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  1. From someone who somehow got the game already:
  2. It would also be cool if there was a chance for the carriage to be set upon by animals or bandits (in the fine tradition of the carriage-jack).
  3. Upon further review of the evidence, sparse as it is, I'll have to agree my theory was incorrect. The best evidence we have is Alduin's wall, which is the source of the entire prophecy (see a high-res image here: http://media1.gameinformer.com/images/site/pages/esv/index.html?es=5). On it, you can clearly see the Dovahkiin standing against Alduin (far right side), barring some metaphorical interpretation of the events that will transpire (the fight represents an internal struggle), this disproves my theory (and as we all know, in the video game world, all prophecies are 100% true). Too bad... it'd have been one hellava twist!
  4. How about baker? With a dough pounding minigame! Groundskeeper (hack away at shrubbery). Sewage worker (random, leveled, monster clogging the sewer... relocate it). Along with wine-making, you could also do ciders, grain based spirits etc.
  5. TCL makes Beth games playable. It's built off the same basic engine as Oblivion (if it ain't broke...) so we can assume that it'll be about the same.
  6. Yes because the biggest secret about Skyrim is the barbershops....SSSSSSHHHHHHH don't tell anyone.... That's because the main storyline is actually about how Alduin always wanted to be in a barbershop quartet. The main quest is about building a giant straw boater, and finding all the red-and-white striped cloth in Skyrim.
  7. This is a necessity; they have beards, and beards are a massive responsibility! If you let them get out of hand, you no longer wear the beard, the beard wears you. Only two kinds of people go around beardless; boys and women, and I am neither. ~Greek Proverb
  8. What this shout does: -Reduces you and your companion's health by half -Calls 5 enemy dragons to your position -Makes everyone hate you -Records the whole fight and uploads it to youtube -And gives you chicken Also, I totally, and fully agree with this suggestion.
  9. Should also include a quest wherein you get married to a pregnant woman, get hit by a car, and turn your life around by righting all the wrongs you've done.... My Name is Dovahkiin. But seriously, if you were to wake up in a strange bed without your gear after a few too many, it'd be cool.
  10. Please, enlighten us. Seriously, if my wild speculation is wrong, I'd like to know. It's a theory; true or false, it makes no difference to me, but I'd like a link or some proof.
  11. I thought the number one immersion problem was never having to go number one... I, am a child.
  12. This topic clearly isn't stupid enough; we are still being out-done! http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Weretaco
  13. 23, and 24 in 17 days. Some wish they had a beard and the ones that do, are spitting on it. (youth is wasted on the young)
  14. Quests involving raising your child (Junior's failing alterations, won't eat his vegetables, etc. all of which could determine his eventual career.). Bonuses for who you marry: Shop owner provides a small, steady income; blacksmith provides a boost to that skill; Lumberjack... you get buttered scones every Middas and plenty of support garments (if there's not at least one good Monty Python reference in-game... I will be disappoint); marry the local loosely moraled (that... is not a word) bar-wench? Now you can't stop scratching and have to deal with her adolescent lizard-child whose favorite line is "You're not my real Dad!" Divorce, alimony, life-insurance scams for those really evil characters, polygamy... So many possibilities.
  15. If you want to be a programmer, and you have the time and will, I'd recommend a degree in Computer Science. You'll get everything you need to program games, or anything else you can point a computer at. I don't know if you're in high-school, or college, or something else, but my CS degree is on track to take 5 years (plus one year of paid internship... I was a bit behind in math though; your mileage may vary. As a side note, look for internships; they are great opportunities to get hands-on experience, and some money). If you're not interested in a formal education, I'd recommend starting with a high-level language; Java and C# are pretty easy, but will teach you a lot. C++ is probably more what you can expect at a gaming company, but it's a little harder to learn as a first programming language (though that's what I started in). Personally, I'd pick up an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) called Eclipse, and start fiddling around with Java. (Look at online examples, try making your own... that kind of thing.) Programming isn't something you're going to pick up in a couple of months (at least, not in my experience). If you're unsure of what you want to do, taking classes at a community college is a good way to start; get your feet wet and see if you like it. That goes for any other field you might be interested in I'm sure you can find a course in programming, or graphical design, etc. If you have any questions, PM me.
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