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Posts posted by Laurelion

  1. Ok, i created a new armor but my problems started when I had to apply the skin.


    There is a metod to copy the weight of an old armor and past in a new?


    Because handmade this is a little crazy


    I work whit 3d studio.


    Thanks for te help and sorry for my broken english ^^

  2. It's probably the UV or a smoothing group. Or you have been welding verts at export. you make no mention of morphing a clone of the _0 into the _1 and using that. So try doing that.


    Can help my nif file?


    The problem is that i haven't understand nothing about the welding vertex question ._.




    3975071 Madcat221


    What mean exactly? :look:

  3. Hello people, I spent some time on the forum to read up on my problem, but I still can not understand it well.

    I created a new mesh using two separate meshes, the curaiass of Tullius's armor and legs of thievsguild armor (wiev the attachment).


    But in games appears a crazy amorphus jumble


    From the little I could understand, maybe it's Weld Vertex Weight Problem or Problem. Understand the good but not this stuff.


    I created the _1.nif _0.nif and the files with exactly the same mesh.


    I have absolutely no idea of the vertex or weight parameters


    I've already read half this thread


    Can anyone explain the situation better?


    Thanks very much and sorry for my broken English

  4. Hi, i'm italian, sorry for my broken english ^^'


    Simple question, it's possible add new models of armour or change the old models whitout the creation kit?


    I don't care if is easy or not, i just want to know if is possible.


    Thanks :)

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