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About ZodiacBlack

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  1. The only technical Fast Travel in Survival Mode is by carriage ride and boat ferries. These are vehicles where you are escorted by a chauffer. Why not disable or even restore both fatigue and hunger bars by automatically resting and consuming inventory food, while fast travelling? I think both options would be found useful in fitting gameplays. I was always annoyed that every time I need to prepare for a new dungeon heist, I would fast travel to the nearest inn but then have to rest up a whole night beforehand, every single time. There's also the times while normally travelling to a quest point, but I end up facing a dragon and a couple bountiful spawns so I have to GO BACK HOME to drop off luggage.
  2. @scorrp10 I found out lol, so I decided to slap on the hair mesh in with the mask as the helmet. It was a last minute breakthrough.
  3. @Hanaisse I found the partitions slot in Outfit Studio, thanks! I just wanted the mask to work with AFT's 'wear helmet only during combat' effect.
  4. I have this kistune mask asset. I'm trying to make it a wearable helmet with head and hair enabled underneath the mask. What do I need as a base for creating the nif file before importing it into an esp? Technically, it is already a circlet nif file from another mod, but simply trying to swap it from circlet to head slots won't work. It just doesn't show the mask anymore.
  5. Hey, so I fixed it. I also got it to ESPFE. The thing was, it was a ridiculous process. I basically had to use a script on the nexus for rewriting all of the formID's to fit into the FE structure. Then it got worse, because now I kept crashing. Going back, I checked every formID and had to change the ones that overrode other mods and base Skyrim formID's. it looked something like this: 00000801, but it's overridden, so changed to 0000F801. Then I had to completely rebuild her headparts and facegen sculpts from Racemenu. At least it works now though, save for all that headache.
  6. @scorrp10 Ok, I will try that. My installation of TeraElinRace has Nord as the race proxy. I updated my mod page, you should be able to find Temporary ESP for fixing.
  7. @scorrp10 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/126860?tab=description Here is the link to my mod. Sorry if it can't be downloaded yet, I'm having major problems with Nexus' virus scanner. I've kept talking to support about it, but for now I'll be uploading them in some other formats.
  8. Hey guys, I want to talk about a very prominent issue going on with Facegens when placed in some worldspaces that are ESPFE. My follower mod recently struggled with dark face bug because placing the NPC in the worldspace of sky haven temple courtyard will invalidate the ESPFE format in XEdit. Even when changing the formid in XEdit and resaving, the bug still occurs. Now I know that some of you may be thinking that this is not a really big deal, but I find it too strange for it to specifically happening to my NPC and not others. I'm looking for any explanation as to why it happens and how I can fix this. I've tried many things, but I'm basically stuck at a dead end at the moment.
  9. So I figured out how to reform the formlists... I'm going in for the kill and doing it the hard way Wish me luck.
  10. I've always wanted to see the behemoth as a dragon in Skyrim, but there still are no compatible skeleton to support extra wings, so I found this other one that can work as a vampire lord: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/demon-lord-animations-15f0edc99c8344db8fa4f038113d00e7 If anyone is interested in this project, it would have to be purchased.
  11. Hi I'm looking for a mod that removes the pickup flag for various clutter that otherwise gets in the way of picking more useful things, like ingredients. Stuff like bowls, buckets, etc. are just trivial and really get in the way.
  12. Is there something that can allow this? Will it require a complete software upgrade? As far I can see, this is the only part of Skyrim mods that bloat up my file space forever. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions about this.
  13. Hi, I'm looking for a really simple mod. Inspired by the dialogue option 'give me some sugar' from Amazing Follower Tweaks mod. A single dialogue option for a POV of target NPC kissing up to the camera, preferably eyes closed and happy, like in those cute anime scenes.
  14. Wow, thank you guys so much! I had a handful of other followers with the same problem, but now I can fix them Update: So I tried it, turns out the ID won't get saved because of the FE... I had to leave it as 00 for now, and the heads are still black. I'm going to try looking for a solution to this.
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