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Everything posted by AnzacTNF

  1. Dude, way to go aggressive back. Just makes me question your ability to single out a single parameter. /ignore. Thanks for showing that you don't even have the slightest clue about the things this topic is about. Glad I'm ignored by people who just spam meaningless one liners as answers.
  2. I wanted to write that the difference between petty and lesser gems doesn't make such a huge difference, but thought that people would know that. :rolleyes: But even if, this doesn't explain the value decrease from lvl22 + lesser to lvl98 + lesser at all.
  3. Just to show you that I wasn't talking crap or whatever. ;) All enchantments werde done without using any potion, no perks in enchantment at all and without wearing items that increase prices. As you can see, the effect becomes stronger, but the value goes down. http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/970/level22.jpg http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/5512/level59.jpg http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/7430/level98.jpg
  4. It happens once in a while. What I know is that these cinematic sequences are only shown when there aren't any other enemies around. And you need a special perk for one-handed or two-handed. My character is wielding two swords and sometimes he decapitates enemies using some kind of scissors-technique.
  5. I have already waited at least a week game time and no respawn yet. I can wait. As for the Companions quest line is there much left after your guy becomes Kodlack?. I have already changed the first two guys and I still have the Glenmoral Witch heads to do something with. The only questes I seem to get now are the go here and take care of this animal problem or go there and take care of that problem by brawling with some wimp. So there is more yet to do in the quest line? After you've thrown the witches heads into the flame in Ysgramor's Tomb and battled the wolf spirit of either Farkas or Vilkas you have to activate the flame once again. Then you'll have to fight your own wolf spirit. This will cure yourself from lycantrophy. Read more here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Purity . There are only two Purity quests. Once you've done them the other quests repeat over and over again.
  6. The more daggers you enchant, the less gold you get for them. I don't know the exact reason behind this. Your enchantments get stronger but the value goes down. Maybe this was meant as a way to balance economics. The more weapons with a special enchantment are on the market, the lower the price for them.
  7. The giants/dragons/whatever will respawn after a few days. Activate the quest and check your compass for the symbol, you know what I mean. ;) And about being a werewolf: You have to complete the Companions questline to cure yourself. But: Even after you're cured the "Days As A Werewolf"-Counter won't stop.
  8. The giant's toe seems to be bugged as written here: http://www.uesp.net/...m:Giant%27s_Toe . Blisterwort, blue mountain flower and wheat are very easy to get by harvesting or buying it from Arcadia in Whiterun. Using these potions is also far better than selling them because they won't give you much gold.
  9. I don't know much about console commands but it's not a bug that this guy doesn't train you anymore. He's a master trainer and they'll only train you to level 90. If you don't care about cheating via console or exploiting the skill system you can sell/buy/sell/buy/and so on your most expensive items or use one of the few speech glitches.
  10. Good ideas so far. From Baldur's Gate and Diablo I remember bows with a very high fire rate. That would always make a good artifact. I like the idea of giving positive and negative effects to certain items. That would balance the whole situation and prevent overpowering.
  11. Worked without any problems for me. Just a guess: Maybe it's a quest item and because of that not on the item list. Can you remove it from your inventory?
  12. I'd say the 2 perks for Steady Hand and the ones from Critical Shot to Ranger aren't worth it. Instead you should add a bit for Smithing and/or Light Armor. Remeber that your sneaking skills won't help you against dragons. Muffled movement can be obtained from enchanted items if I remeber correctly. Light Foot is also rather a waste, just watch where you're going. Spending two points just for a roll (has it a special purpose, or is it just for the look?), the possibility to run while sneaking and the combat stop (as a silent archer you shouldn't be in combat that much) seems questionable to me. I don't think you get stuck at some point in the game, but that's just how I see things. :)
  13. Farengar, the mage in Dragonsreach also buys these kind of wares. With him an Belethor you have two possibilites in Whiterun to sell your stuff.
  14. I've found that out a few days ago too - after more than 100 hours game play. :P Just save and reload doesn't work, which is really weird.
  15. Dual-wielding two generic magic swords, a legendary elven and a legendary glass sword. A dwarven bow with soul trap and an enchanted legendary glass bow with all kinds of arrows, from falmer to ebony, depending on the enemy.
  16. Very, very true. I can't say it any better. :thumbsup: I haven't started the TG quest but probably have to, just because I want to complete other quests that cannot be done without joining the TG - same for the Mages College. And same for the DB quest line, but I've read about an alternative option to deal with them. ;) Reading the comments here makes me interested in meeting this person. At least someone with a personal and deep character, not just a pile of pixels controlled by scripted dialogues.
  17. Here's what to do: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Vald . No bug, everything is fine.
  18. I did both ways without any problems. If you want Maurice to help you, go up all the way to the roots. Wait until he's close behind you. Use Nettlebane to cut the roots. When you've cut the last one and the way is clear (it won't happen after the first or second root, I think it were 3 blocking your way) Maurice should start a dialogue with you. Then you can let him pray to the tree. For more information read this: http://www.uesp.net/...sings_of_Nature .
  19. The Silent Moons Enchant counts as a usual enchantment. So it's not possible to enchant these weapons once more. You can disenchant them to learn the effect. So, this way of getting 3 enchantments on one item doesn't work. There is another way to put 3 effects on a generic weapon. You can enchant silver weapons and put two effects on them. The only bad thing about this is that you don't see the effects in the item description. The info "Especially effective against undead." stays and the information about the added enchantment isn't displayed. But at least your weapon has 3 special abilities now. :wink:
  20. This list is very helpful: http://www.uesp.net/...#Weapon_Effects. Lower "Base Uses" give you more valuable enchanted items. As you can see, the banish effect is by far the most profitable. You'll get one of these rare enchanted items either by buying or as random loot, starting as soon as you're level 22 or higher. If you don't like the stuff that you've found in a chest, just completely reload this area. Which means: First, load a previous saved game where you're not in the area that contains the specific chest. Then you enter and load the area again. Not just reentering/reopening the chest, the whole area has to be reloaded (loading screen with the quotes in the corner, hope you understand what I mean ;) ). Repeat these steps until you have an item of your choice, preferrably a banish weapon if you haven't found one so far. Whiterun has even 5 merchants who trade weapons/apparel. Only Eorlund doesn't want to sell enchanted stuff.
  21. Concerning miscellaneous quests: Everybody misses a lot of them and you can't really make all of them. But that's not bad, it's just logical because of the way these quests are created. Player 1 starts a random miscellaneous quest where he has to find a certain item and player 2 starts the "same" quest, but the item he has to find and/or the place where it's located is different and the quest giver is also someone else. For the system both quests are the same, even though both players think they're missing a part of the game. I'm not sure if it's even possible to get all these "give item x to y"-quests started. I check which quests can come up as soon as I enter a new place.
  22. You need the Ivory Claw for that one. You get it in Winterhold as a reward for a random sidequest, with no explanation on where to use it. The only time you reuse claws is the Galdurn quest, and only the ones from that questline. After that they just clutter your house. There is no bonus for collecting them all, unlike the dragon priest masks. And I agree: The Galdurn quest reward was stupid after that rediculous boss fight. Not as stupid as the reward for the time-consuming Kyne quest, though. Glowing balls? That should be Yngol's Barrow, unless there are more caves containing these balls. You'll find a Coral Dragon Claw on your way through the cave. With it you can unlock a wheel door and get to the boss. Actually there are always more ways to get an item. Just because you got item x in city y, doesn't mean it'll be there for everybody else as well.
  23. None at all? Quests where you have to get e. g. a certain amount of bear pelts or a mammoth tusk don't show up, of course. ;)
  24. I also try to keep these stats clean, so far I only have 1 assault and 44 locks picked. Don't ask how often I reloaded to avoid more entries. :pinch: I could even solve two quests where it said I had to steal something. But until now I could always find a legal solution to solve them, no cheating of course. The assault came in one of the first quests. (I hope these descriptions don't count as spoilers, nothing really important there. ;) ) I attacked Arvel the Swift while he tried to escape with the dragon claw after I freed him. But only because I've read that he wanted to kill me later anyway. So I just made it quick. Another assault I got was in a cave called Ravenscar Hollow during a radiant quest. I freed a bandit to help me fight some Hagravens. After we killed them, he threatened to take my life too. As soon as I hit him first it would count as an assault. So, I let him strike first and then killed him. The same thing happened in the first quests where you had to kill some random giants. After a while my first sneak shots didn't count as assaults anymore. These stats really need some improvement - or at least an editor to "fix" them. Just because you hit a bad guy first or shoot an arrow to the knee of your companion who jumps into the line of fire is kind of crap.
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