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Everything posted by SilexXGames

  1. i was testing and playing almost every Hunger, Thirst or Sleep mod in tes4. None of them was perfect. Most of them felt like there were not a part of the game. but ure right. A good integrated 'realistc Needs' mod would be wonderfull.
  2. First i want a job as tree-copper. I want to see what its like.
  3. Download the mods but do not mod until download and install of full vanilla game is complete.
  4. I know it sounds weird, but its just an other atmospere to hold yourself back to not fasttraveli or actually being not able to. Its all about the feeling. And i know that i WILL fast travel one day if it isnt turned off. And than i will fasttravel throug the hole game, which is not wat i want.
  5. I want my fast travel to be turned off via mod like in TES4. Course i dont want to console command it in game. I hope such mod comes in time. If not i do it myself.
  6. if your infamy isnt at 60 i would guess some of your partner mods is overwriting your cm factions. are u using bashed patch?
  7. This was something i was waiting for a long time. I will get the premium membership if this gets public download. and start a new modlivion with it. most questions where already anwered but: will it also handle mods and data that are outside of the data folder? like obse and so on? would be confortable to check and update the version of that tools too. now that i think about it, obse is a bad excample course its no nexus file.
  8. http://images.similarminds.com/movie/7.jpg Surprising...
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