If you need more Information I will try to provide them. If the script is hard tp read, I recommend copy-pasting it into the Script Validator since it really increases readability.
So, the Enclave's fate in the Fallout series?
Namorax replied to Alixen's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
It's just a point of view. Well, I played Fallout 2 a long time ago (can't remember everything anymore), but I know I discussed with the last living President about what the Enclave's doing. Maybe they're a bit extreme when they categorize every living thing outside their bases as mutants they have to annihilate, but their reasoning isn't totally wrong. And the president was actually horrified when he learned that the differences between Enclavers and Wastelanders are actually pretty small/nonexistant. The Wastelanders might be humans (even though they've been living in a world full of radiation), but the common Enclaver never meets one of them and the only things they know is what others told them. Only Soldiers, Scientists and maybe one or two other persons know more about Wastelanders besides "They've been radiated for 200 years = Everything radiated is mutating or in the process of mutating = *Insert Picture of the green Supermutants*". The Enclavers believe they're doing the right thing destroying all the mutants in order to repopulate America. They just need to come up with another idea, like a Gen-Therapie to revert the damage of 200 years radiation and then they are "Good Guys". I mean, if they don't have pure genes anymore, who has? PS: I'm sure that if you ask a Supermutant who's the most Evil Person they've ever heard of, then they would show you a picture of the protagonist of Fallout 1, 2 or 3. Nobody has ever done anything for them, besides shooting^^