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Posts posted by Laurelion

  1. And by the way,


    You people seems to me as a bunch of spoiled child: "wheeee wheeeee we don't have a decent modkit :( whueeeeee." Where is write the law that said that a game must have a modkit? :D

    Speak loud and clear, TW3 would not even need a help for a very simple reason, is a complete game, not an half abortion like skyrim AND F4, a game unforgivably lazy for lazy players, a shamefull and total lack of immagination, creativity and innovation, they have created a good mod kit only to give all the work needed for a good game at the community.

    Without mods Skyrim is unplayable, is booooring, childish, lame character and story, awfull design and concept, ridiculus gameplay and full of tons of bug.
    Fallout 4 is even worst.

    That's is why they spend so much for a modkit.


    In response to post #29769295.




    legorass wrote: Still not even 1% close to 4 years!! Creator Kit from Skyrim..

    Skyrim has a better modkit because the game was absolutely not finished at release. Bethesda obsiously counts on modders to finish their games (just look at Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3).

    There are patches from modders correcting thousands of bugs, the UI is a joke, questing & fighting are pretty bad and the Creation Engine need to modded to offer decent visuals...


    Don"t compare The Witcher 3 and Skyrim, it's indecent for Bethesda.


    Nevertheless the game is not bad. I played near to 100 hours but playing "vanilla" is not possible.



  3. Don't works but i found something more strange. With "Face Normal" nothing change, so i try "flip normal" but the weird things is that in game absolutely nothing change.
    So i try a random, i change the texture of the uncover body but in game nothing appens.


    In the render windows of niscope and even in creation kit the texture appears differents, but in game they appears ever the same (like in the screenshot) O_o

    What means?

  4. Hi, i been create a new armor but i have some issue with the illumination of the body under the armor itself (it's right: armor itself?)
    Simply the illumination and the shadow appears weird




    Note the difference between the head and the body under the armor.

    I check every setting on exporting by 3d Studio Max and niftools but i not found some solutions.

    Anybody can help me?
    Very thank you for the attention.


    The armor is cover darkness 'cause i should see it only without problem :look:

  5. Hi, as title i have a strange problem with an armor that i have create.

    When i dress the armor all texture disappears and i see her ("her" is right? :look:) all black, but if i save and restart i see the armor well.
    Same thing when i dress the armor with favourite menù ("Q" key). When i dress in this way i don't have any problem.
    But if i undress/dress with invetor menù texture disappears again. O_o

    Some one can help me? O:

    (Sorry for my broken english)

  6. Very Very Thank you ^^'
    sorry for the delay, but I did not realize you had replied: look:

    Anyway i found a different fix: in "NiTriShapeData" i set in "BS Num UV Set" the "4097" value. And the armor look fine.

    Thank you again by the way ^^'

  7. Ok, I realized a custom bracers. Check number of bone for vertex, check bslighting shader check everyting i know (not much anyway)




    I have ever the same problem, strange shadows that tend to infinity :blink:

    Someone can help me?

  8. Hi to everyone, i made a custom armor but when i try to use it in game i have a problem like this:




    The armor is too dark and whitout normal map detail.


    In 3d studio render is:




    I check ever thing that i know in nifskope file but i cannot found any error.


    Someone have some idea?


    (Sorry for my broken english)

  9. Hi to everyone. I remesh the imperial armor, not a great job, I just added the pants of thieves armor. The mesh works well, the problem is the texture, too dark.


    On 3d studio looks like.




    But in (the) game looks like.





    This is how the original mesh appears in game





    I used the original texture with a little copy and paste.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

  10. Hi to everyone. I remesh the imperial armor, not a great job, I just added the pants of thieves armor. The mesh works well, the problem is the texture, too dark.


    On 3d studio looks like.




    But in (the) game looks like.





    This is how the original mesh appears in game





    I used the original texture with a little copy and paste.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

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