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  1. Yes, you will see if an object is already NavMeshed or not. When you click 'NavMesh Object', and the object is open in the render window, it will either have a pink surface (NavMeshed) or no pink surface (not NavMeshed). You can change this using the NavMesh icon panel (as seen in that video from above). If you're doing simple shaped objects, such as squares, you can use the 'auto NavMesh' function which will automatically cover the object with NavMesh information. Once the object is ready to be NavMeshed (right click on the object and select 'NavMesh Object') go to the drop down menu at the top of the screen and select 'NavMesh'. From the list, click on 'Generation' and then 'Havok Based Generation'. A window will appear with lots of parameters. You can ignore all of those and just click on the OK box. After that, repeat the steps from above ('Check NavMeshes' / 'Finalize Cell NavMeshes') Depending on the complexity of the shape, this method can sometimes borg Creation Kit, so make sure to save before you try this.
  2. OK, do you know you're way around the Creation Kit? If so, this will be easy. Open the Mod's esp file that you want to add the NavMesh to. In the Creation Kit Object Window's search box, type the name of the object that you would like to add the NavMesh to. When you've found the object, right click on it and select 'NavMesh Object'. Follow the NavMesh instructions from that video and apply them to the object in the same way. Once you've finished NavMeshing the object, go to the drop down menu at the top of the screen and click 'NavMesh' From the list, first click 'Check NavMeshes' and if there are no errors (these will appear in the error window, if there are any). After that, click on 'Finalize Cell NavMeshes' Do this for each and any objects that you would like to add NavMesh to.
  3. Here is a great tutorial on how to navmesh Snap points are added / edited in NifSkope. Open NifSkope and select 'File / Browse Archive'. In the explorer window pop-up, navigate to Fallout4 - meshes (which in in your Fallout Data folder) In the search box at the top in NifSkope, type 'shackwallflat'. From the list double click on 'shackwallflat.nif' to open it in the editor window. In the box, on the left find and click on the word 'Block List' Expand the tree in that same window by click in the arrow next to the word '0 NiNode' Click on the word '2 BSConnectionPoint::Parents' in the same window. You can see now in the editor window, lots of green circles have appeared around the shack wall. These are the default snap points used in-game. In the bottom window, on the left are the snap points properties. Here is a list of snap node names that you might find useful. That should be enough to get you started on using / editing snap points. Good luck!
  4. See above.... Quoted the wrong comment lol! I'm using a tablet at the moment but how I navmesh objects is using the navmesh compiler. Right click on the static object in the object window, select navmesh object Go to the navmesh drop down menu at the top and select generate / hovak After the navmesh is completed, in the same drop down menu, select check navmesh and if there are no errors, finalize navmesh.
  5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_wJhG2zHqw Decent intro to navmeshing
  6. Look in NifSkope in the block list. Is the section that is disappearing a BSMeshLODTriShape? If so, this happened to me on a different, more basic object. pre-edit... edit...
  7. It appears that certain objects fail to produce an in-game menu icon. Here is an example of such an object: Here is the transform Window in the CK: You can 'hard wire' an icon in the Constructible Object edit window... ...although, that's not really ideal. Anyone know of any reason for what's happening here?
  8. Sorry, I'm not sure I'm explaining myself very well here. Apologies for that. This is the nif file: SetDressing\LightFixtures\LightOilLampOn.nif This is the light object: DefaultRedOmni01NSFlicker [LIGH:0016B139] I made a static object and added that nif to it. I made a constructable object and added the static object to it. When placing the item in the world via the workshop, the nif is fine as in, it doesn't fall over when touched. I made a light object and added the same nif to it. I made a constructable object and added the light object to it. When placing the item in the world via the workshop this time, the nif isn't fine as in, it falls over when touched. The thing is, I did exactly the same thing using a different nif (SetDressing\LightFixtures\WallEmergencyLight01.nif) but with the same light object and the thing doesn't move when placed in the world. wow lol!
  9. sorry to bump this but.... if I add a static item to the workshop, it is erm, static if I add a light '[LIGH:01003F12]' to the same item, it adds gravity to it, enabling it to be knocked over (havok?) What's with that? Do light sources contain collision data then?
  10. Static Item PRPS Property, Actor Value: WorkshopStackableItem [AVIF:0000033D] Value = 1.0000 (active) or 0.0000 (inactive) Allows a surface to act as ground. A table has this value for example. Without this, items would pass through the table top. Or at least, this is what my experiments have found. In my case, I navmeshed some stairs with a 'landing'. When trying the place a chair on the landing for a NPC to test the navmesh, the chair pass through the landing. After adding the above AVIF, the landing became 'solid', allowing for the chair to be placed as if the landing was ground.
  11. So I'm a few months into this journey now; modding. Each new break-through yields it's own problems and challenges. I'm added to this thread as a work in progress (WIP) log. My objectives: convert static vanilla objects into constructable objectsadd a custom menuadd a custom icon Converting static vanilla objects into constructable objects This first task seemed easy as first, thanks to this video tutorial. However, it only just touches the surface. It also appears to be a 'workaround'. That's great but, and if you follow the video above, all of the constructable objects are containers. If I have time, I will make a video on what I did to convert static objects into placeable, world objects but a basic rundown using Creation Kit: find the static object you what to 'import' into the game, in this example: 'MetalBarrel01Fire01_Static' make a copy of it and rename it (something simple, the name of your Mod for example). Naming things like this will really help when you want to search for something later on.For example: Copy 'MetalBarrel01Fire01_Static' / rename to 'MyModMetalBarrel01' make a new transform, use the same name as the new static object you just created plus TR (this will create the icon file for your new object in the workshop.For example: 'MyModMetalBarrel01TR' assign this new transform to the new static object create a new constructable object assign the new static object to the constructable objectVery basic I know but like I said, I'll try and put a video together of doing the above. One thing I have found by not using this 'containers work around' is that some of the games static objects are un-selectable in game. That is to say, when they are placed into the world, they are permanently stuck (console commands being the only option to move something) After searching this issue it came to light that some of the games static objects are missing something called 'collision'. Without this 'collision' thing, objects can not be moved once placed. This 'collision', as it turns out, is embedded data that forms part of the *.nif file, or more commonly known to me as the game's meshes. My obvious realisation after learning this was; I will be booting 3D Studio Max* up at some point. *Digging around about 3D Studio Max - Bethesda's tools work with 3D Studio Max 2013... it's 2017 lol! That doesn't mean AutoDesk have completely removed this version 2013 from the internet, and MASSIVE thanks to @kingtobe (again), as he provided us all a working link from AutoDesk to download it. Here is his link. After downloading 3DS 2013 and preparing to watch some tutorials, something called "Replacing collision in NifSkope (easy way)" came up in the search. The person that wrote that is a genius! Hats off to @kitcat81! What they show us in the above link is how to add collision to *.nif files using NifScope, and how they explain it, it's pretty straight forward. Add empty collision data to your mesh (nif), then copy the existing collision data from one of the game's meshes into yours. I can confirm that what were once immovable, placed objects, they are now movable objects like any other in the Workshop. Damn that's clever! And it also meant I haven't got to suffer another learning curve with 3DS 2013* *3DS is obviously the better way of doing this as you can make the collision data exactly the same size as the static object you are creating. Here is an excellent tutorial on doing just that from Zuna Ice-Bear. Here are two more from Brad Nichols: easy and from DDproductions83: complex. OK, so now I can place and move my static objects : ) Thanks again @kitcat81 However, another thing that was causing 'implacability' was that some static objects appear to hover above another surface or, just sink right into it (apt line lol) Enter mister BS Connect Points (or, more commonly know as; snap points... and no, the BS doesn't abbreviate to that. Mind, you'd be forgiven for that particular thought trail lol!). To edit these BS Connect Points, read this post and watch this tutorial from @danielmzbr and TheRiayi respectively. Although those two tutorials are more than enough to get you up and running, there is still some puzzlement over terminology at times. Luckily, the God of modding wrote a piece for us explaining what the terminology means. You can read that here. tbc...
  12. This is the biggest problem I'm facing trying to learn what to do; The Terminology! Snap points in this case aren't actually called snap points lol! Anyway, thankfully we have this forum with it's vastly experienced members to help people like me : )
  13. BSConnectPoints is how it's done. See here Thanks to all in that thread : )
  14. Does anyone know how do you edit the purple ground plane (surface) value? That slider doesn't work, does it? I've moved the slider (under Ground plane on the left) but there doesn't seem to be a way of saving that edit. The Ground plane on/off check box appears to turn the effect on/off but setting the height...?
  15. I can't seem to find any mods called "Crowded Commonwealth"... Is this not on the Nexus? It appears not, no. Could have sworn that to be the case. Anyway: Crowded Commonwealth
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