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Posts posted by WinglessFlight

  1. Looking for some help. Im creating a mod to fix a 10year old problem that another mod introduced that practically everyone uses.


    I intend to use a HoloTape to do it how ever Ive never done anything like this before and I dont know how to make it work exactly.


    I basically have setup the Holotape with all of the settings but I dont know how to create the Function to Select a world object and change an one or more of its Actor Value's


    Please can any modder out there lend some help

  2. So Im reading about Skill Shards after finding one again, this is my third play through; and every time I find one of these shards I've Never noticed what they do. So I did some googling and found this article.



    In it it stats the Skill Shards only give 400xp So im thinking that should Really Be changed to something more like.


    XP = 400 x Total Level x Governing Attribute / Skill Progression Lvl




    400 x Governing Attribute \ Skill Progression Level * Total Level.


    Either way by the time you get to late game which is when I typtically found these the current Insignificant amount of 400 is like a slap in the face where a modded XP gain is more of a boon.


    I think this would be a little less cheaty then just using CET and giving your self max lvl and attributes.


    Anyway I really hope some one can do this.

  3. Simply put the Follower AI is s***!


    Without someone able to dissect the code and modify the AI code its self I dont see how its ever going to get any better.


    To address the issues with the AI the following statements (If, Then, Else) or qualifiers need to be applied.


    If Player is Engaged (actively being shot at) Follower AI Switches to Aggressive. Follower will attempt to flank or get behind Engaged enemies, Wll continue to seek targets and Fire until Cleared.

    If Player is Stealth and Not actively engaged (not being shot at) the Follower AI will Switch to Passive (move no less then 10 meters away from the player)

    Follower will always maintain 3 - 10 meters from player (this is to stfu and get the f*** out of my face.

    If Player is in owned settlement Follower Ai will switch to Passive and Idle and maintain 10-15meters from player


    The worst part about this AI, is how it will teleport to you while your literally not doing anything but crafting weapons and armor, Block your view, push you off the workbench and talk the entire f*#@ing time! Then when you tell that Follower to f*#@ off and move they cant get down from the 3stories up. I honestly love fallout but its just so poorly coded, they put No thought into this.

  4. If you get a Virus from Cheat Engine you're not downloading it from their website!

    Its also pretty frickin hard to put a virus in a .ct file and have it work!


    Download Cheat Engine from:


    And Dont Download from some Mirror Site Thats how you get a virus! Also check their forums they have said that some AV programs Register Cheat Engine as a False Positive!


    Metro Last Light Steam.CT


  5. I think this is an issue with mods interacting with one another. I personally Have Rain occlusion on Ambient occlusion Set to high. While Clean Settlements has allowed me to clear most if not all clutter and buildings from Sanctuary I can see a noticeable difference in Occlusion where structures used to be versus where I have put new ones. Is this an Issue with "Wetness", Spring Cleaning, Snap n Build and what ever other mods are adding structure items? or is this a limitation of the engine.

  6. So your not running steam and your not running GOG ... then what are you running?


    Also current version is 1.31: All DLC's are free so theres no reason for you to be on version 1.05.


    Bring current without mods, then see what happens. If the game works once its brought to the most current version, install mods One at a Time launching the game with each install of a new mod until the game fails to crash, then you will know if the mod will work or not, if not remove that mod.

  7. Uninstall all mods, launch game. If game starts its a mod. 99.9999% of the time its a mod thats either been poorly wrote or is not compatible with your version of the game, typically mods found are for an older version of the game though there are some work arounds.


    If the game starts without any mods, reactivate the mods ONE at a time launching the game making sure the script engine can compile and will launch the game, Exit the game and reinstall the next mod on your list. Do this until you find which mod or Mods are causing your game to fail. This happens alot when people get ... over zealous with their mods installing a bunch at a time then trying to run the game.

  8. Anyone have a mod or can make a mod that reduces the set bonus to 2/7 and 4/7?


    I ask 2 of 7 and 4 of 7 because I would like to see the Crossbow be added to the set bonus and possibly be socket-able.


    Perhaps taking Ursine further to make each piece count for 10% chance of Quen instead of 5% because who is going to use Ursine swords when you have weapons like Toussaint Steel sword, CareTakers Spade and Aerondight.


    I think this would open the game up to other possibilities of play like have dual sets working together

  9. The Aerondight charge buff is almost identical to the the same icon used for "Whirl" just at a angle if your using v1.31 you should be able to see it in the top left when you hold tab down

  10. Mine was a Giant. Naturally, it was also my first attempt in space exploration :wink:


    Pretty much the same thing, I stepped out my front door saw a compass icon and was curious. The thought "I could take him" admittedly crossed my mind soon finding out that That Giant is a boss level compared to me. I ran, I dodged, I tried arrows, couldn't run fast enough and stamina was in short supply.

  11. Okay let me start of by giving a quick background than I will go into what I did to try and fix it, before I gave up said f*#@ it and loaded an old save.



    So I found some easter eggs and quests that I missed from my first time in Soul Cairn. Couldnt get in was burning to death so I tried having her turn me into a vampire, which didnt work either. So i used TCL and went right in. Figures right!?


    Im in, im almost done serana gets stuck on some steps. Cant get her unstuck. Tried Fos Ro Dah. nothing. Told her to take her ass home and she just walked right off, so I tried to grab her thinking that was it. The Dialog option to have her follow me is now gone.


    Having said that I have tried.


    Changing her Relationshiprank to me - didnt work

    Changing her MentalModel islocked_var False - didnt work

    Changing the rest of her Var's - didnt work either.

    Tried waiting in Under-croft for 48hours - didnt work either (saw a video where that worked)


    So how can I finish the Soul Cairn, Get Serana's mother out, Get the Arvak Horse, get Jiab's amulet, and kill Reaper, and keep the Best Follower I have? (Serana) Shes lvl 81, has harkens sword and is just as strong as I am if not more so.


    Please any help, thoughts, or ideas would be great.


    I am in process of finding a mod that adds a 2nd portal to Soul Cairn, to which I will try to have Serana wait outside while I go re-do my business inside.

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