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About GlennCroft

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    Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
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    Fallout 4

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  1. Thanks for sharing, hopefully someone will take this and update the mod for ng players.
  2. My feedback about the beta profile page: I ****ING LOVE IT!!!!!
  3. Are you talking about the loverslab mods? Did you check the requirements for said mods? You can't port a mod from pc for console if the required mods for said mod to work weren't previously installed. Anyways, if the mods you are trying to install are from loverslab you should ask there. Also, I don't know what FG SE stands for, so I can't help you there.
  4. Amazing tool, hope there will be a fallout 4 version someday
  5. Que grande el sopa, viejo y peludo. Si no habré usado alguno de sus mods. Un genio. Soy de zona norte así no podemos formar banda. Y aguante spinetta carajo.
  6. Of course I'm not trying to be greedy about not sharing the mod, if the author gives me permission and no one is actually working on a patch already I would.
  7. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some tips/advice on which entries I have to edit from FROST with FO4Edit so I can add PMC's amazing armor/clothing changes to my playthrough. I'm not planning to release the mod so if someone is actually working on it I can wait. Thanks in advance. Peace.
  8. Mother of all mods. https://www.moddb.com/mods/mother-of-all-mods
  9. It came to my attention that there's a topic HERE that doesn't allow anyone to reply thus I can't warn no one about the shitty uninstaller it has. Before installing MOAM BackUp your coaleced.bin and BIOGame_DEU.tlk, ESN, FRA, INT, POL, RUS and ITA because the MOAM uninstaller doesn't work and fubar your game. Peace.
  10. You have H & D Heaven mod. Or you can simple edit p55=, p56= and p57= from EquipDevelopFlowSetting.lua found in /Assets/tpp/motherbase/script
  11. There are 4 mods for the unlimited ammo effect, can you be more specific about which one are you reffering?
  12. I feel the need to necropost this because is a great mod and fantastic tutorial. Kudos.
  13. It's there any idea or clue on how to mod this mission through IH so it could be possible adding some xof soldiers on the field + the MGSV GZ Alert song w/ enemy voice? I can make a proper mix between that song, OKB Zero and Sahelanthropus dominion.
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