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About imprezza86

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  1. So here is what I have learned from my experience so far. 1. I had to backup my mods from vortex when I backrev my computer from win11 to win10 due to issues with win11 not playing nice with fallout4 and other older games. I copied all the mods from folder: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\fallout4\mods to my house server. 2. I then copied all the files back to one of my PC's data drives. 3. I reinstalled win10, steam, fallout4, vortex, etc. 4. I then installed all the mods back into vortex from my data drive. 5. the mods work however, version, category, source, file id are missing most of the time. 6. since the data is missing, I have to manually look for any updates to my mods. Current Resolution: So far the only way to resolve this issue to download each mod again. For whatever reason, the archived file is important to how vortex works with mods. I understand why the programmers don't save the archived file because it saves additional space. vortex uncompresses the mod into a folder using the file name for each mod then delete the file. It makes sense but somehow its causing issues when you want to backup your mods from vortex and reinstall them. I never had this issue using the Nexus mod manger because it kept all the archived mods. With Vortex, the uncompressed mod is causing the problem because of how it reads it. You don't have any issues when using the actual mod file. I did try to compress a mod folder back into a .zip and attempt to reinstall it but Vortex didn't like that at all. I was using 7-zip to compress the file. I might try using a different compression algorithm to see if that makes any difference. My guess without seeing the code, the mod folder name should also be set as the file name during the install routine. then create a flag that lets the routine know that the file has already been uncompressed so it can bypass that routine. It can continue to process the mod as though it had just been uncompressed from the file and begin the install process.
  2. I did try that but it made no difference. However, I will give it one more chance. thank you. I tried again to set the source to nexusmods and the category to its correct nexusmod category. What happens is that most of time but not all, it finds the mod id but not the file id or the version. If I tell it to query the server for the file id, it reports that it can't find it. Example Mod: Everyone's Best Friend (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13459). I did experience a 404 server error a couple times but general vortex says it can't find the file id. If you look at the file name as it posts the error message, it is the correct the file name. I've tried this multiple times with multiple mods and the same thing occurs every time. I set the source and the category, restarted vortex, and then ran the "fix missing ids" tool. no joy.
  3. I did try that but it made no difference. However, I will give it one more chance. thank you.
  4. I tried the function of missing ids but it doesn't work. so I'm stuck with the situation unless i want to download everything all over again. not a great solution but I'll deal with it.
  5. I had to move back to windows 10 in order to play fallout 4. I backed up the mods and then reinstalled them. The game runs correctly but many of the mods have missing version and category information. I tried reinstalling mods, refreshed content. sometimes the category information shows up but not always. Any newly installed mods have no issues. Obviously without the version information, vortex is unable to find updates. Any suggestions? I really don't wont to download every mod all over again but that might be the only choice.
  6. All dogs go to sovngard was the hardest mod to find but I did find it and continue to use it. It allows me to have my dog play in skyrim.
  7. Exactly the type of attitude which puts people off, just like Linux Distros.
  8. Don't bother complaining, It's like dealing with the Linux folks. Everything is wonderful, its you, the user that's the problem. Can't you just read. If's funny how they keep denying there are any issues no matter how many times someone gets on here and complains. Yes, I've used it and it's just not that good. NMM and Loot still work better for the average user. The development team haven't figured that out yet. I would be happy to post all the issues but again it will get deleted like my last post.
  9. With respect, I have spent some time reading responses to various issues on the Vortex forum as well as attempting to use the Vortex application for Skyrim SE. And what I have seen isn't that great when it comes to support. Hear me out before you jump all over me. I'm not some 16 year old kid or 20 year old CS major. I'm 51 yrs old, been working on computers since my dad (who work at IBM) taught me to code as kid by only using paper and a pencil. My dad went over every line of code and busted me when my code wouldn't work. That's right before I touched a single computer I had to learn to code by only paper and pencil. There was no 32 gigs of ram, more like 4k. My first computer was a IBM 5150 with 64k and one floppy drive. I have over 30 years in IT, working for international companies like IBM (Got lucky and followed dad) and GTE. Before I had to retire due to chronic pain and 3 failed back surgeries. I've done network administration, field support, application distribution, application development and security work. I've written code for internet browsers that was well before multi-tabs, ad blockers and other fuctions. My code was used by call centers to assist in the early days of java. I ran networks using Netware, Microsoft, and Linux basic distributions. I like to think I know a thing or two about a thing or two. I gave up Vortex because I wasn't impressed with how it works. Frankly, NMM has a better and much simpler interface. When you want to develop an application, any application, you should have a few goals. 1. Make it fulfill all your goals on a proper time line, using Alpha, Beta, Gold. 2. Make sure you have a proper road map (including potential future needs) to accomplish your goals, aka project management. 3. Make it so that the average person can use it with very little documentation. Can you say Internet browsers? 4. Be open to suggestions and changes to make things easier on the user, not you. With Vortex, #1 and #2 seem to be going ok. While #3 and #4, complete failures. In fact, so far from what I have seen from use issues, it sounds more like the Vortex team are like the folks that create Linux bases distributions. And we all know how much Linux base desktops have taken over Windows or MAC, as in not at all. Over the years since 1993, the lack of good support for Linux has been subpar at best. If you ever hope to over take NMM or other mod mangers then you are going to have to make the interface simpler and easier to use. Again like a basic internet browser. Change the wording in Vortex to make things understandable for the average person. No matter how old it gets, don't blow people off and say go watch a video. Create a web page and do step by step instructions without a video. I hate starting and stopping a video just to read something. A webpage is so much easier, especially when I can run the browser page along side vortex on a split screen or two screens and bounce between the two. No matter how nasty anyone comes across, try to turn them into a satisfied user. While working at IBM, I had a customer that treated me like crap because her computer wouldn't turn on. She was pissed off and made threats about my job, etc. I discovered that the cleaning crew had somehow unplugged her PC. Instead of being angry and I seriously could have because of the language she used, instead I calmed her down and didn't say anything about her behavior. I won her over by simply explaining the accident and suggested that if it happens again maybe have a word with the cleaning crew about where to vacuum the floors. Regardless if you take an old man's advice or not, I will continue to use NMM and Loot until Vortex is a match in terms of usability and support. Hate me, talk down to me, whatever. It hasn't been the first time and won't be the last. I've out lived a lot of applications with good intentions, both mine own and others. Most have failed but a few have succeed when most have said otherwise. Good customer support is the key. Good luck Vortex Team and show me and others why your are truly worth the next generation of NMM. I'd be happy to provide advice but you'd have convince me to try Vortex again after so many issues. I'm still willing to try it again but I really don't want to go through the whole process to have Skyrim SE fail to run properly again. Regards
  10. No that's not it but thanks for the reply. It was a fairly recent mod, maybe 6 months old at best. I've been traveling back and forth between states due to family issues. I keep thinking it had "all" in the title but I could be wrong on that.
  11. I can't remember the name of a mod where the author would let you add your dog's name and breed to the game. My dog was added to the mod but now I can't find it, not sure if the author pulled it or what. It's a fairly recent mod. Thanks
  12. Not sure if anyone else caught this yet but........ Take a look at your pre-war home and notice that it shows three windows on the roof line. However, there is no second floor nor do you see the windows on the interior of the house where they could let more sun light into the house. It's pretty much the same on all the houses that have one floor to them. Maybe an odd error on Bethesda's part. -Imprezza86
  13. Me again. Did some more playing around and went ahead removed nmm and then reinstalled it. However, this time I went ahead and installed under program files. I then made sure that my login id had read/write access to C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager. I realize that my id was already a member of the administrators group but I decided to go ahead and added it anyway. Now NMM is working under windows 10. I did have to update the fallout4prefs.ini again. The only issue I have now is that NMM keeps unchecking all the mods under plugins for some strange reason. I have to make sure they are all checked. They seem to come unchecked after I exit the game. Still trying to figure that one out. Anyway everything is working except for the mods that need to be update to the last game version 1.2. At least I can map the numeric pad again.
  14. Just ran into the same issue. Brand new install of fallout 4 and nmm on windows 10, even brand new pc. I've verified everything is correct in the ini files and even tried adjusting the security to see if that would fix it but it all falls.
  15. This is something that drives me a bit crazy. As a short background, I have over 35 years in IT as Network Administrator, Programmer, and Field Engineer. I'm not bragging just saying that I have a lot of experience in the computer world. One of the things that I have noticed is some Mod developers tend to drop the ball when it comes to properly naming files. It may not seem like much to you but it shows a professionalism about who you are. Someone who is willing to take the time to simply name the files so they make sense especially if there are several install files. If its an update, then make the name reflect that update. Don't get me wrong many Mod developers get it right but also many don't. I will not point out a specific person because that's not my intent. Just please take a little time, look at your file names and make sure they make sense. Believe it or not, there are people out there who look at such things. I wonder sometimes how someone can make an unbelievably awesome mod and then the file names make no sense when I read them. Hope you all take this for what it is and not some random rant meant to attack someone. Thank you for all the amazing and thankfully free mods that you make. I had to stop working due to my body having had enough and crying 'uncle'. Now I'm disabled and my family's income was cut in half. So for me and my kids, free mods is what I can afford. Not what I'd like to pay but what I can afford. It's your passion at making mods gives me passion to want to play the games that we both so enjoy. Please know that there are some old geeks that appreciate your work too. -Imprezza86 BTW: in case you are wondering but I doubt it (hehe). There is no name for what is wrong with me except that pain and I are good friends. I can't sit for long, stand for long, or even walk that far before the pain gets pretty bad. Laying in bed is what I do most days and that can hurt too. I miss working far more than most people hate their jobs. Don't waste time feeling bad for me though because there are other folks a lot worse off. It is what it is and life goes on. I can still use a computer, thank God, and enjoy computer games. I have an amazing wife and kids that I couldn't live without. Now go play more games!!
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