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Everything posted by AnzacTNF

  1. Today I went to Dawnstar and mined some quicksilver. I got a flawless diamond while digging a quicksilver ore. If you need some of them, just go to Dawnstar's quicksilver mine and see if you can get one or two as well. :) There are 5 ores located in the mine, if you don't get one, just reload your last save and try again.
  2. I'm at level 55 and have found 7 of these so far. I don't know where I got them, I guess it was random loot. Just keep on searching. ;)
  3. True, the speech perks aren't really worth it. I usually sell, save, quit the game, restart Skyrim, reload last save and all merchants have their standard gold amount back.
  4. I have the same problems (but it doesn't really matter that much because I have enough gold and my enchanting skill is already at 100). And since most stores only have 750 - 1100 gold it's better that your enchanted weapon isn't too expensive. This bug is also mentioned here: http://www.uesp.net/...yrim:Enchanting : Be sure to move slider for the charges always to the right side. This increases the value of your enchanted item.
  5. Yes, of course. ;) This is the main mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=4862 . There are a lot of variations of this mod for different languages, different player types, etc.. It's maybe a bit confusing to set up this mod as you wish, but it's quite easy to do with a bit of practice and it'll surely help you once you've found a good configuration.
  6. Could you explain this process on how you got it that way?? I would really like to know.... You just have to repeat the "Fortify Enchanting-Fortify Alchemy"-cycle a few times. That's all. There is another way to get unbelievable high amounts of damage: Taken from http://www.uesp.net/...ting#Optimizing . I've seen a video on YouTube where someone used this method to kill an ancient dragon with one punch only. Here is one example: . Answering your question with one value only isn't really possbible, as you can see. ;)
  7. I've killed him a few times and I was always able to do it with this strategy: Hide behind the coffin he slept in. Usually he will transport himself to the place where the bars are at the opposite side of the room. From there he will summon two ghosts and you can sneak-shoot him and his ghosts.
  8. With this mod http://skyrim.nexusm...ile.php?id=4862 (Categorized Favorites) you can switch complete sets of equipment with a shortcut: "Equip sets allow you to specify a set of equipment to equip all at once.". I think you should try that mod. :) There are a lot of other mods with certain minor changes or special config files. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to rename items during enchanting to more than 30 letters. The thing is that generic enchanted items can have more than 30 letters, e. g.: Dragonplate Gauntlets of Peerless Smithing. If you enchant your own items this isn't possible. I've searched for "item name" but couldn't find anything useful. Maybe someone knows more about that, would be appreciated. :) Thank for your answer ;-) Actually I found a mod here that is supposed to match my expectations. It's called "Categorized Favorites Menu" (by favmenumodder) and it was just on the TOP 100 list of Skyrim mods ... :-/ Unfortunately, in my case it seems not to work :-( Everything works fine except that, so far, any customized equipment sets I create in the CFM simply disappear once I leave the CFM.. It is quite frustrating ^^ Thanks again and good luck with your search! You need the matching versions of Skyrim, SKSE and CFM to make it work properly. Check your Skyrim-version, then go to the files section of CFM on the modsite here and then choose the SKSE-version you need from there: http://skse.silverlock.org/download/archive/ . I had mismatched versions once and it didn't save my settings and equipsets until I deleted the old files and installed the correct versions.
  9. Thanks for your fast answer. I'm not sure if I understand the whole meaning of your explanation. :tongue: I've found the names of the generic items In the Skyrim_English.STRINGS-file. The name for the enchanted item is stored somewhere else and cannot be longer than the field allows, right? Would've been nice to rename them without abbreviations, but ok, there are worse things. ;)
  10. With this mod http://skyrim.nexusm...ile.php?id=4862 (Categorized Favorites) you can switch complete sets of equipment with a shortcut: "Equip sets allow you to specify a set of equipment to equip all at once.". I think you should try that mod. :) There are a lot of other mods with certain minor changes or special config files. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to rename items during enchanting to more than 30 letters. The thing is that generic enchanted items can have more than 30 letters, e. g.: Dragonplate Gauntlets of Peerless Smithing. If you enchant your own items this isn't possible. I've searched for "item name" but couldn't find anything useful. Maybe someone knows more about that, would be appreciated. :)
  11. A usual longbow with 186 damage? I'm very sure that's only possible wearing a complete fortify archery gear.
  12. Just for information: After I've came back from the previous Companion-mission Farkas or Vilkas told me to attend the funeral. As soon as I was at the skyforge Aela started her speech. It all went without any problems. I think you can even go to Breezehome or a store before that, the funeral won't start without you. I haven't done the Helm Of Winterhold quest before.
  13. There is at least one quest known that could trigger such an event: Special delivery from Sylgja. Maybe there are even more!?
  14. The person who wrote this interesting thread came up with solid arguments and clear calculations about what weapon deals the most damage. I'm not sure if that's the final answer but to me his points are much more convincing than most other posts in this thread.
  15. As I said you still need some luck to get it. Glad I could help! :)
  16. If it's a random generic item then you just need some luck and a high enough level to get it. But you can also "force" the game to give you your wanted item. Good locations to try that trick are small caves containing a chest with a 100% chance containing a levelled magic item inside and no or very few weak enemies, for example Guldun Rock or the Sleeping Tree Camp. What you do is, you save before you enter the cave and and the loading screen comes up. As far as I know during that process the program spawns the item in the chest. When you enter the cave and find an unwanted item in the chest you just reload your saved game. Then reenter the cave and see what's now in the chest. Another way is of course to check the blacksmiths/stores.
  17. Jack of all trades who's going to be super rich after he died a thousand times. :biggrin:
  18. By default you can still use magic while being able to use the beast form/become a werewolf. I think that's what he meant. ;) Just hope that you can correct possible bugs and don't let your actions be guided by that. BTT: Once I've found out that you can cure yourself and 2 other companions I decided to play the whole questline in a row as fast as I could. Only to find out that the "werewolf-counter" still counts even though I cured myself. But I've never turned into a werewolf except for the one scripted time.
  19. With enchanting at 100 you'll probably have smithing at 100 too. With these skills you can use whatever kind of damage you want because your tempered swords should deal so much damage it shouldn' t really matter if you took fire damage or frost damage. I'm also playing a dual-wielding character and plan to use fire+frost and absorb health+stamina. Apart from that a dagger, bow or 3rd sword with soul trap is always needed.
  20. Just an old ENB-.dll and the one that puts categories to chests. I've read about this issue here: http://www.uesp.net/...yrim:Enchanting . The save-trick works but then again my enchanted weapons are so expensive that nobody has enough money to buy them. It's not such a big problem, sooner or later you usually don't have to care about money anyway. ;)
  21. There it is: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-dectives-thread/ . :)
  22. #2 Nothing more to add. :thumbsup:
  23. I understand that but I am starting at the bottom (Novice Destruction is the one I'm trying to get the most). Novice destruction requires 0 skill. You should get that one right from the start. If the star is light blue, then you can get this perk. If it's shining bright gold, then you already have it. You have to zoom in to choose perks. And then really click the stars, a window should pop up and ask for confirmation. If the screen switches to another perk, then you've clicked at the wrong position.
  24. Ok, I've tried it again. I took dozens of greatswords, battle axes and war-hammers out of my chest and instantly felt an increase concerning adding/removing-speed. It sounds really strange that it's connected to the weight, but that seems to be the case. Try to split up weapons and armor to two different chests, or even more. That should help a bit. Or maybe there's a way to solve this with a mod.
  25. I have the same problems. I think it comes from the total number of items in a chest. As if every single apple gets registered with a special entry into some kind of database.
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