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Posts posted by nakakita

  1. It would be nice if witty comebacks were an option for prettymuch every NPC. Even a taunt option ala Morrowind, where we could pretend we said it more accurately ... But alas, in uncivilized Skyrim, violence is the only option to settle.. disagreements. :confused:
  2. I was thinking of something piratey when I wrote that oddly enough. Form fitting leggings and boots, and a flowey blouse with a longish vest over it. Vest has pockets, all buttons have been darkened so they don't shine, and no silk, because that shines. The perfect assassin wear does not give any indication of anything being in the shadows at all. In practice only the sleeves would be really baggy. A slim woman who didn't have an overly feminine face, or hair would be able to pose as a male wearing it, but a busty one wouldn't.
  3. I'd like to see more colors than just black to begin with.. black is always what people go for in 'stealth' looks, but greys actually blend better with the shadows. If it's going to look realistically stealthy, it also should not be shiny, or have any bright metal fastenings or buckles. Textures that look like suede, or velvet, and linen would be best. An alternate version in colors that look normal would be nice too. For blending in with crowds.


    As for actual shape, I'm partial to something that looks like men's clothing but with a female wearing it. The top should be a bit loose, baggy sleeves but leggings and boots that would be more or less form fitting. No skirt, because that would look sortof impractical, as one might trip over it while sneaking.


    That's my two cents anyway. I also don't want any fetishwear, and I don't really think ninja fits Skyrim too well. What I'm 'envisioning' in the above description feels like it would suit an imperial agent who doesn't want to be targeted as a spy.

  4. Haha, I've been nagging and nagging a friend about him, and the youtube review doesn't really give you an idea of what he sounds like (because of the annoying narrator), so I had to get examples myself. I opened BSA, extracted his voice clips, and converted them to .wav, and heard the mill comments that way. Only time I've done anything with him in the CK was when I was extracting his face texture to fix that bug.


    And the friend won't download the file I so nicely came up with containing voice clips anyway, so it was all for naught. But those mill comments are hilarious. I actually spent about 20 minutes in game, around a mill trying to get them to trigger once. No such luck.

  5. I always imagined him making comments about offering to keep watch if Serana was around, and it was time to sleep. Not wanting to be a snack and all. It's also hilarious when they end up fighting. Though once, they both joined forces to attempt to kill Atvir's horse. (One ice spike was all it took for this to happen.) I do wish that Dawnguard didn't force you to keep her around so much though. And why did they give her silent roll, but not light foot? (Ah! I remember you mentioning that to make Atvir just a bit less overpowered you were working on a perk leveling thing for him? Please have him keep lightfoot from the get-go. His over-powered-ness never actually bothered me though because I always assumed that he'd have more experience in.. just about everything.. than my character. (Though this might change if I played something besides humans) I'd expect him to start at level 20 at least.)


    It's a pity there's not more Dres references in Morrowind. Just a quick line about them being 'always firm temple supporters, who have no holdings in Vvardenfell'. Less Generic NPCs adds some, (along with Tamriel Rebuilt) but that's not exactly cannon.


    And it is sad about the Orcs. They're more loyal to the legion than most imperials even are. But the legion didn't want to deal with a massive civil war, and the orcs understood. I remember that orc adventurer you could meet in Oblivion who was trying to gain glory for their king. Ah well. And I liked that line too. I've also never heard his lines about mills in game, and that's saddening, because they're really funny. Does something special trigger them besides.. being around a mill?

  6. I was thinking he might side with the vampires given their connection to Molag Bal, and how he strongly believes in appeasing Daedra (even though Molag Bal is a 'bad' Daedra. Or maybe specifically because Molag Bal is a bad Daedra he sides with the Dawnguard?). And they have unique 'powers' and then there's the fact that the only elf that the Dawnguard ever have on their side is a bosmer, (unless you count the orc?) while the vampires have a Dunmer from House Dres. Then again, Atvir might feel like killing that guy, just because he complains about hating House Politics, and probably would not want to talk about Dres glory days.


    Oh, I meant to mention earlier. Orsinium doesn't actually exist anymore. That's why there's orc strongholds all around Skyrim. They were kicked out by the united forces of High Rock and Hammerfell, and the territory was reclaimed by High Rock. There's a few references to this having happened in the novels. The empire couldn't defend the orcs at that point because they were still reeling from the Oblivion Crisis, and they didn't want to upset two large countries. There's only one line where Atvir mentions this (commenting the city probably smells horrible) but since that city was destroyed before he was theoretically born...) but you might want to remove it, if that isn't too difficult.


    And that's a good enough solution regarding flin. I feel bad about noticing this stuff. :ohdear:

  7. They could make a movie based on the novels (Or based on some of the books in game. I wouldn't mind seeing the last year of the 1st era books made into a movie). But it really seems that every time Bethesda does something TES related, that isn't one of the main 5 games, it doesn't do so well. No one has heard of the cell phone games. Not too many people have heard of, or read the novels. I think the MMO will probably suffer the same fate, and the movie probably would as well.
  8. I've been playing Morrowind lately (first time. Got it on sale when you got Dawnguard), and I noticed something that's going to bug me forever if I don't mention it now. Flin is actually comparatively expensive in Morrowind. It's Sujamma, Mazte, and Greef that are cheap. Flin averages $100 a bottle. I can only think of one line that mentions it directly, which is talking about the Altmer pawnbroker, who just might be able to afford it, but I think imported brandy every night is still a bit extreme.


    Also, there's a line where if you're favorable to Argonians, he'll say that they wouldn't hesitate to murder you in your sleep, just because 'a tree told them to'. Isn't he likely to do that as well though if 'Boethia tells him to?' .. This has been plaguing me since I heard that line. But I'm pretty sure handing him that rebuttal would end in being slaughtered by a very angry Atvir.


    And, just random, but will he encourage the player to chose a certain side in Dawnguard, like he does for the Civil War?


    I'm curious with how the DLC lines up with what the novels said about Solstiem. And I wonder if the Inner Sea is still boiling like it was the 30 some odd years after the Red Year.

  9. There's the same issues if your character is shorter than average, you'll pound things through anvils instead of on top of, your arms will clip through the tables, ect. There is only one cure, and that is to use setscale to make your character the 'average' size. I think it's 1, but considering that nords are the majority of the population, and they're generally a tad taller than that, it may be very slightly higher.
  10. I've gone through a ton of character names. Usually I end up spending more time naming my character than creating her face. I also don't like using the same name twice generally, because when I've played other games and done that, the character usually ends up being exactly the same as the last one with that name for all intents and purposes, and doesn't generally gain a higher level than the previous incarnation.


    I usually try to match names with the race I'm playing too. Since I usually play Imperials, or Bretons, they've all been Latin/Italian or French/Celt. I did have one 'Alessia' named after the Saint, mainly because the generator I was using kept throwing up 'Mary' or numerous things that were related to the Virgin Mary, or towns that were famous for someone having see the Virgin Mary. I've also played a Breton with my actual name. That's always.. interesting. But then I get frustrated because I can't really make too many 'different' choices... (Like I can't tell a certain Priestess of Talos that no, Talos did not "found" the empire. He reinstated it for the 3rd time. Definite difference, you stupid, stupid woman). I think a Bosmer name was the hardest to come up with. I ended up consulting the Silmarillion, and making one up that 'looked' about right.


    But for my current character (In Morrowind, and she's a Dunmer) I've just been using the same name. (Arha) But I also haven't gotten very far because I keep realizing I chose crappy crappy skills, or I made some irreversible mistake, and end up starting over. It doesn't seem to sound too out of place.


    But in Skyrim, it's not like it ever even matters what your character's name is, because you will forever be the hero without a name. If people recognize you, it's because you're [insert title here]. So don't make my mistake and fret over it. :happy:

  11. This makes most guards able to recognize that you're important at least. The guilds need help. Serious. Help. The Companions fail because of forced-werewolfism. The Thieves guild is long enough, but you're stuck doing 20 fetch quests in addition to the ok-ish main quest. They've lost all honour. The Dark Brotherhood has that stupid end-quest where you're still going out to kill nameless gook #387 for nameless individual #654. If you're the listener, you should be above doing crap jobs. The College is just short and meh. I like how there are different lecturers every day, and the way you attend class at first is nice, but then it's just lame afterwards.

    I have been able to make cute characters though. Unfortunately they prettymuch always look like that. And I've never been able to play a dude for an extended period of time because the male animations are silly and ape like.

  12. I haven't seen anything like COBL yet, and there isn't a whole lot of variety on the whole, but as far as enhancing vanilla gameplay goes, I do have a few suggestions for you to at least look at, if not try.


    For gameplay:

    The scaling stopper. It's not quite OOO, but it's probably the closest that's been released at this point. It has numerous patches for armor/weapon compilations you might already have that integrate it more with the world.

    Dual Combat Realism can also help make combat a bit more engaging. I like what it does with sneak especially.

    Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay is relatively new, and very stable. It feels more like it's part of the game than certain other mods that also overhauled the perk system, (SkyRE, ACE) and it's creator is doing his best to avoid unwanted feature bloat.


    General stuff:

    Nernie's city and village expansion, thief pack, and ranger pack all integrate small things into the world that make it feel a little less empty. The thief pack is probably my favorite here. It expands Windhelm's Gray Quarter, adds a couple shops and a cute player home. It also adds new gems and jewelry crafting recipes for them. It all fits in with the world, it doesn't feel like a random out of place addition. It's like a condensed better cities.

    Atvir Dres. You may generally hate companions. You may think that 'Hoth' is a great companion, when he is only unique looking. Atvir will change your expectations for a companion if you try him out. He's very chatty, opinionated, and you can literally sit down and have a conversation with him. He's also fully voiced (and I quite like his voice). In addition, he has the light foot perk, and doesn't generally break your stealth. His creator also has lots of plans for expanding him (and he'll have his own custom skin and armor in the future.)


    But I totally know what you mean about lack of depth. I'm homesick for Cyrodill. There's only two things keeping me from switching back. A- Atvir. B- Skyrim crashes less.


    Ah! I can think of one more possible mod. I haven't tried it yet but I've been meaning to. Interesting NPCs. There is some voice acting (but I don't think it's fully fully voiced yet), but that should help relieve the 'NPC lacks any kind of personality unless they have an associated fetch quest' problem that Skyrim NPCs suffer.

  13. Now I'm afraid I'm annoying you. I'm happy to hear that you got someone to help finish his skin and gear though. I also managed to fix his face discoloration issue on my own.

    mentioned how.


    As for the 'legion cut your head off' line, if it's just a placeholder, it's cool. If conditions were to be added to if he says it though (like you are not the Dragonborn pre-Dragon Rising quest), I think that if he's around if you admit it to Yarl Bulgruff, or if he's around when you sign up for a civil war side, then he'd obviously know. Or if there is an option to tell him directly later. The only other place I can think of where the player directly mentions Helgen is in Cidnah Mine, and unless you summon him while you're in there, he's not going to hear that, so that wouldn't be worth adding a notifier too. If it's too complicated to bother with, then don't, it's just a silly nit-picky thing.


    I'm curious about this girl too now. Is she a stormcloak collaborator? Or is she a spy for the thieves cult who has been trying to blackmail him into joining? Or maybe she's just going to try and manipulate you so she makes him jealous enough to return to her?

  14. Is it possible to when you re-do the 'Have I ever told you about' line of his dialogue to make sure certain conditions are met before he'll go on about you never shutting up about Helgen? The player only has to actually fess up to a near execution once in game when picking a civil war side, and there's ways to not talk about it with people who were not witnesses, so..?


    Also, Atvir magically knows your character is dragonborn, before the Whiterun guards helping you kill the first dragon do, which is kindof funny, but it would be nice if he didn't do this before Dragon Rising is done?


    On another note, thanks to the Headtracking mod, I've actually seen him smiling. Which I like, despite how utterly out of character it seems. I need to upload some screenshots of him to Nexus eventually. Now if only I could find something for him to wear. I think I've thrown almost every vanilla armor on him, and lots of modded armor, but nothing really seems to fit. He also has a bit of a neck seam issue which prevented me from using one armor I really liked for him. I'll definitely be happy when he gets his custom skin and armor.


    Also, I've found that if you change his gear, save, and then exit and reload, he will retain his armor changes without any cloning and hassle. For me anyway. Maybe that tip will help someone.

  15. I really adore Atvir. He has a personality, I love his (your) voice, and he’s a genuinely useful companion. I only used one companion mod this extensively for Oblivion, and it wasn’t Vilja, because her voice annoyed me. It was another broody male but he sadly didn’t have any voice files. Atvir is really everything I wanted that companion to be.


    Now I do wish I could comment on a lot of his comments. ‘I’ve heard that Argonians don’t have any balls!’ Me: Hey, we just killed an Argonian bandit. Why don’t you take a look? Sate that curiosity hmm? But I’m pretty sure that would be impossible to script as awesome as that would be. I’d also like to have just one more option for the sending him home miniquest going something like this: “I’m going to be doing something boring, and I thought I’d spare you.” I also really like how with the custom home I have in the Gray Quarter, if I tell him to stay there for a while, he ends up spending 90% of the time in the Cornerclub, and the rest of the time sleeping. I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not, but it completely suits him.


    I have noticed a few issues in probably… 100? Possibly more? (I think I picked him up on July 15th) Hours of running with him. Such as the duplicating of armor, and his stealing of my horse to ride back to his old one. I’ve also had him refuse to stop following me, stand guard, go home, ect. The most interesting glitch has to do with argonians though. Occasionally, his brawl script triggers on dead argonians. He’ll be stuck in a fighting pose, and will refuse to stop. I’ve had this happen twice. Once with that crook in Solitude, and once with some pirates in the Moonpath to Elsewyre mod. Bloated Oar Grotto is already notorious for eating followers, so I shouldn’t have taken him in there already, but it was the argonian that made him stick there. I tried summoning him once I got back to Solitude, but then he immediately went back to his fighting position, and left town probably to go back to the grotto. I also had him get stuck in Riften’s jail once, and breaking him out got me a 5 gold bounty.


    In short, he’s an awesome follower, I can’t wait to see how he evolves. I also can’t imagine not playing with him installed at this point. Windhelm has become my character’s default first stop thanks to Atvir. I always avoided it before because I hate Ulfric *sodding* Stormcloak. Atvir gives me more reasons for this. Now if only there were a way to actually kill Ulfric without breaking the Civil War…..


    Ah, a question? Will he have any Serana unique-dialogue (Just about her, not to her obviously)? Or will you keep him Dawnguard free? There is a certain Dunmer in with the Vampires who will complain about house Dres politics, but you can only speak with him if you side with the vampires. I had an interesting time in a crypt with those two recently. Serana kept nearly killing (and succeeded with this at least once) me by triggering traps, and Atvir kept running back to me to stand right in front of me, keeping me pinned to the wall (but safe), while he killed the Draugr Deathlords Serana was waking up. He seemed more protective of that character than any others I'd played, and that wasn't the only time something like that happened, which was funny. (I play imperial and breton females.)

  16. This is my problem:




    I've tried using TES4LODGen to fix that issue (in fact that [picture was taken right after running it), but it didn't fix it. There's two main areas I keep finding this in, the Abbecean Sea, and the area around/under the 'Mysterious Door'. I can swim through the areas, and underneath everything is perfectly fine, it's just that the area on top is weird. I've noticed the problem before (around the lake Arricus caverns), but re-installing Unique Landscapes fixed it, and I haven't noticed the problem there since, just in these underwater areas. Tried googling messed up LODs and a couple other things, but I didn't find anything that looked like my issue. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, or my keywords were wrong? It's not a huge gamebreaking issue, but these patches are really ugly, and I'd like them to go away for good.


    Load Order:


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    03  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]  [CRC: 8284D0E6]
    04  Kvatch Rebuilt.esm  [CRC: E771AD8B]
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    33  sbSlof's.esp  [CRC: 4DB30DDE]
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    34  Francesco's Optional Files 1.esp  [CRC: 2B7379A1]
    35  Francesco's Optional Files 2.esp  [CRC: 8E2ECC8C]
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    36  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]  [CRC: EAB6315A]
    37  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]  [CRC: F7ADF908]
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    3D  Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp  [Version 3.21]  [CRC: F7F6F53E]
    3E  DJZ Archmage's Study.esp  [CRC: 08AC2502]
    3F  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp  [CRC: EC38D9FD]
    40  Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp  [CRC: 02A78DB9]
    41  Temple District Repaired.esp  [CRC: 6138DE40]
    42  Tona's_ModsStore.esp  [CRC: CF3BB49D]
    43  Apachii_Wigs_MaleFemale.esp  [CRC: 70A0DC44]
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    45  Knights.esp  [CRC: F1F478FA]
    46  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]  [CRC: CCEDD7EE]
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    48  xuldarkforest.esp  [Version 1.0.5]  [CRC: B948EAE3]
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    4C  xulFallenleafEverglade.esp  [Version 1.3.1]  [CRC: EF98D162]
    4D  xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp  [Version 1.2.1]  [CRC: 9C5A7A05]
    4E  xulChorrolHinterland.esp  [Version 1.2.2]  [CRC: E70A54FC]
    4F  xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp  [Version 1.6.4]  [CRC: 64B503C9]
    50  xulBravilBarrowfields.esp  [Version 1.3.3]  [CRC: 750D0226]
    51  xulLushWoodlands.esp  [Version 1.3.1]  [CRC: 1E045FF7]
    52  xulAncientYews.esp  [Version 1.4.3]  [CRC: 98F220FA]
    53  xulAncientRedwoods.esp  [Version 1.6]  [CRC: E541D578]
    54  xulCloudtopMountains.esp  [Version 1.0.3]  [CRC: 75E2FD36]
    55  xulArriusCreek.esp  [Version 1.1.3]  [CRC: DF776E3A]
    56  xulPatch_AY_AC.esp  [Version 1.1]  [CRC: FAEC8265]
    57  xulRollingHills_EV.esp  [Version 1.3.3]  [CRC: 8C1CDE06]
    58  xulPantherRiver.esp  [CRC: AD0A3B5E]
    59  xulRiverEthe.esp  [Version 1.0.2]  [CRC: 52A9819F]
    5A  xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp  [Version 1.1.1]  [CRC: 57F5CE44]
    5B  xulImperialIsle.esp  [Version 1.6.7]  [CRC: 17BE191B]
    5C  xulBlackwoodForest.esp  [Version 1.1.0]  [CRC: C1C3E5FA]
    5D  xulCheydinhalFalls.esp  [Version 1.0.1]  [CRC: 5FAB540B]
    5E  KvatchRebuilt-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp  [CRC: 666862BF]
    5F  xulAspenWood.esp  [Version 1.0.2]  [CRC: 599BB21F]
    60  xulSkingradOutskirts.esp  [Version 1.0.2]  [CRC: 2FC2AE95]
    61  xulSnowdale.esp  [Version 1.0.4]  [CRC: 226E6D5A]
    62  xulCliffsOfAnvil.esp  [Version 1.12]  [CRC: 701EF543]
    63  xulSilverfishRiverValley.esp  [Version 1.0.2]  [CRC: 11F757FA]
    64  xulJerallGlacier.esp  [Version 1.0.0]  [CRC: 442031B6]
    65  xulTheEasternPeaks.esp  [Version 1.0]  [CRC: 94BC6095]
    66  Millstone_Farm_COBL.esp  [CRC: A67E4087]
    67  MillstoneCOBL_UL_Patch.esp  [CRC: CD016082]
    68  Oblivion Gate Map Marker Remover.esp  [Version 1.1.0]  [CRC: 8A3EB076]
    69  Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp  [Version 1.2.5]  [CRC: 04967F21]
    6A  DS Portable Sorters.esp  [Version 1.3]  [CRC: C6B53AC2]
    6B  DS Storage Sacks.esp  [Version 1.3]  [CRC: B1B49C99]
    6C  EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp  [CRC: 9409DABA]
    6D  Leviathan Soulgems.esp  [CRC: B7AD55DD]
    6E  VisiblyUnlimited.esp  [CRC: 9FD571EC]
    6F  Alternative Beginnings.esp  [Version 1.3]  [CRC: E71A766D]
    70  Alternative Beginnings - Kvatch Intact.esp  [Version 1.3]  [CRC: E05FCE24]
    71  ConduitMagic.esp  [CRC: F0AF5A55]
    72  Finders Keepers.esp  [CRC: 7EEADDE7]
    73  Nighteye Glasses.obse.esp  [CRC: EA420A43]
    74  Gather Ye Rosebuds.esp  [CRC: A21E10E5]
    75  DS Summon Luggage.esp  [CRC: ADCDC035]
    76  kuerteeMagickaBasedEnchantmentLimits.esp  [CRC: 35E0D449]
    77  Smarter Mercantile Leveling - Multi.esp  [CRC: 343C5F46]
    ++  Francesco's Slower skills x1.5.esp  [CRC: 2C1AB109]
    78  Mayu's Animation Overhaul.esp  [CRC: 48DBE49E]
    **  jhul_animations_specialanims.esp  [CRC: CD8E2F7D]
    79  Vanilla_Race_Overhaul.esp  [CRC: 01A315FC]
    7A  Moonshadow Lop-Ear Elf Race.esp  [CRC: C3625A22]
    7B  Ayleid Arcane Archer.esp  [Version 2.7]  [CRC: 6F9705F8]
    7C  bgBalancingEVCore.esp  [Version 10.0EV-L]  [CRC: 23CB78D5]
    ++  EVE_KhajiitFix.esp  [CRC: 2FA07B05]
    7D  Better Looking Wood Elves COBL.esp  [CRC: 9D9732A8]
    7E  bgMagicEV.esp  [Version 1.7EV]  [CRC: 9BC3012B]
    ++  bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp  [Version 1.68EV]  [CRC: 574DE475]
    ++  bgMagicItemSigil.esp  [Version 1.68EV]  [CRC: 4B6D0435]
    ++  bgMagicEVStartspells.esp  [Version 1.68EV]  [CRC: 45372624]
    7F  bgMagicBonus.esp  [Version 1.7EV]  [CRC: A5261C90]
    ++  LightSpellWhiteDimmer.esp  [CRC: 4F1C1CA9]
    **  All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp  [Version 1.3.2]  [CRC: F4D1E390]
    80  Bashed Patch, Oblivion.esp  [CRC: 2DC17831]
    81  Broom.esp  [CRC: C0C72347]
    82  Cleared.esp  [Version 0]  [CRC: 892F119A]
    83  Dairanath Avari - male Companion.esp  [CRC: 6E8BF733]


  17. I was aware of that, and I have that tool. It would help if I could figure out more on how to use it.


    After more searching, I think I know exactly what I need to figure out how to do, which is, mainly, create esps that override some esm to disable everything I do not want. Now the only problem is figuring out just how to do this.

  18. I've been trying to get some new hairs for my game, and I have found some hair packs, and some race packs that also add hairs. Not all add all hairs to all races, and some add hairs that I simply don't want, while I want the race itself. Ideally I'd like to take the moonshadow elves (normal and lop-eared), and the blood witch/witcher, then also have Hepsy's hairs, KKK's hairs (also tried adding her lop-eared elf to the game, but it required beautiful people and caused crashing without it), and some of Ren's hairs (+ some others that appear to be hers but I can't find them on Nexus), and have all those hairs available to all characters I create, and ONLY those races and hairs. The closest I've found to what I want (sortof) is the gigantic beautiful people pack, which also adds a ton of things I do not want at all. I'd have been ok with using that if it wasn't for the Cazy and Coolsims hairs. Those might look nice, but after filtering though 100+ hairs in race mode, whenever I came to those hairs I'd crash (they're also incredibly high poly). In addition Beautiful People tends to jumble all the text for all the default races.


    I've looked for a tutorial, and all I found was this which does not display images, even though I registered just to see if I could see the images. There's also some tutorial in Japanese that I could almost get, and some entry in one of the wikipedias that made no sense to me at all. I'd appreciate someone directing me to working tutorial (in English preferably) with images on either how to create a mod that does this myself, or a way to customize Beautiful People. (I'm guessing Wyre Bash? It would help if I could figure out how to use it.)

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