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Everything posted by SpellAndShield

  1. As long as people much smarter than I continue to mod new realms, why can't we just keep playing Oblivion?!? Oblivion is definitely my 3rd favourite game of all time...after Fallout 3 and Dragon Age, 2 and 1 respectively. Well, there are still problems with Oblivion; the combat system sucks. In Fallout 3, the VATS system improved on it but to be honest Dragon Age combat beats both by a long shot. The magic system needs revamping; it is not nearly as good as it could be...lots of reasons to look forward to ES V...is it ever comes out.
  2. The ghouls in Fallout 3 kind of always freaked me out...to be honest. Nothing did that to me in Dragon Age; love everything else about it though.
  3. It's not like we are born knowing how to work these very unnatural creations. :thumbsup: I have a masters degree in computer science and have been "in the business" for 15+ years and I know enough to know that I know very little in all that there is related to "computers"...ya know? LHammonds Thanks for making me feel even more depressed about my lack of computer knowledge. Still, I live with it. When I was writing my masters thesis I had to use this programme LateX for it...and boy did it kick my ass. Some people (such as myself) have no talent for this stuff...what can you do? I have so many mod ideas as well...but zero ability to implement them.
  4. I'd like to post some as a sign of gratitude to some of the modders...
  5. Both Oblivion and Fallout 3 have very powerful themes of horror, suspense and just plain scariness and whilst I think that Dragon Age is the best RPG ever, it was never scary or frightening...but I wish it were. It would make the game all the better. In Oblivion, when exploring some haunted ruin or mist shrouded cave with vampires, it definitely was...creepy at times and post-nuke fallout, when you see the ghouls leap out of the darkness...well, you get the picture. Sadly, Dragon Age has nothing like this. Perhaps in future expansions, etc. they can add something like this... Anyone agree?
  6. I would love to see this implemented... cheers
  7. That's too bad. No doubt they will be working on it for years to come...especially in light of competition from Dragon Age...
  8. Daveth was brave, witty and cool...would have made an excellent Grey Warden. It's a shame he died. Maybe a mod to keep him on?
  9. I know, without a mod, you cannot marry Alistair but after he agrees to continuing an affair with you, is there any mention of a romance anymore? Does he mention it in Awakening or after his coronation or is that privilege reserved only fro human noble females? cheers
  10. Uhm, a high dex/high cunn rogue has the HIGHEST DPS in the entire game; focusing on strength ruins that because so many of the rogue talents are amplified by cunning, including ones that add more damage and there are several. Warriors and rogues are very different. Hmmm...but to answer your question, a STR based rogue will be crushed by a warrior any day.
  11. I definitely don't remember that, either. I suppose it's time for a human noble playthrough again, then. I dislike it though, because it's so sad :( And one of my new favorite moments is when you get to straight up FALCON PAWNCH Isolde in the face. That was awesome. Doubly so because of how much I freaking hate her character. Yes. I love punching her in the face as well; definitely my favourite for sure.
  12. I am sorry. You are a administrator here. Can you please change the tone of my post to whatever you would like so Vigilance can get a fix? I have attached a picture of the sword. Sorry; attachment is blank. Here is the link, bottom of the page; once again sorry if I worded my post wrong. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Vigilance_(Greatsword)
  13. Oh boy. What a misunderstanding. I don't care that it was moved. I am not talking about that; neither am I talking about any mod. I am talking about Vigilance in game as Bioware made it and it sucks..when it could be so awesome. That's all I am saying; I hope some good soul can correct it...
  14. Am I the only one that this bothers? I guess so..hmm. You're bothered that your mod request was moved to the mod request forum? No, I am bothered that Vigilance looks so horrible as it is; one hand grasping the air and a giant scimitar being wielded backwards. Maybe I am weird but it makes an otherwise beautiful sword terrible...
  15. There is Wynn vs. Morrigan banter? I have never heard it...can you please post a link maybe?
  16. Oh yeah, 2 more Blights and there will never be a Blight again... :biggrin:
  17. It was a mess, looking back I actually wrote my musings as I went instead of just writing the information :ninja: Consider the change in technology, the new magics discovered, and most importantly the lessons learned from the battles in the previous blights. I am sure with all this combined the blights remain manageable in the best of conditions. Thank you. That was impressive. Hmm...I suppose the Darkspawn are a recent threat then; 1,300 years ago is not that long ago. I was hoping it would be more ancient, oh well. The Tevinter Imperium reminds me of Netheril for those who know Forgotten Realms. About the same time ago and similarly arrogant mages who were punished for hubris... Thanks again
  18. I want to see more of the Tevinter Imperium, the Black City within the Fade, I'd like to find a cure to the taint so that I'm not driven mad and be forced into the dark roads in 20 or so years. I'd like to see the effects of what we started in DA1 by our choices, eg: Connor or a certain other child. A bit more customization on the body front, a toolset that wasn't so buggered and just a little more friendly. I do very much want to keep carrying over my character if the storyline will allow. I've been spoiled by Mass Effect in that idea. I want to find a way to revive griffins. and when I think of more I'll be back to say them. I followed the link but I could see nothing of any hints of the future? Did I miss something?
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