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Everything posted by DarkPhoenixxy

  1. Got it working, for some reason line Debug.MessageBox("Item Added") was screwing the code... Thanks for your help! Wthout it i would not be able to complete my mod!
  2. :) I was trying to make check for the certain item added to inventory, but this: MiscObject Property HorseSaddleItem auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Debug.MessageBox("Item Added") if akBaseItem == HorseSaddleItem Debug.MessageBox("Working") endif EndEvent never shown "Working" message :( Any idea how to fix it?
  3. As suggested here http://www.creationkit.com/Actor_Script at the end of the page, if you need to assign script to an actor that used to populate leveled lists, you cant do it like that, you need to create scripted spell and assign it as racial. I copied that dragon blood spell and effect and changed the script to mine, but after i assigned it to HorseRace it is not working. If someone can point out what i am doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: Nevermind, got it working.
  4. Thanks!! I thought that i set something wrong, thats why it did not worked.
  5. :D Now thats a lot better, but it gives me "OpenInventory is not a function or does not exist". Is there any keyword like "this" or "CurrentActor" in papyrus?
  6. Well, my problem is that Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) thisHorse.OpenInventory(1) endEvent is working but the Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if Game.GetPlayer().IsSneaking() thisHorse.OpenInventory(1) endIf endEvent Dont work no matter sneaking you or not. Actually i want to make player bieng able to sneak-use horse, to get something happen instead of mounting it. All that i get so far is opening horse inventory while player still mount it in the same time.
  7. Well, due to file structure it sounds like FUS- OBJECTION. Extract it in the data folder. I wished to make .bsa but archiver hates on me. Anyway it must work for all race-gender combinations. http://depositfiles.com/files/8z9u5t2fl
  8. Hey there! Can you please help me with one thing? I need event that activates when player (or other actor, irrelevant) activates the actor in sneak mode (in my case horse). I had a try with: Event OnActivate(ObjectReference senderRef) if Game.GetPlayer().IsSneaking() main code here endIf endEvent but it does not work :( Also i wonder if there is something like "this" in most programming languages, i mean the work that returns the current object on wich script is assigned.
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