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Posts posted by nakakita

  1. Is it possible for someone to make TGND better cities patch update? Newer version has several additional armors that were not converted by Manks. Here is the list of unedited meshes



































    Also is it possible to adapt Unofficial Francescos Mod Armor AddOn to Robert musc and tgnd?


    I looked at the better cities meshes. I can do some of them. (Quite a few of them would just be texture redirects, which is a bonus.) But I can't do all of them unless there's someone good with textures willing to help, or if someone has done an HGEC patch for the mod, because there's a lot of armor in here with special skin textures, and I'm pretty rubbish at doing tattoos and stuff, especially with HGEC's UV map. I'd have to use the default skin.. and some of the specialness would be gone. There's also some things that you missed (the cotr folder) which I can do.. some of. Some of this is really high poly though and will likely crash blender on export. I can try though.


    The latter mod has a little too much content for me to handle. I'm still working on and off on another project with a similar volume of things, and I tend to get bored and procrastinate with huge projects. >>

  2. Crossposting this:


    So a bit of an interest poll here.. there's a request for "Mage Equipment - BAB version". It turns out however that most of the meshes were for bab, and not any other body. (I'll consider doing this if a bab user will list whatever they specifically want converted here. I can see issues with a couple meshes that might have issues, but there's quite a few that are definitely bab and not something else, and I'd rather not go through 49 sets of things trying to figure out what works and what doesn't for a body mod I don't personally use).


    My question is this though. How much interest is there for an HGEC patch? I'm currently doing a TGND patch for myself, which I do plan on releasing. But I recently found out that some of these robes are (apparently?) included in OOO.. which has HGEC patches already. And then, what size do people want? If it's DMRA or Guts, or something else people are mostly interested in, I'll just let the people who normally cover those bodies so that because I don't exactly have the experience to deal with those. I don't usually add polys when I'm doing conversions, and with those I'd have to.


    This armor set has several color schemes including white and has a replacer option for the shrouded set.



    this doesn't look that lore friendly and i don't kinda like it.....it also kinda looks like females-only


    It's for both genders, and multiple body types including the vanilla body. As for it's 'lore friendliness' it's a re-texture of an existing armor you can earn after doing a lengthy questline, with certain parts broken off and made optional. So unless that armor is 'not lore friendly' despite being part of the actual game, this one is. It's just no longer solid black.


    And, it's your best bet unless someone wants to go to the trouble of making an alternate texture for you to use.


    This armor set has several color schemes including white and has a replacer option for the shrouded set.

    Were you supposed to link anything? Because I didn't get any.

    missed the http:// ... everything else in the link was there.

  5. Try turning your music off, or using Personalized Music to do a playlist that you'd like better. Taking samples from Morrowind would be illegal, but if you own copies of both games, and extract the sound files, you can do this yourself.


    Morthal's swamp frequently has chaurus reapers in it, along with trolls. It isn't just crabs and spiders. Unless you're a really low level.


    Finally, Mannequins ARE Weeping Angels. And they're in every player home other than Breezehome.

  6. This mod is an skse plugin that you can use to make certain skills (like non-combat ones) not count at all for leveling. And other things.


    Alternatively, you could use the console to de-level your character. Open console, click on character then type 'setlevel [insert level here]'. Sometimes you'll have extra experience from your previous higher level and you'll level up a few times, but at least you'll have more health and perk points to spend.

  7. I've tried a bunch of different de-leveling mods. But they all eventually end up having the same issue that I come across in vanilla. Dungeons with nothing but bosses. Does anyone know of a mod for a de-leveled world where this doesn't happen?


    It isn't that I can't kill the mobs, it's that I'm annoyed that there's so many of the boss-level mobs when there used to be weak enemies. It doesn't make any logical sense. I also hate it when mods buff the health and attack of the mobs, so they can always one hit you, but you can never one-hit them even under the exact same circumstances.


    As an example.. I'd like the standard dungeon-monster structure to be like... 10 draugr... 5 restless draugr... 3 scourges... 1 deathlord. Or something with similar ratios. Not 3 scourges, 20 deathlords, and 5 death overlords. Does such a thing exist? What would I need to edit to make such a thing exist if one doesn't, and is there a guide for that?

  8. @Valadol I last played the day before yesterday. I mix the two up some. It takes me a while to set up Morrowind though, and I keep finding I did something with my install that I don't like like, (and I don't always know what went wrong....) so I start over. Skyrim is easier to mod thanks to the Mod Organizer, but I use Immersive HUD too hide quest markers with that. Doesn't always work though when NPCs expect you to know what cave their trinket vanished to and they no longer tell you (like in Oblivion) 'Let me mark it on your map!' It's just.. magically on your map. Oh well. (And I really liked how Dragonborn brought back crazy puzzles without too much hand holding).


    And I think probably a warning note that brains are required might be in order at the top of the download page. Just to scare off the 'it's too hard!' people.

  9. I really like the idea of more puzzle-based dungeons, and exploration instead of just... follow the marker to the fetch quest objective type stuff we mostly get. I'll definitely play around with this when it's released. It sounds fun.

  10. Never been able to make myself 'understand' the Stormcloak viewpoint. You have to accept too many contradictions, and I've never seen a nice logical argument for why I should join them. I've seen some 'theories' that have a lot of 'ifs', but no logical facts. I can understand the Thalmor weirdly enough, because even if they're crazy, if you look at their insane religious views, it all makes sense.


    But I can't really understand some people who claim they want 'freedom of religion' while oppressing the religions of others... or people who continually claim that the land is 'theirs' when the Nords were all immigrants originally and have no more claim to that land than anyone else does. (And yes, I feel exactly the same about these matters in Reality.) I can't respect Talos, because I read too many books on him. I also can't respect him because he hasn't done anything with a war that's fought in his name, when he did appear in the past. Some argue the dragonborn is Tiber-Septim-reborn, but that makes me feel ill. Just because of his history. The other entities making up Talos are less awful, but from there on out it's just confusing, and I don't think the Nords want him to be anything other than 'just' Tiber-Septim.


    And then of course, while some people think that the Dragonborn could become the emperor, and take over, or kill Ulfric, etc. etc, I don't think so. Simply because as is, there is no proof that the Dragonborn will do anything other than Vanish into the mists of time like all the 'heroes' before him. Plus Ulfric is essential unless you slay him for the Empire.


    It might be just a game, but the Stormcloaks leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I have yet to find an argument that makes me re-consider them. The fact that I never play a nord so they're always inherently nasty to me doesn't help.

  11. Where is this option?


    \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini





    Thank you!


    As for me, it's really simple things that probably can't be changed that are not 'bugs' per say.... Like the fact that you can soul trap most undead, but then you can't soultrap a necromancer's zombie. And that the undead have white souls when they're clearly former humanoids.. I'd just like a little consistency here. Then there's the water in the temple of Kynareth. It looks very pretty. But I keep thinking about how bad it is to leave standing water around the sick, and the spread of disease even if I tell myself they're doing all the healing with magic and potions.


    Ooh, I hate this. For me it was the fact that the Falmer had animal souls. I found that so 'offensive' I made a mod for myself to fix it ^^; Seems like giants maybe should too, but I didn't go that far.


    If you want to rationalize the standing water, it's not so immersion breaking... We didn't know about germs and diseases until, what, the seventeen hundreds? I'm not going to give Skyrim that much credit :P


    The Falmer thing bothers me as well, but I was aware of your mod fixing it. I'm not sure where I stand on giants... but it is really strange that they have smaller souls than their mammoths.


    And yes, I know our civilization was dumb about standing water for the longest time, but it still bothers me, and there is no 'teach priests of Kynareth basic Hygiene and about the dangers of standing water' option anywhere.

  12. Every time I go to the Reach, a dead hagraven falls out of the sky. Every single time. I have no idea why.


    The "Your health/stamina/magicka is low, so we're popping up this annoying message to tell you what you already know" message boxes at the beginning of new games used to really aggravate me, but it turns out you can disable them entirely in the config file.


    Where is this option?


    As for me, it's really simple things that probably can't be changed that are not 'bugs' per say.... Like the fact that you can soul trap most undead, but then you can't soultrap a necromancer's zombie. And that the undead have white souls when they're clearly former humanoids.. I'd just like a little consistency here. Then there's the water in the temple of Kynareth. It looks very pretty. But I keep thinking about how bad it is to leave standing water around the sick, and the spread of disease even if I tell myself they're doing all the healing with magic and potions.

  13. I always end up starting a new character if one of these things happens:


    a- I'm dying too much. (I discovered a bad build! Let's not try this again.)


    b- I've completed the main quest. (I always feel sortof .. listless after this. Though it isn't as bad as it was in Oblivion where I was actually depressed when it was all over).


    c- I'm at a level where I'm not seeing non-boss monsters anymore. Even with de-levelers there always seems to come a time when all the nordic ruins are filled with draugr deathlords. It really sucks. It doesn't feel 'more epic' it feels annoying. And I know the game is trying to 'give me a challenge' but it doesn't.

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