I do enjoy the more colorful palette of SSE, for the most part. But one issue that I have is that, through whatever lighting/palette adjustments Bethesda made to the game, the sun is now quite dull in the sky, relative to that of Oldrim, unless god rays are cranked up. I'm going to be using the help of this mod, which simply reverts SSE to Oldrim's palette/weather systems: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8089/? The screenshots are taken in SSE, in the exact same location at the exact same time in-game. I'm using no other weather/lighting mods whatsoever with the exception of the one linked to above for the "Oldrim" shots. God rays are disabled in both shots and all graphics settings are the same. Oldrim Palette: https://abload.de/img/screenshot462uqe.png SSE Palette: https://abload.de/img/screenshot5riutk.png So, my situation is that I personally don't like having god rays enabled in Skyrim. Things are just too bloom-y and washed-out for my taste with them on. But I have grown to enjoy the richer colors that SSE provides. Could anything be done about the way the sun looks in SSE with god rays off? I am aware that there are various weather/lighting mods that might provide a better-looking sun sans god rays, but they tend to change other things like the palette and weather systems since they tend to be more along the lines of overhauls. If possible, I'd like to keep what SSE provides, just with a sun that isn't dull.