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  1. I'll consider doing that, thank you. I'm sure the mod or an important clue will reveal itself someday. For now I'm gonna stop searching too.
  2. I am not looking for a fix, I am looking for the way to disable the error message (in red, top screen): [/img] Again, I know what the message is about. I am currently playing on very low settings, with low resolution, but I still have ENB so I can briefly activate it. What I don't want is the persistent error message that can't be disabled via "tm" and never come off until you quit the game. There must be a way to either disable this message in-game, or disable it completely by editing some ini and thus prevent it from pupping up once and for good...
  3. Doesn't look like this is the mod. I can't explain. Neither I have any more clues. The mod I am looking for must really be a big deal, at least it felt like a big deal when I first saw it came out on Nexus. And, yes, it must have been SE, although I am not 100% sure. And 40 islands are too few. There must be at least 99. Also, not sure about the tropical thing... "Based on the Tropical Islands mod"? No, the quarry is not based on anything, it's totally unique, and the author is a genius. (Japanese?)
  4. No, that's not Tasheni. The mod I am speaking of is heavily combat oriented. It's a lot of islands, mostely smaller ones, each with a unique name, theme, and setting. I remember watching a letsplay on YouTube couple years ago. It was one lady's channel, Megan Joanne (I may misspell the name), from Austin, Texas. She deleted her account from YouTube a year ago. The mod was probably WIP, but a stable version, and it was published on Nexus, I am positive about that because I remember I was asking if it was possible to see the LE version of the mod some day, and I am sure the answer was "no". It's been awhile, and now I can't find a slightest trace of it on the whole NET, not only Nexus which is absolutely crazy...
  5. I know. I was Google searching too in the first place. It's such a strange thing not being able to find a mod, a huge one, which definitely was there... Like I said, it's a map with a bunch of islands scattered in the ocean, islands of different size, some of them are pretty small, many of them offering a dungeon to explore and clear out and some exterior architecture, mostly fortification structures. I haven't played it, but I can say It's an action mod more than exploration. Each island, each dungeon is a challenge with a lot of enemies to battle. One more detail: there is a complex net of portals connecting islands. You can't go swimming to move from one to another, you have use a "boat", that is a portal to navigate between the islands.
  6. Searching for a new lands (quest) mod (came out 3-4 years ago) featuring custom worldspace, an ocean with a bunch of islands (over a hundred, as I can remember) to clear out from enemies.
  7. No. I was too fast to claim it success. It doesn't work that way. It works with an object, not with an actor. If I put an apple pie on that platform, the pie will go spinning on its axis as it should be. If I put an actor, a human NPC on that platform, the actor will kind of move in circles but not on his axis, he will keep it facing just one direction, while his feet will be sliding on the platform's surface - not what I want.
  8. I am searching for information on how to make an animated piece of furniture, a rotating platform with an activator so I can toggle animation (rotation) on\off and with collision so I can put an object or an actor (PC, NPC) on it and send them spin around. If something like that already exists (like a modder resource for Skyrim), please let me know. If not, I would appreciate you poininting me out in the direction of a good tut on the subject.
  9. Hello! I am searching for a way to download the Skyrim male follower mod Johannes Grossmann. I used to have it once, before the data lost on my computer. Now I can't find a way to download it. Need some help.
  10. It really looks like addressing and eliminating the errors and other issues listed in DAR's SKSE log (DynamicAnimationReplacer.log) (missing esp's, invalid conditions...) helped! No CTDs so far. To my shame, I had no idea about that log's existance. Thank you guys for your help!
  11. (skip to questions at the bottom of the page) First off, I am a LE gamer, modder a little bit, and a huge fan of DAR - Dynamic Animation Replacer mod. I have buit a pretty large collection of DAR addons and animation packs for Player and Non-playable characters to make each of them a bit more unique. And I love it, really enjoying the thing when I launch the game with DAR and DAR-related mods enabled. Problem is, I start experiencing CTD's after having played with DAR for awhile (after several sittings, several saves). I wish I knew what exactly causes the game to crash, not immediately, but after a few hours of gameplay. I have a low end PC and that's probably the main issue, but I'm still hoping to find a work around. Asked on the mod's page by the way to no success, so I'm asking here. I can only guess that there might be a stack of script instances of some sort getting bloated up and get my system overencumbered at some point, making it impossible for the machine to carry on. I know nothing of it, but there must be a limit for anim events that system is able to process at a time. The only way around that I found so far is to disable DAR and DAR-dependent mods and play without them. I noticed that after awhile I can enable them again and there will be no game crashing for awhile until it gets bloated again. So, my questions are: 1. What happens when the game crashes? What causes the game crash? 2. Where is the file, the momory buffer that contains the digital information about the current and recent script events, anim events? 3. Is there a way to clean up, empty that memory buffer (off the game) without harming the saved game?
  12. I have another question. How does the skyrim's system recognize keyword -- by its Editor ID (name) or by its Form ID (number)? I am asking because it will be much easier for me to use a keyword with the same name as the original rather than use the original keyword which will require adding more master files to my esp. I have a bias to think it's the latter (Form ID). Everything in Skyrim seems to work through the Form ID. But I noticed some of the mod authors do create new keywords with same name as the original. Not sure if it does the trick though.
  13. 2. I mean Navigation Mesh with ID. There can be a number of those in one Cell. 4. Okay, got you, no impact. But there is a CK function to optimize NavMesh that will reduce the number of triangles, making those triangles bigger... I am used to think of optimization of any type as of something that will make it easier for system to operate the data... Nevermind, no impact is good with me. Thank you guys for your help and the links to WIKI. I wish there were more tuts, tips and general info on the topic though.
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