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  1. Wow, I'm not really sure what to say! I need to at least skim over all the previous chapters again at some point so I can clearly remember everything that happened, but I'm pretty sure that I was expecting something like this ending, but I wasn't at the same time? Does that make any sense? There was still an air of suspense and drama IN THE SUMMARIES .....which is saying a lot about your writing skills because THEY ARE SUMMARIES. So hush your mouth. First, as I've stated before I love your Butch. I love how you interpret his character (even though he wasn't mentioned overmuch in the synopses I just wanted to reiterate. I just really like Butch in general because he's got so much potential to become such a interesting character and you did a flawless job) I really liked Lyn's character throughout the whole thing, but as I was reading the summaries I was like "She has to die. She has to." There had to be some symmetry and I'm glad she died. However naive and grief-induced, character selfishness isn't something I can really tolerate, and I would have been disappointed if you'd let her live, even after the...redemption with Eden. Maybe I just need some sadness! Also domestic Drew and Saori at the end made me happy!!! ANYWAY!!!! I'm so glad you gave us the ending of the story, even if you've gotten disinterested in it. I certainly know how that feels. :\ When you write more original works you're gonna let us know, right? Liiiiikke....in my inbox, you know where it's at. Aw yis Ok Odile stop blathering
  2. I'm really torn between Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road. I love the DLCs for the additional story/lore they provide and I feel these two brought the most to the table in that respect. I wound up voting for HH because it's pretty D: I wish I could vote twice.
  3. Didn't read the latest chapter, because I'm actually in the process of re-reading the entire thing, and I want to read it in order for maximum fanfictional satisfaction. Just wanted to tell you..YAY ARTWORKS. Draw moar of them for me. I want to see :O Her hair is very fluffy. *pets* It is...TRULY OUTRAGEOUS *showing my age up in here* And I'll need a transcription of the text you wrote there. Not because of your handwriting (it isn't bad at all, actually), but rather some of it is hard to read because of the scan. Gimmie
  4. Send me deetz and I will provide suggestions and opinions in a strictly professional manner. *adjusts reading glasses*. I wrote a fanfic once, so I am knowledgable and experienced in these matters I'm also nosy.
  5. I understand where you're coming from...especially about shouting it from the rooftops. There's a time and a place for everything, I think, and if you're talking to someone and they're like "I love cheese, it is so delicious" then it probably isn't the right time to be like "Oh hey, let me tell you about my sexual orientation OUT OF NOWHERE!!" But at the same time, if the topic comes up...I can't get behind the idea of lying about it or purposefully witholding the information. Especially if it's like...a date, or something that you would hope would turn into some sort of relationship. It doesn't seem like the best way to start building the foundation of any relationship with another person (romantic, friendship, or whatever). It just seems like if you tell someone and they're like "Omgz, I can't deal with you being bi, I don't want to see you anymore"--then that's probably good that you know they feel that way and would avoid drama that may have cropped up down the road. Relationships are based on trust and communication and all that...If it's part of who you are, then you shouldn't feel the need to not say anything out of fear of losing friends/partners, because if they're going to be a part of your life, you shouldn't have to worry about hiding things. I just...I dunno, does that make sense? :\
  6. Here is a link to one of my favorite articles about bisexual myths. As someone who has identified as bisexual for over a decade, there is essentially no arguement, accusation, or misunderstanding that has not been thrown in my face. In my experience, it all boils down to 2 separate problems: the media misportraying what bisexuality actually is (Thanks, Tila Tequila), and people's own relationship insecurities being overlaid onto others ("You're more likely to cheat on me!!") First off, I want to say that, in my opinion, bisexuals do not have it worse than homosexuals. The gay community has a lot of things to be bitter about, and I can understand their general unease and frustration with the bisexual community. In many ways, bisexuals can come across as being able to have the "lifestyle" while still retaining heterosexual priviledge within society, and I can empathize with how infuriating that probably feels. We have problems of our own--they arent worse problems, just different ones. Having people shy away from relationships with you when they find out that you're bi sucks, and I don't really have any answers for that. A lot of it comes from their own ignorance, relationship insecurities, or past bad experiences. But not everyone is like that, and like with so many things, it really just comes down to finding someone who is open enough to like you just for you. No different than any other relationship. I might be a terrible person for this, but I think it's actually a nice way to weed out assholes/potential crazies Whoever commented above advising you to "just don't tell them" is wrong. I can't even figure out a way to say it gently or politely; it's just...wrong. You should NEVER feel like you have to censor and/or be ashamed of yourself to get another person to like you. Never! Ever!
  7. It is nice to read more of your writing AT. You know, I had never really had much of an opinion of Butch until I've read your interpretation of him. I like him, in his way. :) But yes. MOAR! I want to see where the adventure leads! (And I know, you like critiques, but I'm terrible at them. I like everything and offer nothing constructive in return *dances out of thread* :3)
  8. http://i55.tinypic.com/2d922h0.jpg *wheeze* The innuendo...I just *goes away* I'm going to get banned one day for being mouthy and inappropriate. I can't help but respond when I am notified that this topic has been updated. Q, I want to draw concept art. Can I draw you some hawt mans? No idea what he's supposed to look like but I'm in a sketching type of mood lately. (look, I'm on topic).
  9. Texture replacers won't necessarily have a .esp (that's the file that you check off in OBMM). If all the mod does is change textures, it doesn't need to have an .esp. Just for future reference. :) Not all mods come with things that have to be activated like that. As for the textures not working, try installing and using this: click me Sometimes when you replace the vanilla textures the game still doesn't want to recognize your new textures and keeps showing the old ones. This utility sort of gives your game a nudge to recognize your new textures. Try that out and see if it works. I haven't played Oblivion in a while, so I'm not sure if ArchiveInvalidated Invalidation is still current and up-to-date. If it isn't I'm sure someone who is more in the know will come by and correct me. :P
  10. Weird! Have you been noticing any other texture glitches anywhere else? Sometimes that can be a sign that your graphics card is about to die.
  11. Someone has successfully ported the Moonshadow elves to New Vegas, which means they will work in FO3, too (you'd just have to make your own plug-in for them since no one has done it yet). They can be found here. I haven't looked at the textures, but I would assume that since the Moonshadow Elves and the Blood Elves/Vampires, etc, all use Head06 you could swap out Moonshadow Elves textures for the others if you wanted to.
  12. Hey guys! I'm planning on reinstalling Oblivion soon to replay through it before Skyrim comes out. The modding community here is so massive that it's overwhelming--I'm glad you guys are here to help find things! It's much appreciated. :) Here's my question: are there any high rez texture replaces for the vanilla headmesh? The face textures for the Head06 meshes (like the ones from Bella's race mods) are breathtaking, so I was wondering if anything comparable had been made for vanilla meshes since the last time I've been here (besides the older ones by Ozmo and navetsea, I know about those). I might have to bite the bullet and switch to using head06, but I'd really like to keep the vanilla headmesh if I can find some good face textures. Any insight is appreciated! :D
  13. Ninja'd and it's a PITA to edit posts on my phone. Scruggs is okay. I'm loling at Dudebro I'm actually glad he'll have some of your personality for basis, Q, and I'm not trying to be all cute or whatever by saying that. Cocky and witty are appropriate in the setting, I think. Along with survival experience And pragmaticism and Dudebro will be golden. Yay!
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