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Everything posted by stabbykitteh

  1. The armor comes from the Lore Friendly Armor Pack.
  2. yes but these issues are all caused by not following proper installation procedure. I had the exact issue with the clocks, temp. Reinstalling correctly solves this. However, simply rolling back via your CP does not atually remove the new driver files completely and you may experience continuing problems. The below is from the 301.24 release notes at the Nvidia website. I needed to check before I posted, but it is a problem with the drivers. From the 304.48 beta readme: "Fixes an issue where some manufacturer's factory overclocked cards default to and run at lower clocks." You still need to make sure they are uninstalled properly, however.
  3. I had this same problem at one point. It tells you there's a newer version already and no uninstaller will work. In my experience trying to reinstall the same version doesn't work either. I ended up doing a system restore (Win 7 64 bit) back to before I started futzing with the drivers, then uninstalling the whole package and using Driver Sweeper & CCleaner to remove left overs (restarting in between).
  4. Didn't have very good luck with this driver at all with my non-overclocked 460 (completely clean install). Experienced freezing and after a few days, corruption (which timed itself perfectly with the official 1.6 update for Skyrim). I've had much better luck with the 304.48 beta drivers. Perhaps it depends on the card.
  5. Not knowing what you're running for mods, if anything, I'll be guessing... but here's a couple of ideas for you: version 1.6 of Enhanced Blood Textures has a bug that causes problems with brawls. Updating or disabling would fix it (follow the mod author's instructions for updating his mod or more issues can be created). Also, if you're running anything that effects dialogue, like the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, it will conflict with the Skyrim 1.6 update causing dialogue and quest issues.
  6. As long as you haven't installed any other mods that effect ore textures, you shouldn't have overwritten anything. The easiest way (beside using a mod manager) is to re-download the mod, unzip and look at the files. Glowing Ore is a simple one. Go to steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data in the meshes folder find dungeons/mines/ore and delete the ore folder. In textures delete the 300 cubemaps folder. Or you could try this mod, which tones down the glow a bit.
  7. There is a beta version of the USKP that removes dialogue edits while retaining the rest of the fixes. It's available here.
  8. console command = set playerfollowercount 0
  9. Yes, for other reasons. Consoling past broken quest stages and occasionally abusing the tcl command to climb back up to a path my PC has been knocked off of.
  10. Sounds like a conflict of some sort. Have you tried running BOSS to sort your load order? Asking because it's recommended that Static Mesh Improvement run near the top of your load order and WATER last. The more stuff you have running the more important load order becomes.
  11. Yep. Seems to have shown up with 1.6. In my case it was over bonfires, especially the khajiit merchant camps. It disappeared with a clean install and new game for me, though that doesn't seem to be the case for other people. No idea what's causing it, sorry not more helpful. edit: It's now reappeared around my PC's hands when casting fire spells. Ah well.
  12. The corrupted (dirty) update.esm is a known issue with Wrye Bash 295. Updating Bash will fix that problem.
  13. I noticed this after installing the 1.6 update as well and I'd also love to know what causes it. Thought maybe it was the Dynamic Fire mod - but currently running that with no issues. Went away after a starting a new game on a clean install.
  14. It was purchased, by Intel in 2008, and shut down in 2010. Intel owns the name and the engine so it's unfortunately completely dead. The devs have started another studio though.
  15. Just curious, are you running any mods that edit dialogue, like the USKP? There seems to be a bug involving anything that edits dialogue in any way with version 1.6. It's causing issues with quests.
  16. It does seem to be a know bug with 1.6. Edits of any kind to existing dialogue are causing issues (silent dialogue, no quest prompts, etc). The Unofficial Skyrim Patch discussion on the Bethsoft forums talks about it a bit.
  17. The corrupted update.esm may be a problem with the 295 version of Bash, if that's what you have, you'll need to update it.
  18. It's a know bug, not entirely sure what causes it. I've read that it has to do with adding and removing spells but it happened to me without having added or removed anything to do with magic . There is a fix available here that requires SKSE. Thought the 1.6 patch had fixed it - but that doesn't appear to be the case.
  19. This is based on personal experience - not on any level of expertise. You have been warned :) I also run an i5 (2300 2.8ghz) and a 460 SE 1gb (no overclocking). I'm running at 1600 x 900 fullscreen. I get 30 - 40 fps with very little stutter but not without some compromises. Personally I can't run shadows on Ultra without serious lag and stutter no matter what I do. High runs fine however and considering the performance loss, they really don't look that much better on Ultra. The shadows in the game are just... bad. Though there are some mods that can help with the worst of it. Also, setting ugrids to 7 as recommended by the Nvidia tweak guide does make distances look nicer but causes the game to grind to a halt in certain areas (again, your mileage may vary). I've also not had good luck finding an enb configuration that doesn't cause lag with this card - but someone else may have better advice there. Setting the anti-aliasing through the game (4x is plenty) and forcing anisotropic filtering through the Nvidia control panel (16x) runs smoothly and looks good. Are you running the Official Hi Rez DLC? That would also be a contributor. Either disable it or try Bethesda Hi Rez DLC Optimized. I run the Hybrid version and it's made a world of difference. (edit nvm - you're on that already) Good luck.
  20. Permanently? Don't think so (could be wrong). But, if you were just looking to take screens, the console command tfc will allow you to rotate the camera around your character while the animation continues, and tfc 1 will freeze the action and allows camera rotation.
  21. Setting SKSE Loader to Run as Administrator (properties / compatibility / run as administrator) may help.
  22. Not positive but I believe Warzones: Civil Unrest has an option that adjusts how long corpses hang around.
  23. Is it possible you've downloaded the SKSE version that's intended to use with the Skyrim 1.6.89 Beta patch? You want version 1.4.15 of SKSE if you aren't running the Beta.
  24. You're right, this is primarily PC support, but it sounds like the game may not have installed / patched correctly. Perhaps try a reinstall? And you may have much better luck checking the X-Box section of the Official Bethesda Forum. Good luck.
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