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Everything posted by kadaj29

  1. Try RS Children Overhaul Be sure to check out the RS Children Patch Compendium as well to ensure compatibility with other mods.
  2. That's true that you can load your game up using this mod without an ENB, but it won't end up looking as bright as in the screenshots. That's what they mean when they made the ENB a soft "requirement". When you use that sun texture without an ENB, it doesn't address the kind of thing OP mentions- I've tested it myself. It doesn't make the disc of the sun itself any more intense on its own, though it does add a sort of effect around the outside of the dim-looking, "moon-like" sun.
  3. That new sun does look nice in the screenshots of that linked mod, but it requires the use of an ENB, which is something OP might not be interested in. The required/recommended ENB in particular aims to give the game a pink vibe, from the looks of things, but OP is looking to return the game to a vanilla Oldrim look in terms of color palette.
  4. A bit hyperbolic, but you do have a point. SSE is more stable on paper, but for a modded playthrough, you do have to worry about the Creation Club updates breaking a lot. Between that, the fact that a lot of mods from Oldrim still haven't made it over yet and may never come, the fact that SKSE64 is still in early development as mentioned (I think it's awesome that the team even bothered to come back and do this for us, can't give them enough credit), there's still a strong argument to be made for just staying on Oldrim, even if things are relatively less stable there. You can do things to reduce crashes to basically nothing in that version.
  5. Try validating game cache in Steam. Maybe delete every "skse" labeled file in your SSE folder and then copy over just the latest ones. I'm not having any CTD issues, but I also waited it out and didn't mess around with any SkyrimSE.exe reversions.
  6. Awesome, thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.
  7. Mods I'm currently looking for SSE equivalents for: NPC Smarter Water AI (Enemy NPCs chase you across bodies of water) Appropriately Attired Jarls (Newly appointed Jarls wear royal garb like their predecessors) Trade and Barter Weapons and Armor Fixes Clothing and Clutter Fixes Hold Guards Keep Armor (When a Civil War faction takes a city, the guards wear that hold's appropriate guard armor instead of Imperial/Stormcloak armor) Fires Hurt Wet Eyes NARC - No Animals Report Crimes SkyrimSouls (Menus don't pause the game)
  8. I do enjoy the more colorful palette of SSE, for the most part. But one issue that I have is that, through whatever lighting/palette adjustments Bethesda made to the game, the sun is now quite dull in the sky, relative to that of Oldrim, unless god rays are cranked up. I'm going to be using the help of this mod, which simply reverts SSE to Oldrim's palette/weather systems: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8089/? The screenshots are taken in SSE, in the exact same location at the exact same time in-game. I'm using no other weather/lighting mods whatsoever with the exception of the one linked to above for the "Oldrim" shots. God rays are disabled in both shots and all graphics settings are the same. Oldrim Palette: https://abload.de/img/screenshot462uqe.png SSE Palette: https://abload.de/img/screenshot5riutk.png So, my situation is that I personally don't like having god rays enabled in Skyrim. Things are just too bloom-y and washed-out for my taste with them on. But I have grown to enjoy the richer colors that SSE provides. Could anything be done about the way the sun looks in SSE with god rays off? I am aware that there are various weather/lighting mods that might provide a better-looking sun sans god rays, but they tend to change other things like the palette and weather systems since they tend to be more along the lines of overhauls. If possible, I'd like to keep what SSE provides, just with a sun that isn't dull.
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